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Escalation league list advice.

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Hail Brothers and Sisters!


Have my first games for a very, very long time this week and wanted the communities feedback on my intended list and how to run it.


Restricted by what I own as just starting out. Tournament escalates from 500 to 750 to 1,000 points over 3 rounds and we vote what to add next round e.g Vehicle however this restriction isn't that important.


First round is combat patrol rules so learning those. Then reverts to standard rules.


Ideally this is a learning experience with both 10th edition maneuvers and units for a 2k list.


At the moment my list is;


Librarian in terminator armour X 1.


Ballistus dreadnaught x1.


Baal predator X 1.


Jet pack intercessors X 5.


Intercessors X 5.


500 points on the dial. 


Not ideal to not run the Librarian in a squad. Leaves me with the dilemma about starting him on the table or not.


The alternative list is;


Librarian in terminator armour x1.


Terminators x5.


Ballistus Dreadnaught X1.


Jetpack intercessors x5.


Or intercessors x5.


Loose the Baal predator and either mobility or shooting from a squad so both play a bit differently.


Any ideas please?


Thanks, Brother Raul.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Missed the first round as had to go back in for surgery again. Hasn't been a fun couple of months in that respect.


Have the make up games this Friday night (3 games).


Took the second list purely because if the next points upgrade is a vehicle I'll both have to buy a new vehicle and get locked out of terminators.


There were 5 scoring/ actions units in the first list + 48 wounds and only 3/42 in the second.


At 500 points SM will struggle a bit so the idea is take the deathstar unit in the 500 points then add the 'troops' over the next 2 rounds plus whatever unit type gets nominated.


I've taken SOS for icon of the angel. Think it's super underated and will help with lower OC volumes.


The 750 point round is August 3rd at the moment it's 745 points;


Lieutenant SS, MCPW, PP. No enhancement.


2 X 5 intercessors, PS, PP.


5 JPI, PF, PP x2.


Baal predator, flamers.


Ballistus dreadnaught.


5 Terminators.


I've dropped the Lib HQ to find 5 points for the intercessors. Otherwise it's paint some scouts instead of the 2nd intercessors squad.


Either way it's much more balanced and has heaps for action/scoring units.

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