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Question concerning co-op play in the upcoming SM 2 video game


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Hello folks,


I am currently planning to get invested in the new SM2 video game especially in the co-op department as this reminds me a lot of the successful Helldiver 2 franchise which I can´t be a member of because of my XBOX affiliation.


And now to the question:

How is co-op play organized in these shooter games? Do you need to create a guild with a few selected members? Or is there simply a lobby and whoever happens to be online at the moment can join in on the mission? Is there some sort of "guild leader" supervising the "squad" composition who has the authority of removing players?


This thread can also be used to get into contact with me on Discord to form a squad of Space Marines in the future. If you are interested to "RIP & TEAR" together with a remorseless Iron Hand (I wonder who is that going to be?   :)   ) then send me please a private message. In that way we can exchange Discord names and plan ahead on which days of the week the traitor, witch and the xenos will have to run for their lives.


In the meantime I will need to polish my shooter skills by playing the latest Doom game which still lingers untouched in my gaming library.

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Might want to stretch on a 3rd person shooter instead of 1st person; it's probably not too big of a deal, but something like Gears of War is probably gonna feel a lot closer to SM2 than DOOM will, at least in the control department.  That being said, both new DOOM games are freaking sweet, so have fun!!!


Most likely there will be lobbies and you'll have to make a Saber interactive account to meet up with other players; cross platform play is the standard now a days, so getting games together is USUALLY not that hard.


That being said we don't know quite yet how they're gonna do it. We will probably get a promo video about multiplayer closer to release. 


I'm also super hyped.  The rogue-like mode they mentioned where operations are randomly slammed together sounds slick and great for play longevity. 

Edited by DemonGSides
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I'm 99% that the co-op cmpaign and missions will allow you to join as a party of 3, and will also allow you to queue/join a lobby as a solo player. In SM1, the multiplayer on xbox allowed party and solo in the online PvP, so there's no reason to expect this to be removed for the second game.

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In yesterdays June update post on steam they have a link to the official discord which has a clan/guild thing in the #promote channel.

Actually let me just post the actual link: https://discord.gg/n87AreqT3Y 


And this reminds me; why was the SM2 thread moved from News to Other Games? Are video game news technically not hobby news?

Edited by Nephaston
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At the moment, your guess is as good as ours.

It could be a "pre-made" team only, where you have to manually invite your friends. It could be matchmade, where you can just jump in on someone else random. It could be based on guilds or clans. It could have some combination of all of the above. 

I wouldn't be surprised if it's some combination of the first two as that's pretty normal these days for how many similar games work. 

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