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Welcome to part two of the Blood Angels Unit of the Week series!

Following the release of the 10th edition Index, there is no better time to discuss all the units we have access to. Each week a different unit will appear, with the idea being that we discuss how best to use that model on the battlefield. Where part one will discuss the units from the units found within Index: Blood Angels, parts two to four will discuss Index: Space Marines, part five will be Imperial Armour, and part six will be Legends.
Note, this isn't to lament any nerfs, etc, from previous editions; the rules are as they are so try to unlock its potential for those who wish to use them all the same. Similarly, this thread is only for using the option being discussed; it matters not if you feel something is a better choice as such comments aren't constructive to the topic and shall be removed.
Without further ado, here's this week's entry:


sml_gallery_62972_10568_1098.jpg Lieutenant with Combi-weapon

What are you thoughts here folks? How best would you use a Lieutenant with Combi-weapon?

  • To compliment a list, or to build a list around? 
  • Are you taking multiples?
  • Are you using any Enhancements?
  • Which Detachment are you using?
  • What delivery options are you using? 
  • What deployment options are you using?
  • Stratagem synergy of note?


Over to you.


Please note that Lieutenant, Lieutenant in Phobos Armour, and Lieutenant in Reiver Armour will be discussed elsewhere.

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Should you want your model on display here (or on another thread), then submit a photo here please.


(Once I work out how best to float it!)




As an aside, the thread setup may change over the coming weeks until I'm happy with them. This includes the photos.

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I'll be honest I've never used one but have considered this unit for a recent tournament and it has some real playability however cannot be a Warlord.


Think the meta around these kind of units are actions based/ support. 10 points cheaper than incursors and does a similar job. 


Has the great set of lone op rules that makes him highly survivable. Gun and CCWs are both anti inf 4+ and get a few special rules. Too bad the gun is 1 shot (RF1) but hitting in melee with SH1 on a 2+ with 5A is good for hordes.


The 1PG out of turn normal move also helps with survivability and could bait a charge for another unit. Has tactical play here.


The +1 to wound on a nominated Objective is really strong. This could really help a unit wound on a 2+ or make chainswords threaten armour much more reliably.


We are wounding most GEQ in SOS on a 2+ regardless but a +1 wound helps a Baal and Chainswords threaten higher toughness targets.


I think you can put enhancements on Lieutenants however I've been wrong before. Artisan of war could be cool (Ap-1 on the PCB and 2+ armour) however maybe Icon of the angel.


On a cheap forward unit this could get you 5 VP for 10pts, maybe 10 VP. 

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I had been thinking of adding one of these guys to my roster. However the change of Lone Operative to 18" has made me reconsider. On average that will more than double the amount of units that can target him.

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