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Campaigns in the Age of Darkness: The Martian Civil War

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15 minutes ago, Noserenda said:

I would be astonished if we see anything for Skitarri folks, just to manage expectations, anything in the 40k list, no matter how sensible is super unlikely to appear in print in AoD.

The separation just feels unnecessary for so many things. The tech thralls, for example!

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Well that seemed to come out of nowhere but sensible timing with the box set coming, I guess.


If they give the background content as many pages as previous books I will be happy.

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The previous version of this, with daemon fulgrim, featured about 80% reprinted lore and rules. I expect this will be the same. 

To be honest it’s still useful up to a point. I played a game at the goonhammer open where my opponent had a couple of blood slaughterers in an army they’d borrowed. Nobody knew which of the many online PDFs their rules were in. 

Also, as a loyalist I have to carry multiple heavy hardback books around. Let the traitors suffer the same. 

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Exemplary Battles 1 was explicitly a print compilation of previously existing PDF rules - that was to be expected. The Martian Civil War takes some PDF units and shuffles them into print in their final rules iteration*, alongside new units, rules and fluff.


They aren't exactly comparable, but I can see the connection.


*per Alan Bligh's statement from the other year.

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My baseless speculation of what we might see:

  • Legiones Cybernetica rules ALA Legiones Auxilia, because they were specifically referenced in the lore section of Beta-Garmon and no doubt FW wants to give as much of a reason as possible to encourage the enormous Marine playerbase to pick up some Mechanicum.
  • At least one new Mechanicum unit, since Solar Auxilia received the Hermes with Beta-Garmon. 
  • Camba Diaz, which will inevitably upset a lot of people, but it's probably the most appropriate place to include him short of a Siege book.
  • Some Alpha Legion character, since the defence of Sol is mentioned? 
  • Kelbor-Hal as this year's big Primarch(esq) resin centrepiece. Scoria but even more crazy. I sort of doubt this prediction will actually come true, but then again, Fulgrim Transfigured just dropped out of nowhere too. 
  • If not Kelbor-Hal then another Dark Mechanicum character like Urtzi Malevolus or Lukas Chrom.
  • Koriel Zeth has some cool Blanche art and even though she doesn't last long, that hasn't stopped them producing rules and models for characters like Tarvitz. 
  • Some sort of quasi-Warpsmith Consul?



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1 hour ago, Joe said:

Exemplary Battles 1 was explicitly a print compilation of previously existing PDF rules - that was to be expected. The Martian Civil War takes some PDF units and shuffles them into print in their final rules iteration*, alongside new units, rules and fluff.


They aren't exactly comparable, but I can see the connection.


*per Alan Bligh's statement from the other year.

I guess you mean Andy Hoare? Alan Bligh hasnt been making statements since AoD was a 40k supplement. 

I guess right now all we have is faith in how the team will deal with these reprinted rules, i know im not expecting anything more than maybe an errata pass myself.

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2 hours ago, Mandragola said:

The previous version of this, with daemon fulgrim, featured about 80% reprinted lore and rules. I expect this will be the same. 



This book will be like Siege of Chtonia and Battle for Beta Garmon, not like the reprint exemplary battles book that was released last year ( and of which there will be more they said at the time)


On 7/8/2024 at 4:58 PM, Nagashsnee said:

I know hype is the first step on the road to disappointment,  but i have been waiting for this book ( and fires of cyraxes) for so so so long. How long?


When i first heard of the idea for a mars schism book at a FW open day i was not going bald. 

When i first saw the sketches for a volike dunewalker crab tank none of my close friends have kids ( some of them have 3 now).

When this book was first being talked about the idea of a second edition for HH centered around a TON of plastic kits would have you laughed out of a room.


I cannot help but be hyped for this book, the possibilities for mech are endless, skitarii, myrmidon cult subtypes, more automata, special characters. Dark mech is a given and the article adressed them at least. 


My fear is this will end up being 30% re prints, 30% space marines and 30% dark mech. Then some campaign stuff. 


Spirit of FW pasts heed my plea! Be the people who got bfg rules into imperial armor, be the the writers we need you to be and knock this out of the park! Give us tech assasins and crazy myrmidon priests, give us legio ordinatus and Knights of Taranis, give us a wacky titan special character, go crazy and go far!


So agree with this. Fires of Cyraxus, very sad. And the Mars black book was rumored for *such* a long time.


I remember we had a thread in the Age of Darkness forum just a few years ago where people were listing what the one thing was that they hoped the next supplement would be about and "a Mars book" was by far the topic that came up the most, perhaps they were reading along at FW.


Anyways, very exciting release this. Quite frankly this is the topic that I wanted the new campaign books to cover the most, alongside the Siege of Terra.


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12 hours ago, Lord Marshal said:

My baseless speculation of what we might see:

  • Legiones Cybernetica rules ALA Legiones Auxilia, because they were specifically referenced in the lore section of Beta-Garmon and no doubt FW wants to give as much of a reason as possible to encourage the enormous Marine playerbase to pick up some Mechanicum.
  • At least one new Mechanicum unit, since Solar Auxilia received the Hermes with Beta-Garmon. 
  • Camba Diaz, which will inevitably upset a lot of people, but it's probably the most appropriate place to include him short of a Siege book.
  • Some Alpha Legion character, since the defence of Sol is mentioned? 
  • Kelbor-Hal as this year's big Primarch(esq) resin centrepiece. Scoria but even more crazy. I sort of doubt this prediction will actually come true, but then again, Fulgrim Transfigured just dropped out of nowhere too. 
  • If not Kelbor-Hal then another Dark Mechanicum character like Urtzi Malevolus or Lukas Chrom.
  • Koriel Zeth has some cool Blanche art and even though she doesn't last long, that hasn't stopped them producing rules and models for characters like Tarvitz. 
  • Some sort of quasi-Warpsmith Consul?



I hope they bring the Darkmech rules promised in Liber Mechanicum for Draykavac and Scoria, even if they were not part of the civil war.

There won't probably be any marine characters. If Camba Diaz or another imperial fist gets rules, it will be a meme at this point.

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1 hour ago, The Scorpion said:

I hope they bring the Darkmech rules promised in Liber Mechanicum for Draykavac and Scoria, even if they were not part of the civil war.

There won't probably be any marine characters. If Camba Diaz or another imperial fist gets rules, it will be a meme at this point.


IF didnt get anything in the Beta-Garmon Book.

SoH got more stuff than Fists.

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2 hours ago, Bung said:


IF didnt get anything in the Beta-Garmon Book.

SoH got more stuff than Fists.

Perhaps but Cthonia is waving frantically along with everything else they've had.


There are other legions without even a praetor yet alone the glut of stuff fists gave recieved. Let's not pretend they've been ignored or need reinforcing. Iron warriors, iron hands, salamanders, world eaters, raven guard are in far, far worse state and need.

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9 hours ago, 01RTB01 said:

Perhaps but Cthonia is waving frantically along with everything else they've had.


There are other legions without even a praetor yet alone the glut of stuff fists gave recieved. Let's not pretend they've been ignored or need reinforcing. Iron warriors, iron hands, salamanders, world eaters, raven guard are in far, far worse state and need.


Nah, its just funny, that everyone is complaining about IF, a Legion that outside SoT was nearly completly ignored getting stuff ignoring that SoH got even more, like a second Primarch Model in the same time.


And IW deserve nothing nice, as the Emperor intended cause the Salt must flow.:laugh:

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1 hour ago, Bung said:


Nah, its just funny, that everyone is complaining about IF, a Legion that outside SoT was nearly completly ignored getting stuff ignoring that SoH got even more, like a second Primarch Model in the same time.



Lol  the :cuss:? No one's ignored the SoH getting extra characters and rules. Go and look at any reveal thread, and you'll see complaints about another SoH character. 

Edited by WAR
careful on the language
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58 minutes ago, SkimaskMohawk said:


Lol  the :cuss:? No one's ignored the SoH getting extra characters and rules. Go and look at any reveal thread, and you'll see complaints about another SoH character. 


To be fair, I definitely see "snarf snarf I bet it's more Imperial Fist models amirite?" more than I do including Sons of Horus outside of the specific reveals. While people absolutely complain and snark about the latter getting to much love, that IF Praetor resculpt really riled up people something fierce when it came to the Fits - even though SoH received two more characters in Beta-Garmon and Imperial Fists didn't. 

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23 minutes ago, Lord Marshal said:


To be fair, I definitely see "snarf snarf I bet it's more Imperial Fist models amirite?" more than I do including Sons of Horus outside of the specific reveals. While people absolutely complain and snark about the latter getting to much love, that IF Praetor resculpt really riled up people something fierce when it came to the Fits - even though SoH received two more characters in Beta-Garmon and Imperial Fists didn't. 


Oh ya, there's definitely a heightened level of criticism on the fists due to their rules being very forgiving. But to claim SoH were nearly completely ignored is fairly ridiculous.

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1 hour ago, Lord Marshal said:


To be fair, I definitely see "snarf snarf I bet it's more Imperial Fist models amirite?" more than I do including Sons of Horus outside of the specific reveals. While people absolutely complain and snark about the latter getting to much love, that IF Praetor resculpt really riled up people something fierce when it came to the Fits - even though SoH received two more characters in Beta-Garmon and Imperial Fists didn't. 

That’s only because of the Outer Grifter making it his whole schtick with the social media ghouls for a while and now it’s a meme

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Sigmar-focus should come to an end by the tail end of July / start of August when the new three-tier starter boxes and painting sets are released, with the battletome releases starting up around September/October in line with Leviathan. Gives us August and any other given weekend to slot in on for Heresy, at least. But that's not including Necromunda, Warcry, another Kill Team box, the various 40,000 bits, etc.


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On 7/10/2024 at 11:30 PM, The Praetorian of Inwit said:

I wonder how long we'll have to wait for this book and the Mechanicum releases? 


Normally things are announced and released within their 3 month window.

So August if we are lucky but could be later.


For instance we are also due this this Legions Imperialis supplement, which was announced 2 months ago:




The Battle for Beta Garmon book was released quickly after its announcement, hopefully that happens with Martian Civil War too.

Edited by Taliesin
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On 7/10/2024 at 8:14 PM, skylerboodie said:

Also it is the Horus Heresy, so Sons of Horus getting the most love / poster boy status of all the traitor legions is more forgivable, whereas Imperial Fists aren't the primary face of the loyalists. 

Hmmm. I feel a new thread coming on

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