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The Fiery Heart vs Order of our Martyred Lady

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Hey folks; not sure how many people who check this forum also check the Liber, but for the Iron Gauntlet Challenge, I wrote up an Order called the Sisters of Saint Katherine's Aegis. Their deal is that they've been cut off from the Imperium since before Katherine was martyred, and as I see it, that essentially makes them a whole different Order.


At first, the idea was that on the battlefield, they wouldn't perform like a Cult of Martyrs, because they don't know their Matron Saint was martyred and they never lived through the slaughter at Armageddon or Sanctuary 101. They would have more of Katherine's impetuous, indomitable, fiery nature than modern OoOML, who are indoctrinated to venerate death in battle. Additional, they would have no knowledge of the Bloody Rose or the Sacred Rose. They wouldn't know about Tyranids or Tau.


I created a detachment based on material from 9th that didn't get cycled into the index, and I've created a couple of datacards too. The whole challenge (all 5 parts) are connect to the Chronicles of Saint Katherine's Aegis club. Here's a direct link to the Sisters of Saint Katherine's Aegis post, including the detachment.


What do you think Sisters in general might have looked like at the end of Vandire's Reign of Blood? How do you envision the Matron Saints of the six major Orders?



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I think the Bride/ Daughters of the Emperor wore habits and garments similar to modern day nuns so Greys, whites, and blacks. After seeing the Emperor in person, Alicia Dominica and her bodyguard slowly began changing to their orders before and after Sebastian Thor was made to come to power. Their numbers had grown during Vandire’s reign so dividing up to the 6 orders makes sense.  I know there is blurb about Blood rose was because of St. Minas fiery attitude and desire for close combat 

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