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Chapter Approved: Pariah Nexus Mission Deck

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Posted (edited)

Seems these will be a yearly thing then.






Each Pariah Nexus Mission Deck contains 69 cards, including both Attacker and Defender decks of Secondary Missions and Secret Missions, so just one pack will cater to both players in a game. You’ll also get six pop-out objective tokens, so all you need to bring along is your army, some terrain, measuring sticks, and dice.


The Chapter Approved: Pariah Nexus Mission Deck is due to land in just a few months, and we’ll let you know when it goes up for pre-order here at Warhammer Community.



Edited by Lord Marshal
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Going back to the topic, new missions and mission rules are very much welcome. Leviathan is generally pretty solid, but there's a decent amount of duff stuff or things that just don't quite work. Nice to see them trying to incentivise Battleline as well.

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Goodbye needlessly janky Gambits, I've only managed to score one so far but they were hilarious to try to get. Being able to keep it a secret seems pretty fun and means your opponent has a bit more of a harder try at denying it


I like the focus on Battleline scoring it's nothing new in 40k, mind. The Marked for Death Secondary currently looks to work on units that are moved into Strategic Reserves as well as those you destroy which I like as otherwise there would be no counter play to say GK just putting those three in Strategic reserves for a few turns to deny scoring :biggrin:

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Posted (edited)

"Secret Missions" feel like an big improvement on Gambits, and the VP balancing with them feels better I think?


More of a reason to take Battleline units is a good thing IMO. Some armies seem to take non at all in the reasonably competitive lists I've seen and that always feels a little wrong to me.


Also there's a note at the bottom that Actions are returning which is a welcome thing. Leviathan seemed to have a bunch of pseudo-actions that weren't united under an actual mechanic which, given the return of USRs in the main rules and the existence of Actions in 9th, seemed odd.

Edited by Doobles57
Missed a word
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Posted (edited)

I knew that as soon as I broke down and ordered the leviathan mission deck that they’d announce the next one. 

It being Pariah Nexus does make me wonder if the original intent was to release it alongside the Pariah Nexus crusade book and some delay with printing or whatever held it up this long. 

EDIT: spelling

Edited by Shield-Captain
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Posted (edited)
22 minutes ago, Shield-Captain said:

It being Pariah Nexus does make me wonder if the original intent was to release it alongside the Pariah Nexus crusade book and some delay with printing or whatever held it up this long. 


Joke apart (include smiley here), your comment makes me wonder if it could be that the "Redacted" release shown on the current Roadmap (right after Adepta Sororitas Codex) couldn´t be a Campaign book, instead of a Codex "agent of the Imperium" or anything else...



EDit: And I see that the Leviathan Deck is sold out online anyway... The King is dead, long life to the King.

Edited by Bouargh
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14 minutes ago, Bouargh said:


Joke apart (include smiley here), your comment makes me wonder if it could be that the "Redacted" release shown on the current Roadmap (right after Adepta Sororitas Codex) couldn´t be a Campaign book, instead of a Codex "agent of the Imperium" or anything else...



EDit: And I see that the Leviathan Deck is sold out online anyway... The King is dead, long life to the King.


Its a codex roadmap, that redacted thing is definitely a codex.


However, Im still on the fence on codex agents of the imperium, and since the first rumors last year about the 3 boxes, and even/especially the print leak ( mostly because the grey knights feature page)... still think the agents of the imperium release is not a codex, but part of a campaign book. I even think it could release before the summer codices.


Mind you, Im much more wrong than right with theories, Im also very unconvinced by my own theories, I just throw them out there ;)


Was there any indication in the last Pariah nexus book that there might be a sequel ?

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Shatter Cohesion has me scratching my head. As I understood it, in 10th tabling your opponent nets an automatic win. Why would you need an extra 20 VP?

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6 minutes ago, Cpt_Reaper said:

Shatter Cohesion has me scratching my head. As I understood it, in 10th tabling your opponent nets an automatic win. Why would you need an extra 20 VP?


Idk if it's buried in the rules somewhere or just a tournament implementation, but they tend to play tabling as just...giving you the remaining turns to maximize any vps you'd be able to score. If you table your opponent on the bottom of the last turn but they're ahead on points, you still have a good chance to lose.

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Posted (edited)
58 minutes ago, Shield-Captain said:

I knew that as soon as I broke down and ordered the leviathan mission deck that they’d announce the next one. 

It being Pariah Nexus does make me wonder if the original intent was to release it alongside the Pariah Nexus crusade book and some delay with printing or whatever held it up this long. 

EDIT: spelling


We are getting close to being at the one year mark, which I would think might be their intent for mission packs like these. Any quicker and it might be a bit too fast and any slower and the game would be stale.


I think it's more that Pariah Nexus is going to be the focus for "season 2" of 10th edition, for lack of better terminology. I'd expect to continue to see a lot of Pariah based stuff in their marketing. 

11 minutes ago, Cpt_Reaper said:

Shatter Cohesion has me scratching my head. As I understood it, in 10th tabling your opponent nets an automatic win. Why would you need an extra 20 VP?


Not the case at all. There's nothing in the rules that describes this.


In an actual game, after you table, you continue to draw secondaries but you will gain maximum scoring for each turn possible from them on out (You = the person with models still on the table).  If the opponent had sticky objectives they would continue to trigger in a normal game, so that could change some arithmetic for the end game. In that case, you'd play the game out as much as necessary til there was 0 opponent influence on the board, and then proceed to score out.


It's technically possible to lose after tabling someone, but I think it'd have to be a wild game for that to happen unless it happens late in the 4th or 5th turn. 

Edited by DemonGSides
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20 minutes ago, DemonGSides said:


I think it's more that Pariah Nexus is going to be the focus for "season 2" of 10th edition, for lack of better terminology. I'd expect to continue to see a lot of Pariah based stuff in their marketing. 



Eventually a new starter set for celebrating season´s launch? A la "Eldritch Omens" box but set in the Pariah Nexus instead?

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51 minutes ago, shabadoit said:

I wonder if the picture of the Imperial agent group with DeathWatch in the back is indicative of what we'll see in that book.

Codex Exiles. 


Those models that dont make enough money, shall be forever entombed within:tongue:

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1 hour ago, Bouargh said:


Eventually a new starter set for celebrating season´s launch? A la "Eldritch Omens" box but set in the Pariah Nexus instead?

Would be AdMech vs Necrons, based on the current narrative

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Looks good and nice to see some objectives that are back into focusing on killing stuff. As it stands, imo, there is far too many objectives that just allow you to ignore the enemy and allow you to just make a camp fire and sit on objectives all game, with little to no concern about what your opponent does really. The focus on Battleline being important for some objectives is good however hopefully we see GW consider battleline units in terms of balance, right now if it is a big deal, Tau with their breachers and Kroot Horde ain't going to care much while other armies are going to be crying.

I like to see the move to have more "Warlord Matters" things in the game, and I like the change for secret missions, good balance imo. You can only take them if you are falling behind and they even cap your scoring at 90 total (battle ready paint does count in) which does mean they aren't no-brainer takes every game. Also, I like that you can just pick whichever one you want, does add a small layer to army building where you can have your army subtly tuned to being able to achieve secret missions while also having enough overlap that there is a mind-game aspect. I like it.


Hoping to see things like Cleanse and Deploy Teleport Homers ether toned down or having one of them removed. Again, these fixed missions allowed horde armies to just dominate by not needing to really interact with the enemy much at all and having no damage output other than weight of dice. They were far too aligned with Primary missions which meant if you were doing your secondaries, you were naturally doing primary too and your opponent was often able to just send in the second wave to continue the work, then the third wave...then the fourth...then...OH COME ON...I have had my flamers on OVERTIME with overwatch every turn...HOW DO YOU STILL HAVE MORE?


Oh and I hope if deploy teleport homers is a thing, maybe add something about reserve units not being able to do it...having armies that can using reinforcement strats often means that 4VP is basically free unless you can fully zone out your deployment zone...and good luck with that...means you likely ain't taking mid-field...

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I think the concern over horde armies feels a bit blown out of proportion considering they don't exist in the current meta barely at all, and really didn't exist before the Ork and Tau codexes. The biggest horde army, Tyranids, basically suck.


Yes that is part and parcel of dealing with 200 models in a 3 hour time limit, but also playing casual games, I don't think there's any issue with horde armies being better at doing objectives compared to more elite armies. Every army has access to cheap action monkeys at this point. 

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13 hours ago, Shield-Captain said:

I knew that as soon as I broke down and ordered the leviathan mission deck that they’d announce the next one. 

It being Pariah Nexus does make me wonder if the original intent was to release it alongside the Pariah Nexus crusade book and some delay with printing or whatever held it up this long. 

EDIT: spelling

Please help yourself to noise marine upgrade kits, FW fulgrim, resin breachers and some charnabal Sabres whilst you're at it lol 

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13 hours ago, Tokugawa said:

I wonder whether there is a way to acquire this deck with discounted price. Leviathan deck cost me $3.


If it comes as part of a set with minis, then it will end up somewhere for cheap. Leviathan deck was an "extra" on the launch set. Maybe we will see that here as well?

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