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Lovely model though the left hand fingers seem a bit sausage-y. possibly just the angle and/or paint style


Looking forward to seeing what some of those on the B&C will do with this

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 Once the Tech-Priest’s crimes were uncovered, he was captured and purged by the Inquisition… but an echo of Hermiatus lives on, captured in the gestalt psychic consciousness of the Malstrain.

As if cursed by some cosmic irony, the entity known as Hermiatus the Second Son is the creation of the Malstrain Patriarch, a genetic memory dredged up and given form over and again.

Huh. That's pretty cool. Didn't know Patriarchs could do that. Though I suppose it's a bit like a hivefleet able to bring back Old One Eye or the Doom of Malen'tai

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I will buy this model- probably going to be my first Forgeworld purchase. Wonder when it goes on sale?


I also want the two navy dudes, but I might wait to see the Agents release wave first. 

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25 minutes ago, ThePenitentOne said:

I will buy this model- probably going to be my first Forgeworld purchase. Wonder when it goes on sale?


I also want the two navy dudes, but I might wait to see the Agents release wave first. 

Which Navy dudes?

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Loving all those new genestealers necromunda models!


Makes me want to start a small GSC army, maybe ad mech themed...what could this guy count as in a GSC army?

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Very nice! People thinking a clean version just needs the familiar removing probably need to take a closer look though lol 

Its also pretty funny that hes essentially an overgrown familiar and has one himself :D 

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12 minutes ago, TheWarmaster said:

Honestly.. Necromunda gets the best models and scenery. They really capture the gritty, grim-dark feel of the 40K universe better than anything. 



Feels like more what 40k miniature releases should be and I'm glad they expand necromunda in this way. Much better than ashlands or whatever that was.


I hope they will release it by this year.

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2 hours ago, skylerboodie said:

Article states "Hermiatus also fills the role of a more traditional Genestealer Cult’s Magus"

Also GSC can still take AM techpriest right?

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A genestealer hybrid cosplaying as a Tech Priest? :wub:   I was always a bit scornful of Newcromunda but this could pull me in.

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