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Exemplary Battles - The Assault on Castrum Velx (ft. Sanginuary Guard)

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While i am glad for our Blood Angels players on finally getting a unit i know many of them have wanted for a while. 


I feel like maybe...just MAYBE actually giving every faction in 30k a unit would have been nice before starting the second round of marines. 


Have the BA fight someone who also needs a unit and kill 2 birds with 1 stone. 

Edited by Nagashsnee
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6 minutes ago, Mr Farson said:

Surprised at the lack of a flag option in the rules 


You clearly didn't read the rules then.



One Sanguinary Guard in a Sanguinary Guard Squad selected as a Retinue Squad may exchange their Perdition weapon for a power weapon and a Legion standard for +15 points.


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Stunning kitbash, but expen$ive build. 


Also, Henry must be looking at a different kit from the minimal effort command kit I can see. :angel:

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Nice to finally get rules for them, it doesnt bode well for the 40k sanguinary guard kit though, this seems to reinforce the rumours about a Primaris version coming to replace them, buy them while you can! The kitbash will look a lot better!

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1 hour ago, Nagashsnee said:

While i am glad for our Blood Angels players on finally getting a unit i know many of them have wanted for a while. 


I feel like maybe...just MAYBE actually giving every faction in 30k a unit would have been nice before starting the second round of marines. 


Have the BA fight someone who also needs a unit and kill 2 birds with 1 stone. 


Every Legion got a unit with the last with the Exemplary Battles, you even got Demon Engines like the Brass Scorpion.

SolAux got new stuff with the last book.


The only ones lacking are Mech, Custodes and SoS.

Mech probably will get some after they got their plastic stuff and SoS are still stuck with a single plastic kit you already need to convert for the army list, as long as you dont go 3d printing.

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I find it mildly amusing that the last round of legion exemplary battle units gave the blood Angels a not-sanguinary guard squad. Their rules are also rather similar; both veteran profiles in artificer, both 0-1 HQ support, both chosen warriors, both can swap into a retinue. Really reminds me of the whole contekar/atrementar nonsense.


In the end, the sang guard are way better when going jump packs, and probably still better when not. Squad size is important, perdition weapons (axes) are really good, access to line and fearless is way better, and getting buffed even more by sang (who gives some great jump pack buffs anyways) is great. 


Talking about the sang synergy, they fit in very nicely to a DoR drop bomb. Getting boosted to ws6 off the charge is huge, fearless is super good to avoid pinning, scoring lets you maybe score in the opponents back line. Previously you'd want a dawnbreaker unit with a jump Herald to kinda have the same thing going, and you can do some rjiggering that way. 

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1 hour ago, Bung said:


Every Legion got a unit with the last with the Exemplary Battles, you even got Demon Engines like the Brass Scorpion.

SolAux got new stuff with the last book.


The only ones lacking are Mech, Custodes and SoS.

Mech probably will get some after they got their plastic stuff and SoS are still stuck with a single plastic kit you already need to convert for the army list, as long as you dont go 3d printing.

So everyone got one...except those who did not? 


And getting new miniatures has nothing to do with these articles, these articles are suppose to be about adding cool new things that will likely never get a miniature but can be easily made.  There is no reason to not give custodes a unit (heck just have them painted in a certain way to symbolism some special task), or mech, or sisters or knights or anyone. EVERYONE should have gotten one. Not having to wait on mini releases to give us new stuff is the entire point. 


Give solar auxilia some weird thing, throw mech a bone. put out some sisters of silence using AOS bits,  put pit armiger with a clearly tact on 40k gun, it doesnt matter as long as the bits can be bought and the minis made. Make every faction have their 1 special day, and then go back to 18 rounds of power armor.  

Edited by Nagashsnee
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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Nagashsnee said:

So everyone got one...except those who did not? 


And getting new miniatures has nothing to do with these articles, these articles are suppose to be about adding cool new things that will likely never get a miniature but can be easily made.  There is no reason to not give custodes a unit (heck just have them painted in a certain way to symbolism some special task), or mech, or sisters or knights or anyone. EVERYONE should have gotten one. Not having to wait on mini releases to give us new stuff is the entire point. 


Give solar auxilia some weird thing, throw mech a bone. put out some sisters of silence using AOS bits,  put pit armiger with a clearly tact on 40k gun, it doesnt matter as long as the bits can be bought and the minis made. Make every faction have their 1 special day, and then go back to 18 rounds of power armor.  


I suspect the reason SA and Mech haven't received anything (sans the Daemon Engines) is because releasing an Exemplary Battle mid-plastification could cause issues if the articles make the 'suggestion conversions' out of date very quickly. That, and most of both ranges are still in resin instead of plastic. A lot of people will just throw up their arms and go "well I'm not wasting money on a conversion for resin models, are GW stupid?"


Marines have the advantage of fifty thousand different kits that won't be going away anytime soon.


I expect they'll give SA and Mech something for Exemplaries when more of their range is in plastic. 


Edited by Lord Marshal
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I'm in the camp of those who don't want 30 versions of 40K units but they do look cool.

And I know they are in the books and the lore.

Edited by Corswain
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I think what I like the most about this is the community engagement - getting Cult of Paint and SN battle reports involved is good marketing. It helps that I subscribe to both already.

I hope they continue to involve community like this and not just do the "here is what the same 6 painters did with this new release," article. I'm not saying there isn't a place for that but this feels better.

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RIP Firstborn Sanguinary Guard then. Very, very glad to finally have these guys in 30K and the mixed kits look perfect for what I wanted to do for a normal command squad. 

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I think its great they brought in influencer types to boost the exemplary units but this is probably one of the weakest kit bashes theyve done unfortunately, mostly because the command squad bits are so mediocre and the unit looks so far from how its described and previously depicted.

Still, nothing stopping folks making better looking units with the 40k unit whilst we still have it, and who knows, we might just be being cynical and there is a softening on the great divide between systems, not an official one obviously but the lines you have to read between and like, half a mile apart :D 

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8 hours ago, Nagashsnee said:

So everyone got one...except those who did not? 


And getting new miniatures has nothing to do with these articles, these articles are suppose to be about adding cool new things that will likely never get a miniature but can be easily made.  There is no reason to not give custodes a unit (heck just have them painted in a certain way to symbolism some special task), or mech, or sisters or knights or anyone. EVERYONE should have gotten one. Not having to wait on mini releases to give us new stuff is the entire point. 


Give solar auxilia some weird thing, throw mech a bone. put out some sisters of silence using AOS bits,  put pit armiger with a clearly tact on 40k gun, it doesnt matter as long as the bits can be bought and the minis made. Make every faction have their 1 special day, and then go back to 18 rounds of power armor.  


Then you muss the Point.

Everything not Marines are basically NPCs even in the novels.

All Units except Demons are made from existing Plastic Kits and Resin Upgrades for 30k stuff the other armies are lacking.


Neither Knights, Custodes, Sisters or Mech have any usable GW Upgrade Kits to make something special that isnt already in the existing Army list.


And No, you wont see any AoS or 40k Bits used in GWs Kitbashing Units as they dont want any Cross Game Sales, proven by the  SM stuff.

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7 minutes ago, Noserenda said:

I think its great they brought in influencer types to boost the exemplary units but this is probably one of the weakest kit bashes theyve done unfortunately, mostly because the command squad bits are so mediocre and the unit looks so far from how its described and previously depicted


Ya the disconnect between the warcom description and the conversions is real. 


"Clad in dazzling artificer golden artificer armour". 


It's just the assault marines kit with a head swap and maybe a few different shoulder pads (but like, different in the way the mk4 box has different pads, not super fancy different pads). Angel tears look way more artificed, as do the the ofanim conversions. Maybe that's why the sang guard are so plain; they already promoted the BA kit back then.

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