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Bringers of Flame detachment

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I got the brand new codex and pretty excited about it.  Well besides the 25% roughly price increase things got before release. Oh well, guess in 3 months well see how it goes.

Anyway, I was looking at Bringers of Flame detachment and I was like oh praise the emperor.  It definitely the tread head detachment.  I am going to run my models with the Ebon Chalice colors and it seems to fit them regardless.  I am not sure how I want to run things yet.  Especially seeing dominons are the same price as a battle sister squad.  With dominions able to fall back also seems super powerful.  One thing I realize I need a second castigator.  

Now I so want to try things out but do need to push through a friends space marine army.  As most of my stuff is still in the boxes of shame!!!  Was wondering what everyone else thought about this detachment though.

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Seraphim lead by A Jet-Cannoness  with the "Torrent gets plus 1 autohit" enhancement looks brutal - 9d6+9 Autohits, plus 12 Sustained Hit Bolt Pistols, all at STR 5. And then you can rock the give "torrent weapons Dev Wounds" strat for free, since Canonness, and you're looking at approx 6.5 dev wounds plus whatever else your shooting.

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Yeah I was seeing this.  Also there is a command thing that lets you pop out of a transport and shoot back.  Then if its dominions they can just fall back right into said tank.  Unlike the retributors that get stuck there.  It does look very flavorful.  Let's you push out the hurt at close range. 

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Unfortunately I have not even had time to take my codex out of shrink wrap. But post Call to Arms I am going to be working (restarting?) on my Adepta Sororitas Order of the Valorous Heart.

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6 hours ago, Sume said:

Yeah I was seeing this.  Also there is a command thing that lets you pop out of a transport and shoot back.  Then if its dominions they can just fall back right into said tank.  Unlike the retributors that get stuck there.  It does look very flavorful.  Let's you push out the hurt at close range. 

They only get the free move if enemy finishes a normal, advance or fall back move. Unlikely that'll happen in your opponents shooting phase when they damage a transport


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Correct me if I'm wrong, but this is the detachment that gives everything [ASSAULT], right?

I've played one game against it so far and I can't really say that I saw it do much for my opponent.

It was a 1000pt game tho, so I guess it works better when you've got more points to throw at vehicles and stuff that wants to advance.

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Yeah I’m liking this as one of the enhancements was the Order of the Valorous Heart relics. And one of the Stratagems was their special rules. Plus Assault heavy bolters wielding retributors…excuse to bring multi melta squads too.



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When I first was looking at this detachment.  I was like well str 5 bolters sounds tasty, all the +1 str stuff for anything in 12".  Saw something about the serphaim being able to restrike.  Need to figure that one out.  As that sounds good, deep strike in, shoot out all the hand flamers, and bolters, then go redeep strike again.  Also seemed a retribtor squad with multi meltas be really good.  For sure, the question is rhinos or immolators.  Having 2 castigators seems nice.  With the bonus the tank gives.  Shoot something with a heavy bolter, let the rest of the army get its bonus then fire the rest of its guns at the big targets.

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with bonuses to torrent, I say Immolators, but the strategems to disembark Rhinos would be nice too. I think it really depends on the squad you are using it for. Rhinos for Battle sisters, Repentia, and Dominions. Immolators for the rest.

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Okay I was very wrong.  The Angelic Descent is for the Army of Faith.  So no redeep striking Serphaim and Zepheriam with the Bringers of Flame.  Still like the idea of this detachment though.  

I got asked to attend the Las Vegas Open for 2025.  My buddy I am painting Space Marines for paid for the ticket as part of the total commission payment.  As he now has roughly like 6k worth of the suckers.  I was like ya that will take a lot of time, so need to reprice based on the original estimate of a 2k army.  

Now the question is what to take for a narrative game.  I dont see a player package yet so can't really judge on what to take.  I was thinking of taking Serphaim, immolators, either dominions, or retributors.  I also wanted to use some of the celestian sacrants since I got them them painted up.  Figured for a 1k list.  Going to put together what I have assembled and painted for sure by that point.  Also, I suspect we will get 2 point balance patches by then.  

I do really like this detachment and it will be the first one in this codex I'll experiment with.  I like the idea of everything being assault weapons and getting 1 str in 12 inch range.

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2 hours ago, WAR said:

MM Retributors in an Immolator would be good auto choice IMHO



Oh for sure.  I figured flamer immolators but not sure.  A lot of it will depend on what my friend wants to bring.  Assault MM sounds really disturbing though.  

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I think the Flame Immolators make the most sense. MM Immolator would be nice but would draw tons of fire and HB Immolators make a great fire support base.

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I used to run my immolators as flame or MM in prior editions.  I liked the tank popping power of the MM immolator but I found it was better for the flamer version.  As like older editions 5th to 8th.  I found melta on the troops was pretty much standard so needed some extra ways to flame.  Of course, a lot of whatever I decided to paint and bring is going to boil down to whatever this narrative package is going to be requesting from the lists and what sort of fire base my friend plans to use with the Space Marines.  From the models I currently have to paint.  He gots assault terminators, primaris terminators, repressors, reavers, scouts, and a bunch of dakka loaded devastors.  

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I ran lots of MM immolators back in the day. The single Flame Immolator had my Canoness with her combi-melta, and Dominions with Stormbolters and Veteran sister had a stormbolter too. I ran my Battle Sisters as Meltagun and Heavy Flamers.  

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Posted (edited)

I had the chance to run a Bringer of Flame detachment yesterday in a 2K game against Grey Knights.  The extra strength buff on things like flamer pistols and all of the bolt weapons was a big help and made some of our more humble weapons feel more useful.  Even the buff on melta guns made a difference as I could wound T5 infantry on a 2+.


While I did well remembering the strength buff to guns, I mostly forgot about the advantages of all weapons being assault.  The real bummer is that before this most recent update, assault weapons were hugely helpful in completing objective actions even after running.  Unfortunately assault no longer has that added bonus which brings the detachment down a bit.


I got the most use out of the Dev wounds flamer, armor of contempt and basic overwatch strats.  +1 to wound vs units on an objective was situationally useful.  The two transport based strats didn't come up.

Edited by Bonzi
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