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Another fantastic looking miniature for Necromunda!  I'm really looking forward to Secundus, when it eventually releases.  I can see myself creating a Malstrain gang to go with my Van Saar, Orlocks, and Venators, given the quality of the Malstrain sculpts so far.  The only annoyance with the FW Resin is the price of the models, working with it is something I'm used to these days.

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Insanely cool model, with sorta lame lore (I mean the original story of a techpriest experimenting on genestealers is really cool, but the idea of it being some sort of psychic clone-ghost is not all that great, imho), but I'm sure I'd be able to use it for something cool. I actually already have some ideas and converted models kicking around for a scenario involving a mad scientist, so maybe this'll be him :smile:

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Wasn't there an Audio book where a tech priest did some experiments with tyranids? I think some blood angels were involved. 


It was a few years ago.





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There was a Space Crusade white dwarf campaign from back in the day. Hermiatus fled Necromunda and was hunted down by the Blood Angels to stop the infected Ad-Mech from giving his secrets about their technology to the Tyranids. Something like that...it was many moons ago now but I remember that was the gist of it.

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22 minutes ago, Castigator said:

There was a Space Crusade white dwarf campaign from back in the day. Hermiatus fled Necromunda and was hunted down by the Blood Angels to stop the infected Ad-Mech from giving his secrets about their technology to the Tyranids. Something like that...it was many moons ago now but I remember that was the gist of it.

I think I remember that, they did two such issues offering new space crusade content if I recall. One of the issues (want to say 145) even had an tyranid army list for 40k 1st edition.

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