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Confirmed reports from one of Xin's neighbours:


Frodo it's over it's done meme



My idea on the Forbidden Lore / Research was doing the dice roll before writing something along the results as a sort of summary ( sort of a cutscene for the narrative)


^ This, mate. Apologies for confusion.


Edited by Mazer Rackham

Crux'as is not a person who needs gear or has the ability to craft anything other than probably false documents (Trade: Remembrancer + Scholastic Lore: Bureaucracy + Deceive), so that will be on the others to work out. Blackmail material, items useful for converting people towards the Gods, and the dubious gifts of Chaos, yes!


Omoc Xerxes has wares if Crux'as has coin salvage.

Edited by A.T.

You mean Xerxes? Don't know if the Smiler would trust a Red Scorpion Deathwatch marine...


Ah yes. Omoc even has a solo-mode ability to reflexively shoot anyone who might be corrupt so probably not the best guy to approach.


You mean Xerxes?



Ah yes. Omoc even has a solo-mode ability to reflexively shoot anyone who might be corrupt so probably not the best guy to approach.


He knew what he meant, lad...


Maybe I should set the Red Scorpions as the Sectorellian* Patrolling force...


Just an a FYI life has gone from steadily annoying to ERMAGAWD IT'S ALL ON FIRE, so I'll update when I can. It will be fairly generic.


Edited by Mazer Rackham
*= It's a bargain bin Astartesian, for Xin Ceithan.

Just an a FYI life has gone from steadily annoying to ERMAGAWD IT'S ALL ON FIRE, so I'll update when I can. It will be fairly generic.


If you need some time I am sure we can all wait without getting our characters killed. 

Hmm, well, much like how the Executioners as a whole refused to attack targets that weren't military, Hagga will probably refuse to go after places he sees as 'civilian'...


However, he's also not stupid, so he will likely advocate starting with something small, rather than trying to invade the Imperial Guard HQ...


Edit: re-looking at the Data thread, I wonder if the Ithyca II system is worth considering? While I wouldn't aim at the Lynchpin world yet, the asteroid belt might be a good place to hide out (and might have some useful bits of treasure?) and possibly we could strike out at either the Civilised world (Security 3) or the Agri world? (Security 2)



Edited by Lysimachus

I was thinking a light probing venture into The Aurean Reach might be a good start, with it being the information/administration hub. Try and get some decent intelligence to plan further action on.


Though if we need priorities physical resources  then Ithica might also be good.

I think both ideas are valid  - Ithica‘s asteroid belt probably looks like a good place to base further operations from - there might already be some minor raider  0r smuggler bases there that might be acquired / convinced to join our merry  band. It also puts both an agriworld and a commercial hub within striking distance which should t well for disrupting things in the sector. 

A covert raid  the Aurean Reach for intel also sounds like a good idea - setting up a base there and wreaking havoc on the administration of the sector is probably more time consuming (as it should be done more subtly) but might  open up some interesting opportunities. The Astrotelepathic choir there is obviously a prime target to hinder reinforcements Frommheit wider Imperium, but that‘s in all likelihood beyond our currentreach.

Crux'as would be looking for cults and/or those outside of normal Imperial scrutiny, such as Rogue Traders, to either corrupt/gain confidence/impersonate. Ithica would have some, as would the Aurean Reach, so either is acceptable to start with. The asteroid belts would probably be a good initial staging ground, especially if they have a local force of pirates/rebellious types to ally with/suborn. 

Alright my salubrious scallywags, I'll next update on Monday when everyone has had a chance to ask questions or threaten the peons.


At the moment, unless I have misunderstood, the frontrunner destination is Ithyca and the asteroid belt, with the Reach as a close second/strong area of interest. Unless folks change their (majority of) minds, the belt will be your first stop.


Is this alright with everyone?


EDIT: Scratch that, it will be Tuesday.


Edited by Mazer Rackham
Spinning plates

I might have a cunning plan… :pirate:


Might want to run it by me in PM first, in case the result is 'Yes but you lose an internal organ, roll D3' or 'No, you lose external organs, roll D5'.



Might want to run it by me in PM first, in case the result is 'Yes but you lose an internal organ, roll D3' or 'No, you lose external organs, roll D5'.

That seems reasonable - especially since I dread to find out what the definition is for an “external organ” :laugh:


That seems reasonable - especially since I dread to find out what the definition is for an “external organ” :laugh:


Hey, I'm a GM, not a Doctor.


Physician heal thyself! :pirate:


@Xin Ceithan re: "Warp Incursion Detected" 


What hath science wrought?!


Well, to quote another:


”Rockets go up.

But where they go down?..

Not my department,

says Wernher von Braun.”

The ship looked like this when we picked it up, I swear! Yes that section of the hull was missing! Of course a daemon had already infested the lower decks! No we didn't drive it directly into an asteroid field!


… and it’s obviously all Khardon’s fault anyway! :devil:


Funny, he says it's yours...


If anyone wants to add a post IC concerning any actions or thoughts your character has, please go ahead. However please do not go any further than embarking onto the magrail shuttle and heading for the disaster zone.


I will update some time on Friday, possibly, when I work out exactly what Khardon Rakash has done.

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