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User Groups

Brother Tyler

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There are several user groups that make up the membership of the Bolter & Chainsword. A users group will remain constant no matter how many posts or how old the account is. The only way your user group will change is if you are asked to serve in a staff capacity. Your account still may change based off various permissions masks set up for group functions like worldwide campaigns and the Arena of Death, but those will not change your visible user group.


Frater.gif.bdc4a32b8c94838cfec860e214582 FRATER DOMUS
This is the most important member group, and the largest. This group is made up of the every day users of the website and is the group you are assigned to upon completing registration. Without the Frater Domus members, there would be no Bolter & Chainsword.


Mod.gif.b1aec2d882df58f6a86ac943f7120df8 MODERATI
These are active moderators on the site. They are charged with helping things to run smoothly within their assigned forums. Moderators are participants first and policemen second. They would prefer to just discuss their chosen army, but if necessary, will issue warnings and take other actions as necessary. Outside of their assigned forums, a moderator is just like any other member of the board.


Mod.gif.7f5feb12c177a9c1c046c62f1dececf8 CUSTODES
These are backup for the Moderati. The Custodes are essentially global moderators, but their primary duty is to pour water on any hot spots that may flare up until a forum's designated moderators can arrive. This generally means turning a thread/post invisible to the public until that forum's mods can take a better look at it. They do have the ability to issue warnings, however, should an infraction require it.


Moderati and Custodes enforce the board policy as determined by the Administratum.


Cedo.gif.edbe30f120520222261386837f000a0 MODERATI CEDO
These are forum members who were staff members at one time in their past, but who have retired from active duty. While they hold no position of authority you can consider them to be old hands that can assist you with questions and can help get word to the current moderators should the need arise. If they suggest you are acting out of line, you would do well to heed their words.


Tech.gif.63dc8411dd124047826344fd13d1eda SACRISTANS
These are members who are responsible for the technical upkeep of the site. These members perform a variety of different roles depending on the expertise of the individual, including technical support, skin support, and site art. While Sacristans are staff members, they do not have policy enforcement authority (though you would do well to heed their word if they identify problematic behavior).


Lib.gif.213d62d2414c8d12d634f4c65a82b1c0 LIBRARIANS
These are members who were tasked with managing the Librarium and its discussion forum. The Librarium no longer exists, however, and these members are treated in much the same way as Moderati Cedo. This role may be modified in the future. While Librarians are staff members, they do not have policy enforcement authority (though you would do well to heed their word if they identify problematic behavior).


Admin.gif.1004c461d4a0a1ee227a4a3fbc12a1 ADMINISTRATUM
The Administratum (administrators) are the board members who take care of the day-to-day operations of the board. This includes approving new accounts, account edits and corrections, general forum troubleshooting and, where necessary, disciplinary actions. Admins set board policy and dispense the highest levels of discipline when it arises (banning, removing a ban, deleting an account, etc.).


The Admin Group includes Brother Argos and Brother Tyler who are the site owners. If you have any issues with staff members please contact an admin first but if you'd rather not speak to an admin then Brother Tyler is who you need to contact.


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