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If you are allowing Marines to join, I might be up for it?


Could I maybe re-jig or re-skin Oswyld from Vulgar Display? I put a fair bit of work into the sheet, I was quite happy with the rolls and xp spends, etc, and he didn't get the chance to kill anything :tongue:


Maybe I could rework him into an Executioner, one who chose to stay with Huron rather than admit he'd got it wrong? (Or one that wanted the Chapter to stick with the Tyrant, and that's why he ended up locked up?) That might fit better in my head with the ragtag mix of barely functional armour that you've described?


A bird wouldn't work as his Minion, but I could figure something else out...



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Posted (edited)
44 minutes ago, Necronaut said:

I know the consensus on parts of the internet (read: Reddit :rolleyes:) is that mixed parties are a no-no in Black Crusade, but I personally think it can be made to work.


Being brutally honest a moment, it's not just Reddit, there are a handful of GM's about whose opinion I respect that say the same. The real problem is the trouble you're going to get into as Marines is going to cook a mortal like Peri Peri Chicken. That can lead to poorly co-ordinated encounters having to be toned down to prevent derriere burger meat, and robbing the situation of threat.


With the set up here, I agree that shouldn't be too much of a problem.


44 minutes ago, Necronaut said:

For clarification: is the plan to start us off naked and afraid with the intent that we'll need to pry up loose floor panels and scrounge broken bottles for armour and weapons?


Yes. If you're Mortal, you'll be in general population (ie a city sized cell where everyone kind of mills about and stabs people for lho sticks, and the prison officers live in a tower which sprays heavy bolt rounds down when things get boring). If you're a Marine, you're classed a Dangerous Recidivist, and are equipped with a loincloth and rebar.


35 minutes ago, Trokair said:

I'll start working on the gravestone(s) then. 


Keep 'em cheap, we're buying bulk.


21 minutes ago, Lysimachus said:

If you are allowing Marines to join, I might be up for it?


More the merrier!


21 minutes ago, Lysimachus said:

Could I maybe re-jig or re-skin Oswyld from Vulgar Display? I put a fair bit of work into the sheet, I was quite happy with the rolls and xp spends, etc, and he didn't get the chance to kill anything :tongue:


Not a problem.


21 minutes ago, Lysimachus said:

Maybe I could rework him into an Executioner, one who chose to stay with Huron rather than admit he'd got it wrong? (Or one that wanted the Chapter to stick with the Tyrant, and that's why he ended up locked up?) That might fit better in my head with the ragtag mix of barely functional armour that you've described?


Sounds like a good place to start. If he's a full grown Marine, then we can place him as part of the raiding force looking for naked mongrels to hurl at Ultramarines.


21 minutes ago, Lysimachus said:

A bird wouldn't work as his Minion, but I could figure something else out...


Catachan Barking Toad? :nuke:


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Posted (edited)
27 minutes ago, Lysimachus said:

If you are allowing Marines to join, I might be up for it?


Could I maybe re-jig or re-skin Oswyld from Vulgar Display? I put a fair bit of work into the sheet, I was quite happy with the rolls and xp spends, etc, and he didn't get the chance to kill anything :tongue:


Maybe I could rework him into an Executioner, one who chose to stay with Huron rather than admit he'd got it wrong? (Or one that wanted the Chapter to stick with the Tyrant, and that's why he ended up locked up?) That might fit better in my head with the ragtag mix of barely functional armour that you've described?


A bird wouldn't work as his Minion, but I could figure something else out...




Don't make me turn this character into a traitor Lamenter, perhaps even Arcturion (from @Mazer Rackham's Space Hulk one-shot) as seen through a mirror darkly. 

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Posted (edited)
15 minutes ago, Necronaut said:

Caveat emptor.


Except here it's Caveat Imperator, you miserable, naked miscreant! :pirate:


I will increase PC Wounds as normal, ie +1 Wound on Rank Up, and possibly allow Mortals a boon of a couple of Wounds on top at Chargen.


However it's funny you mention damage, since I am also toying with* an increase in lethality - an Instant Death rule which states if you're decapitated, no Infamy Burn. You're toast.


* = Yes, this means it will likely make into the rules. And when I say likely, I actually mean absolutely.


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GM Haranguing within B&C Guidelines.
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36 minutes ago, Mazer Rackham said:

However it's funny you mention damage, since I am also toying with* an increase in lethality - an Instant Death rule which states if you're decapitated, no Infamy Burn. You're toast.


* = Yes, this means it will likely make into the rules. And when I say likely, I actually mean absolutely.



This house rule is Khorne Approved (TM).

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Posted (edited)
21 minutes ago, Necronaut said:

This house rule is Khorne Approved (TM).


Speaking of the dark deities, I should mention my plans for glorifying the warp-spawned lords for whom you toil and plunder (if at all, Unaliged is the best aligned after all).


The Four Kings are roughly related to the four Chaos gods. In order to do works which prove worthy, you would do well to take these into account when looking to advance yourself with the fickle monsters of the immaterium:


  • Attacking the PDF (Security) appeals to Khorne.
  • Attacking the Ministorum (Faith) appeals to Slaneesh.
  • Attacking the Administratum (Money/Authority) appeals to Tzeentch.
  • Attacking the Mechanicum (Materiel/Drudgery will appeal to Nurgle.


Of course, minor opportunities like raiding hospitals, tentacle flashing and smooth talking a guy into cutting his own face off, will appeal to the smaller, petty avatars.


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I'm in, if you have room. No particular character or concept thought up yet (haven't even read the full thread, just know that I would love to do Chaos-anything). Possible randome roll character incoming, it worked for the psyker Nicios...

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Posted (edited)

Huh. Rolls so far:

A. 1-3 Human, 4-6 CSM. Roll 1, Human

B. d4 for Archtype. Roll 1, Apostate


So Human Apostate. Not what I would normally play (don't think I've ever even looked at the Apostate archtype), but the Gods of Chaos/Dice do not listen to mortals. We shall see where this goes. Going to continue to roll randomly when it comes up.


WS - 4, using Re-roll, 13

BS - 7

S - 11

T - 19

Ag - 10

Int - 12

Per - 7

Wil - 10

Fel - 17

Inf - 4


Hm. Ok, not bad not great. Kinda annoyed that I had to re-roll my WS, but since I think that this character needs to at least be somewhat not crap in a fight we'll go with it. Would have rather re-rolled the Per, but live by the random die by the random. 


*Allowing myself one "Gift of Chaos" re-roll at the end of this for this entire list*

Other randoms 

Pride - Craftsmanship (+1 Inf, +3 Ag, +3 Int, -3 WS/BS)

Disgrace - Hubris (+2 Inf, -4 Int)

Motivation - Ascendancy (-2 Wounds, +5 Will)


Skill randoms 

Common Lore (d15) - Ecclesiarchy, Imperium

Forbidden Lord (d14) - Heresy, Daemonology, Mutants

Scholastic Lore (d15) - Cryptology, Bureaucracy, Chymistry (re-roll) Imperial Creed

Trade (d13) - Remembrancer

Dodge vs Parry - Dodge

Intimidate vs Commerce - Commerce

Charm +10 vs Deceit +10 - Charm

Security vs Stealth vs Logic - Security


Talant Randoms

Hatred (d15) - Ecclesiarchy 

Peer (d21) - Daemon Prince...    Mazer, don't know how this will work, but apparently this character knows how to deal with the elite of Chaos...

Disturbing Voice vs Radiant Prescence - Radiant Prescence

Polyglot vs Mimic - Mimic

Inspire Wrath vs Iron Discipline vs Lesser Minion - Inspire Wrath


Alright.... I think we have a solid character here. The Dice/Chaos Gods created something I can work with and that looks fairly cohesive. Definitely not something I would play normally, but neither was Nicios and that was a good time. So, we roughly have an ex-Ecclesiarchy secretary/remembrancer who has been seduced by the powers of Chaos. I'm going to go with he was sick and tired of his "superiors" being less charismatic speakers than he knew he could be and began to research the darker sections of the Imperial Cult's lore to find a way to get ahead. Now he is a full-blown traitor and demagogue, preaching the destiny of the Eightfold Path. 

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7 hours ago, Lord_Ikka said:

So Human Apostate. Not what I would normally play (don't think I've ever even looked at the Apostate archtype), but the Gods of Chaos/Dice do not listen to mortals. We shall see where this goes.


My short-lived character in the prior black crusade game was an apostate - with FEL 55+ a starting character can be rolling at +30 on deceive checks (85%+) before spending any xp.

The gods may not listen to you but the guards owe you... :p

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Posted (edited)

@Lord_Ikka I suspect your special friend considers you of import for something extraordinary, obviously it will be an entity towards whatever your majority Alignment is, so offhand, Tzeentch? You don't know it's True Name, for that is too much power, but perhaps there came a time during a ritual undertaken by either incompetents, or those of an opposing power who sought to humble the entity, and you prevented this. Due to your actions (up to you how you describe them) the prince was saved from degrading misery, and now counts you as a valuable ally, and indeed has repaid this by obfuscating the depth of your alliance.


It could be that this took place after your incarceration, and may also be tied to why the place is about to be raided for...potential recruits. 


Perhaps, much like Imperial Saints, you call upon it to intercede, or maybe steer you, although as with anything from the warp, it might be your ally, but also pursuing it's own agenda...maybe even to usurp your successes to win greater glory (and reward you of course....)


During gameplay, the daemon could perhaps provide rituals which would allow a manifestation of empyrean allies, or perhaps even a powerful summoning rite for itself. This could perhaps be a secondary goal for your character to complete.


You must come up with two names - one in the Daemonic Tongue (PM me this) which is the entity's Honour Name among the depths of the Warp, and another one by which he can be known by Mortals, a Tongue Name (ie you say it but it doesn't attract his attention and can say it in conversation). If anyone learns the Honour Name, your relationship with the entity shall degrade by cumulative steps, as you have failed to guard his august majesty against his rivals...


...for the gods are fickle, and their servants more so.


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Oh.. that’s quite a lot happening here over the last hours! 

So if I see this correctly the current  set up has the mortals as  residential renegades and Astartes are ( part of ) an arriving raiding force in the you-keep-what-you-kill equivalent of new Shovelhead Sabbat recruits/ shock assault fodder ? Or local high priority prisoners at start? 


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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Xin Ceithan said:

So if I see this correctly the current  set up has the mortals as  residential renegades and Astartes are ( part of ) an arriving raiding force in the you-keep-what-you-kill equivalent of new Shovelhead Sabbat recruits/ shock assault fodder ? Or local high priority prisoners at start? 


Kinda both...but that, in a nutshell, is exactly it. :cool:


In other news...


I haven't decided on sector yet, but I'm currently reviewing the best way forward as how to translate the ideas into a workable system. What I think is, that within the sector there will be four main star systems, each with what I would label 'Lynchpin' world where the real action can take place, where each of the four kings reside. The Party would then commence their disruption and destabilisation.


Several smaller systems will provide light raiding, hideouts, training grounds and supply possibilities, perhaps.


This system would keep the campaign manageable if it got bigger, depending on your success/decisions.


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Posted (edited)

I'm currently playtest working through a Chaos Space Marine build with a Player (with thanks!) to try and streamline the process of profile/armour generation, and it's going well, so I expect to roll that out as an example. On that point - a quick note about downgrades to gear. The rules for this in Core are pish, so any downgrades will be tweaked on a player-by-player basis.


The Sector World-build is also firming up.


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Alright, I'm (possibly) closing in on a sorcerer concept based upon the Lamenter librarian I bashed together last year for the Space Hulk one-shot, most likely focusing upon precog/divination powers and able to act as a navigator, if you guys will humour me. Unsure if he would be a Badab vet who threw in his lot with Huron to escape punishment at the hands of the Imperium or a freshly minted initiate made from stolen gene-seed. Pretty flexible on that front.


Otherwise, I could possibly roll with a fallen apothecary built from the Forsaken template or indeterminate chapter origin if that would be of greater interest to the party, or even repurpose that bloke Vargr that I put together for Magellan's Devils if there's interest there (possibly including a bike?).

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12 minutes ago, Necronaut said:

Otherwise, I could possibly roll with a fallen apothecary built from the Forsaken template or indeterminate chapter origin if that would be of greater interest to the party, or even repurpose that bloke Vargr that I put together for Magellan's Devils if there's interest there (possibly including a bike?).


Sorry bud, no bikes. Your particular cell is a bottom-of-the-pile unit. If you want a bike you'll have to build or steal it.

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Posted (edited)
3 minutes ago, Machine God said:

What about a set of handle bars on the end of a stick? 


That's Issue 1. For 47 more issues at 1,000 Thrones per issue, you too can have a BMX.


The bell is sold out.


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Posted (edited)

Just an FYI, playtesting on armour is completed, and it brings up some very weird interactions - so we'll be dropping it, and just going for the BC armour rules, just a bit beaten up on a 7+ on a D10, which I'll roll up.


My thanks to @Lysimachus for his efforts and input. :thumbsup:


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Posted (edited)

Work in progress character concept.


I had mentioned I was thinking of exploring some of the concepts and point of view I had crafted for Sakal, so why re invent the wheel and just use the background I already made as a starting point. While Sakal was a highly trained elite solider with the best gear he could get.


This time I think the character would come from the same Chaos ruled domain, but s/he (gender to be determined later during character gen) was a general worker or maybe some sort of artisan that was conscripted. Basic training to PDF equivalent or simmilar level and then sent into war as little more than bodies on the ground in the wr against the imperium, captured and end up in the prison of the starting setting.


Would use a Renegade as the starting point.

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That's fine, Tro.


Right, headcount:


Chaos SM:

@Lysimachus Champion

@Necronaut Malignant Naked Forsaken/Sorcerer

@Xin Ceithan Sorcerer

@Machine God ?



@Trokair Renegade

@Machine God?

@Lord_Ikka Apostate

@A.T. Heretek


Have I missed anyone or got anything wrong so far?

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Posted (edited)

Rough draft character sheet, followed the steps in the book, some choice still to be determined, but it is a framework. Not done anything with starting gear or XP as I assume neither is going to be much of a thing or entirely GM mandated.  



Tarh Teshub, Naram-Sin 57th  Auxiliary Conscript Levy 


Artisan who was conscripted and developed into a bit of a scout/marksman during the wars.





WS: 38  + 3(Renegade) – 3(Craftsmanship)

BS:  39 + 3(Renegade) – 3(Craftsmanship)

S: 35

T: 41

Ag: 34 + 3(Craftsmanship)

Int: 42 +3(Craftsmanship)

Per: 32 +5(Dread) -5(Vengeance)

WP: 33 -5(Dread)

Fel: 38

Wounds: 13 + 2(Vengeance)

Infamy: 21 +1(Craftsmanship)

Corruption: 0



Pride: Craftsmanship

Disgrace: Dread

Motivation: Vengeance


Human Starting Abilities

Common Lore (Any Two – TBD) I think it makes sense if one choice here is the Chaos equivalent of Imperial Creed

Linguistics (Low Gothic)

Trade (Any One – Random role from those listed p111/p112: Scrimshawer)

Starting Trait: The Quick and The Dead


Rengade Starting Skills and Talents 

Special Ability: Adroit  –  TBD






Dodge +10 or Parry +10

Scholastic Lore (Tactica Imperialis)

Common Lore (War)

Operate (any one –  pick Surface as aeronautica and voidship don’t really fit with current character back-story)

Survival or Stealth

Tech Use or Medicae (Medicae makes more sense with survival I think)

Command or Intimidate TBD – MR could this choice be traded for Stealth so that Character has Survival and Stealth



Quick Draw

Rapid Reload

Weapon Training (Chain, Flame, Las, Primary, SP)

Heavy Weapon Training (Any One – TBD)

Weapon Training (Bolt) or Weapon Training (Shock)

Catfall  or Combat Sense

Sure Strike  or Deadeye Shot  or Marksman

 Ambidextrous  or Hip Shooting

Double Team or Disarm or Takedown TBD  MR could this choice be traded for Ambidextrous  or Deadeye Shot?




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Posted (edited)

Ok lads, I've set up the folder and you should all have write access. Please check your emails and if you haven't got it, drop me a PM.


Find your sheet, fill it in!


@Trokair Stealth and Deadeye Shot are ok as your swaps.


Just  a note on XP - it's as per Core, so 500xp for Marines, 1,000xp for Mortals. Further, my stance is your guy comes with all the starting talents listed for the archetype, as having to buy 'em is twaddle.


EDIT: Make sure you check the FAQ, as some talents change.


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