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Into which sub-section of this forum do I post my future Space Hulk battle report?

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As the title says. 


I will soon post an epic Space Hulk scenario in this forum with 25 Terminators taking part. The layout of the map covers my entire Mars mat. The objective will be to "flame" 18 (yes, eighteen!) rooms which harbour despicable experimental facilities turning common men into "Tainted" horrors of the 31st Millennium. Furthermore the Space Hulk will feature two levels and the upper level will be divided into two parts. 


What is keeping me from doing the battle report today? Well, my vintage SM terminator captain with auxiliary grenade launcher needs to be painted in IH colours and the mission will likely need to have a psyker in terminator armour too. Once those two are finished I can roll. Oh, and probably I will do a test run first because on New Mars they won´t be fighting genestealers in those cramped corridors but genetic abominations which will have slightly different stats.  



Pics of map layout:



2nd Edit:

I GOOFED! There won´t be 15 Terminators but 25. Therefore I will need to correct my initial post.

Edited by Deus_Ex_Machina
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Other Games (for Space Hulk) or Liber Victorum (for battle reports) or both. Good use of tags will be especially helpful; and I recommend: Space Hulk game, battle report, Space Hulk 2e or Space Hulk 3e or Space Hulk 4e (whichever rules edition you used), and whatever mission/campaign name is appropriate (as well as anything else that you think might be helpful).

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  • 2 weeks later...


10 turns have been shot. Both assault cannons dried up (no ammo left) and at two locations the marines have difficulties to proceed as abominations cluster around a corner each turn. They need to wait until a heavy flamer gets to the front who can burn the xenos filth away step by step.

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