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It’s an unfortunate truth that the world keeps getting more expensive. Prices for food, materials, and transportation have been trending upward for a few years now, and Warhammer isn’t immune to that trend.


This means that from the 10th June we’ll be increasing some prices in our Warhammer stores and on Warhammer.com.


The price changes for individual products will vary, but in most countries the average change will be between 3% and 5%.* As an example of what you can expect, a squad of Necron Warriors goes up $2 from $50 to $52, £30 to £31.50, and €40 to €41 (or local currency equivalent).


The prices of some of our products aren’t changing, such as paint pots and paint sets, White Dwarf, and Black Library products (including digital publications). 


We understand that no one likes a price rise and we’ve done our best to keep prices down. We’re giving you a heads-up now so that you have plenty of time to take advantage of current prices. 



We knew this was coming anyway.

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> * In Sweden and Norway, the average price change will be between 8% and 14%.


Well, between the range deletions and being priced out, I've basically shifted to just painting larger GW models. Not going to play any of the large games any time soon. Maybe some KT / WarCry, since I already have stuff for them.

It's been a nice decade+ since I've been back to the hobby, but I'd rather play something with modern rules and where the publisher isn't price gouging the life out of me and my friends.

My next hobby purchase? A 3D printer...


The profit margins of GW are inflated above and beyond profits other companies make. A successful business should make around 5% on products, whereas GW makes 30%.


Greed. Pure greed.

Edited by Captain Idaho

Worth keeping in mind that prices are going up in general for all goods, not just luxuries. Admittedly, it was mildly shocking to see the price of a cucumber at Asda drop back down to £0.89 from the £1.06 it'd been sat at for months.

  On 5/7/2024 at 11:18 AM, System Sound said:

I wonder how long will GW Keep pushing prices up, before people give up en mass....



Pretty sure the completely regular and predictable annual price increase has been described as the final nail in GWs coffin for at least the last 5 years (very probably longer than that) 

  On 5/7/2024 at 11:18 AM, System Sound said:

I wonder how long will GW Keep pushing prices up, before people give up en mass....


It's churn...


People like me are not the consumers GW want. I am so far out the Hobby Trumpet, I left the band and moved halfway across the world.


Short the models I have I no longer use any GW hobby products. And these days I can print most of the stuff I like... 


I have pretty much all the Primaris stuff outside of Characters.  Gone are the days of me spending over £4.5k in one year.

Edited by Brother Captain Arkley

I'm largely done at this point. Inevitable but does come across as pure greed. 


I've enough orks, heresy and AoS to last a lifetime. Recently picked up a song of ice and fire as a full army for that is less than a combat patrol box and again, another alt activations game.


For what it's worth star wars legion was relatively cheaper but pricing there has rocketed too over the last year. 


It'd be nice if salaries actually kept up. Never have had as much coming in, yet always everything goes out. Thankfully I have a friend with a printer and trollet minis is knocking out outstanding old school style orks. 


Apart from picking up the heresy command squad and cc weapons, I think I'm done.

  On 5/7/2024 at 11:22 AM, Joe said:

Worth keeping in mind that prices are going up in general for all goods, not just luxuries. Admittedly, it was mildly shocking to see the price of a cucumber at Asda drop back down to £0.89 from the £1.06 it'd been sat at for months.


With the 30-40% markup GW has had over production costs for the last decade or so, and their unwillingness to cease shifting any cost increase directly and immediately onto the customers, they can shove inflation where the Astronomican don't shine.

This one feels bad.


They talk about how much people are struggling, so they hike their own prices despite having very profitable years for some time.


Definitely a case of Greed before Need.

  On 5/7/2024 at 11:18 AM, System Sound said:

I wonder how long will GW Keep pushing prices up, before people give up en mass....


Sadly I think GW sales are propped up by a small very wealthy fanbase, who buy everything, and several armies a year. 

  On 5/7/2024 at 11:28 AM, 01RTB01 said:

I'm largely done at this point. Inevitable but does come across as pure greed. 


I've enough orks, heresy and AoS to last a lifetime. Recently picked up a song of ice and fire as a full army for that is less than a combat patrol box and again, another alt activations game.


For what it's worth star wars legion was relatively cheaper but pricing there has rocketed too over the last year. 


It'd be nice if salaries actually kept up. Never have had as much coming in, yet always everything goes out. Thankfully I have a friend with a printer and trollet minis is knocking out outstanding old school style orks. 


Apart from picking up the heresy command squad and cc weapons, I think I'm done.


I am having a lot of fun with Shatterpoint. Two boxes is all you need. Rules are free. And the game plays fantastic. 

  On 5/7/2024 at 11:18 AM, Captain Idaho said:

My next hobby purchase? A 3D printer...


The profit margins of GW are inflated above and beyond profits other companies make. A successful business should make around 5% on products, whereas GW makes 30%.


Greed. Pure greed.



When I was in retail selling outdoorsy gear, those brands were selling stuff at a 100-150% markup vs the wholesale price (which already has a profit margin baked in), and that was nearly 20 years ago now. 


A successful business will make the most profit it can with the product it sells before the price of those products is an active cause of a detrimental drop in uptake. The idea that any privately owned business would cap its profit at some absolutely arbitrary percentage simply because you and I would prefer it is totally laughable. 



  On 5/7/2024 at 11:28 AM, Kastor Krieg said:

With the 30-40% markup GW has had over production costs for the last decade or so, and their unwillingness to cease shifting any cost increase directly and immediately onto the customers, they can shove inflation where the Astronomican don't shine.



I mean, that kind of mark-up is generally industry-wide, and Games Workshop are earnestly on the lower side; one of my old employers sells boxes of plastic miniatures for £25 RRP that cost approximately £4 to produce, sprue, box and all included. That's around an 84/85% mark-up.


I still agree Games Workshop could stand to hold off on the annual price rises, at the very least. Once every two years really ought to keep them far enough in the green that they shouldn't have any issues.

Four things are certain in life:

  • Death
  • Taxes
  • GW price rises
  • People saying this GW price rise is the last straw for them 

Not that the frustration isn't valid, but it feels like half this forum has "bought GW product for the last time" at least once now. Even I've said it. We'll all be coming back here to complain this time is the last time next year. 


Edited by Lord Marshal
  On 5/7/2024 at 11:18 AM, Captain Idaho said:

My next hobby purchase? A 3D printer...




It is an excellent addition to your hobby tools, I will say one thing though be careful how much you print as your pile of shame will be huge! I have boxes of stuff I have printed or made myself that easily equals my existing pile of shame, the main advantage is I get to keep both my kidneys. :laugh:


I think while the news of price increases isn't particularly shocking anymore I won't be buying any more GW products. I have tons and tons of Heresy and Blood Bowl unpainted and now is the time for me to draw the line I think. So some of that is on them for raising prices and FOMO marketing but I also have to admit that I am also to blame for a lack of self control and discipline in this area of my life.


At the end of the day it's perfectly fine for anyone to be shocked and put out by this kind of news but to be honest we all know it's coming and most still keep buying it. 

Price increases due to inflation and increased costs are understandable


A problem for a lot of people is them being on top of price increases from the roughly 5 years pre covid when inflation was neglible and profits were booming. Plus if they hadnt groxed up their website/distribution theyd make more moeny.


I know GW is a slow ship to turn but they have moved a bit towards more carrot rather than stick based sales tactics eg more battleforces instead of versus boxes. That said I think if they went further with consumer friendly sales tactics theyd reap the rewards eg a subscription for rules/codexes

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