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Hernkyn Yaegirs 40k Rules

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5+ save is disappoint.


Lack of special wargear rules also disappoint, but I think GW are trying to avoid more kasrkin melta mine-shaped problems.


The role for them in 40k seems unfortunately limited to 'infiltrators holding space for advance and then dying turn 1', which is something you want to spend only minimum points on. So 1 unit won't go amiss, maybe 2 if you're going horde style and/or just want a cheapo reserve action monkey. I'd hope for like 80 points, but won't be surprised by 100.


If I run these it'll just be 10 of my OG kharadron arkanaut conversions since they look like they're lighter armoured anyway and in headcanon their infiltrate ability is just pre-game teleportation.




The Good Doctor.

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On 5/31/2024 at 3:32 PM, Dr. Clock said:

5+ save is disappoint.




I don't quite understand why they have only a 5+. Both the Brokkyr Ironmaster and Hernkyn pioneers are wearing the very same armour, yet have better saves. Lore-wise it was said that their coats are lined with shielding and armour to offer protection too.



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13 minutes ago, TheVoidDragon said:

I don't quite understand why they have only a 5+. Both the Brokkyr Ironmaster and Hernkyn pioneers are wearing the very same armour, yet have better saves. Lore-wise it was said that their coats are lined with shielding and armour to offer protection too.


IIRC both of those are actually wearing a Void-Suit under the coat tho, where as the Yaegirs aren't wearing a full void suit.

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On 6/4/2024 at 9:34 PM, Indy Techwisp said:


IIRC both of those are actually wearing a Void-Suit under the coat tho, where as the Yaegirs aren't wearing a full void suit.


All Kin are wearing a void suit except the Beserks who only have the trousers, it's the lighter green/grey under layer on the Yaegir. It's just a standard part of the Kin, but that isn't what provides their armour - void armour goes ontop of that.


The Yaegir here are wearing the very same level of armour as the Brokkhyr and the Hernkyn Pioneers, which both have a 4+. There's less coverage so less armour than the full Hearthkyn void armour, but it was said that their coats are lined with protective elements like shields and armour weaves, which seemed to be why the Pioneers and Brokkyr had a 4+ still.

Even Tau Pathfinders still have a 4+ despite being visibly less armoured than standard Firewarriors.

It just seems a bit odd when the Kin are meant to be elite warriors who are some of the best craftsmen in the galaxy, who operate in a "no half measures" way and who are using advanced DAOT designs.

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  • 2 weeks later...
12 hours ago, Lord Marshal said:

80pts according to the latest Field Manual

Good catch, I missed it because their pts-entry was just kinda... there, no color or anything, just the same grey as everything else.

They seem worth 8 ppm I'd say. 5+ save isn't exactly amazing, but they're still T5 and are fast (for a dwarf) with infiltrate and some decent weapons to boot.
I'll probably try to get a unit of 10 at least.

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On 6/20/2024 at 8:52 PM, Minsc said:

try to get a unit of 10 at least.

I'm just going to swap 10 of my original converted kharadron arkanauts who have so far been Hearthkyn. If I just use the ones with the least boltery weapons they should be fine as a shotgun unit:




May try and figure out a sniper, but equally may claim the harpoon gunner with optic is packing a different kind of harpoon than the one with the EMPs. Decksweepers as shotguns makes more 40k sense than bolter too.




The Good Doctor.

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