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What else do I need?

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I've finally started building my Votann, and on current points I've got 1420. I'd like to get to 2k but I'm not sure where to go next.


I've got:



Einhyr Champion


20 Hearthkyn Warriors

10 Einhyr Hearthguard 

3 Brokhyr Thunderkyn

5 Cthonian Beserks

6 Hernkyn Pioneers

1 Sagitaur

1 Hekaton Land Fortress


So pretty much a bit of everything.


Any suggestions?

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Perhaps wait just a bit for the new KT squad? It'll add something new to your collection. Perhaps even add the first Votann KT just to vary up your squads a bit, but I'm not sure you want 30 Hearthkyn.


It might also be worth waiting a bit to see if Votann will get a release this year and pickup some new stuff

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9 hours ago, ServoBadger said:

I've finally started building my Votann, and on current points I've got 1420. I'd like to get to 2k but I'm not sure where to go next.


I've got:



Einhyr Champion


20 Hearthkyn Warriors

10 Einhyr Hearthguard 

3 Brokhyr Thunderkyn

5 Cthonian Beserks

6 Hernkyn Pioneers

1 Sagitaur

1 Hekaton Land Fortress


So pretty much a bit of everything.


Any suggestions?


I play my Votann as Dwarf Guilds in OnePageRules, so my advice here is suspect.


However, people really seem to like Sagitaurs and Thunderkyn. Maybe add some more of those? They are cool models too so you can always fall back on that!:cool:

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Yeah this is a classic conundrum once you have 1-2 of everything in the line - getting the last unit or two is really just becomes a question of taste.


Another Sagitaur and land fortress is probably the quickest route to 2k (depending how long vehicles take you to paint).

Another 10 Hearthguard would also be good (well - probably 2x5 so you can put 5 in Fortress, and deepstrike 10 + 5?), but more expensive

Reinforcing to the full 6 thunderkyn seems like an inevitability as well. I like being able to reinforce most units if I'm gonna take them in the first place.

Still - you can't really go wrong if you just get whatever you'll most enjoy painting, I tend to figure.




The Good Doctor.

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