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Chalnath Dispatches: Teaser of things to come?

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Afternoon all.


An intresting little story article has dropped on WarCom this afternoon with some new background for Warzone Chalnath.


Story takes the form of a command meeting transcript discussing the redeployment of Tempestus units to engage the T'au. Could be evidence that the rumoured jump scion vs Vespid kill team box is real and we might not have to wait too long for a reveal?


Chalnath Dispatches – At All Costs - Warhammer Community (warhammer-community.com)


Let the hype and speculation begin!

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Certainly seems to be in alignment with the new KT box rumors from Valrak. With AoS 4e dropping tomorrow I wouldn't be surprised if we start to see more of the war-com articles/teasers for Kill team, with an announcement/reveal at Nova. 

I love Kill Team. Its easily my favorite GW game and the current rule-set is probably the best they have (though the Underworlds rules are still very good), I sincerely hope that the new edition is more of a clean-up than a shake-up. Seeing as GW recently removed fly from the only team that had it as a team-rule (harlequins), I think the new edition likely comes with a rules rework for fly, or movement in general. Since they've acknowledge that an entire team of flyers kinda of breaks the game, it would be difficult for me to grok a decision to introduce two new one's without changing the underlying rules. 

As a kill-team player I'm a bit nervous that they'll ruin a great thing. 

As a hobbyist that has wanted to make a display board based around flyers for a while, I'm thrilled. 

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I was going to say that it would likely be a background "this is the general in charge of the faction in the field" character rather than the squad leader. Although I am sure we will see a female scion or two in the box-set - I think the recent human kill team kits should have had one or two in them off the top of my head, the Squad Leader may have a different name.

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5 minutes ago, spiros14 said:

I was going to say that it would likely be a background "this is the general in charge of the faction in the field" character rather than the squad leader. Although I am sure we will see a female scion or two in the box-set - I think the recent human kill team kits should have had one or two in them off the top of my head, the Squad Leader may have a different name.


All the human kits that have come out in the past few years have a variety of head options. Cadian upgrade kit has a bunch of just female heads.


If they make the scion kit kinda like the Elucidian starstriders where there's a named character leading them that could be cool.



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So the article calls her a tempestor. When it comes to scions their rank structure seems to only have 3 levels, Scion, tempestor, tempestor prime. Realistically tempestor could probably refer to either of the ranks in the same way that a lieutenant colonel and a colonel are bot just called colonels when being discussed.


So we could have the name of the kill team leader already.


Section below from the article:


"Tempestor Magnificat Westren has a one hundred percent combat effectiveness record. Her forces only just committed to the war on Wyldreach and could be rapidly extracted with minimal disruption."

Edited by Marshall Bretton
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Just now, sarabando said:

Not hyped that it maybe Scions as i dont like their aesthetic and would have much preferred the original rumour of Elysians 


I must admit I have to agree with you on the aesthetic, eleysians were amazing and scions have always looked a bit off for me, even though I have an army of them. I've started converting kasrkin into scions so if I can make that work for whatever the new unit is I will.


I'm quite curious what the "alpha asset" in the narrative is. Anyone have any ideas? Probably just a plot device and won't have any major impact but still

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4 minutes ago, DemonGSides said:


This is a really weird thing to scrawl when they just said "People are gonna be angry there's a female head in the scions" and never once mentions custodes.


Like a "hey this is who I really am" type of post. Big yikes. 


I'm beginning to suspect you're picking a fight for no reason at this point. The "Try and justify why women can't be scions" in the first place is in relation to the custodian thing.

I have yet to hear of any moaning toward female Imperial Guard characters like Lt. Mira from space marine, The Black Library Commissar, or the latest Castellan Creed. To suggest that there will be because of the recent changes to custodians is a little juvenile. Female Astra Militarum has been long established, long accepted, and long awaited. Please do not immediately tar the community with the same custodian brush then bare arms when they retaliate against such.

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Just now, DuskRaider said:

I hope Scions get awesome new models and perhaps a new army again. 


That would be nice given that Kasrkin have partially taken up Scions' role in the Astra Militarum codex, though I think I would be happy enough with just a dedicated detachment.

I have a friend who loved using a flyer heavy list with scions dropping out at the enemy turn 1, but he has found the current flyer rules wanting. To have grav-chute scions literally deep strike in may work as a patch, at the very least.

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4 minutes ago, spiros14 said:


That would be nice given that Kasrkin have partially taken up Scions' role in the Astra Militarum codex, though I think I would be happy enough with just a dedicated detachment.

I have a friend who loved using a flyer heavy list with scions dropping out at the enemy turn 1, but he has found the current flyer rules wanting. To have grav-chute scions literally deep strike in may work as a patch, at the very least.

I have to wonder if we’ll start to see some of the Auxilia tech rolled into Scions if they get a new codex proper, considering they’re basically the spiritual successor of Solar Aux. I don’t see why they couldn’t. 

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I’m looking forward to these new scions. I like the armour design but it was a shame they replaced the original kasrkin. Hopefully this new unit takes the tempestus aesthetic and gives it a new niche to fill that’s not just Kasrkin but deepstrikeing. 

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2 minutes ago, DuskRaider said:

I have to wonder if we’ll start to see some of the Auxilia tech rolled into Scions if they get a new codex proper, considering they’re basically the spiritual successor of Solar Aux. I don’t see why they couldn’t. 

I guess the issue would be that this would just create a second version of the astra militarum roster in reality, would be cool though

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I have other places to talk the political aspects of the hobby; I'm not doing it here on B&C. A look at the Female Custodes thread will make my supportive position clear.

Looking forward to new Scions. They're a 'subrange' that needed expansion since 7th. I like these little KT drops; they provide a way to update units at time that I find less burdensome (financially and just learning about the new stuff). If rumors hold true, we'll see some interesting sculpts for sure. 

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3 minutes ago, SvenIronhand said:

Looking forward to new Scions. They're a 'subrange' that needed expansion since 7th. I like these little KT drops; they provide a way to update units at time that I find less burdensome (financially and just learning about the new stuff). If rumors hold true, we'll see some interesting sculpts for sure. 


Yeah I really like this way of doing things, I suspect they will drop quite a few of the guard factions this way. The problem with this release though if it is jump scions is that it basically rules out elysians any time soon as they would effectively be the same unit

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2 minutes ago, Marshall Bretton said:


Yeah I really like this way of doing things, I suspect they will drop quite a few of the guard factions this way. The problem with this release though if it is jump scions is that it basically rules out elysians any time soon as they would effectively be the same unit


That's the best part of playing Guard though!


Who cares what the name of the datasheet is?  I have such a wide swath of proxy options that I'm so unconcerned with the datasheet name that I can run a whole army that looks NOTHING like what GW has as their kits, and everyone still knows exactly what they're up against.

Guard is freedom.  Grab those Elysians off the shelf, put em in your army as "Jump Scions", love every moment of it.

Edited by DemonGSides
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I don't know how they'll play on the "big-hammer" table, but for kill team I imagine the Scions will have a forward deploy ability similar to the phobos' grav-chutes, paired with some sort of ploy allowing for a free dash or move with fly. They'll likely have the more standard specialist roles (gunner, medic, comms, etc) making them a very mobile human shooting team, something that doesn't entirely exist in kill-team yet. I imagine they'll have somewhere between 8-10 operatives at 7-8 wounds a piece. 

As for the vespids I'm not sure. Since they're unlikely to have much melee punch I could see them all having fly, but the idea of a team of pop-tarting bugs sounds incredibly annoying. They'll likely have some decent guns with 4+ shooting and a similar model/wound count. 

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Just now, DemonGSides said:


That's the best part of playing Guard though!


Who cares what the name of the datasheet is?  I have such a wide swath of proxy options that I'm so unconcerned with the datasheet name that I can run a whole army that looks NOTHING like what GW has as their kits, and everyone still knows exactly what they're up against.

Guard is freedom.

I completely agree, but the elysian models were amazing and I'd love a new release. Sadly not likely to happen.


If this is a new Scion unit I will probably convert them from kasrkin because I love that kit

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22 minutes ago, DuskRaider said:

I have to wonder if we’ll start to see some of the Auxilia tech rolled into Scions if they get a new codex proper, considering they’re basically the spiritual successor of Solar Aux. I don’t see why they couldn’t. 


I disagree. The Solar Auxilia were elite regiments of the Imperial Army that fought in mass formations. The Scions are company level spec-ops. Stuff like leman russes don'take sense for them

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An Alpha Asset that doesnt require Astartes but theyll sacrifiice an agriworld? My guess is its just rare mineral resources, Id be stoked if it was a bigger plot or narrative device


Gamewise I hope new edition goes back to inches with measurements

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I'm hoping for some jump pack scions. There isn't really much that you could add in the infantry department other than that which would fit both the Scion theme and doesn't overlap with other Guard units.


My other wish for them is some light non-transport armour, but that won't happen in a KT box.

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30 minutes ago, Marshall Bretton said:

I guess the issue would be that this would just create a second version of the astra militarum roster in reality, would be cool though

True. It would be nice to see some variation in IG again, though. Elysian, Mordian Guard, Valhallan… there are so many different regiments other than Cadia, which still seems to be everywhere despite having been destroyed. 

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2 minutes ago, Dark Shepherd said:

Gamewise I hope new edition goes back to inches with measurements

It's already in inches, just inches represented by silly shapes. 
Lots of players use rulers or tapes rather than the Triangle/circle/square/pentagon tools. 

I'd be fine with them ditching the shapes FWIW, they're pretty unhelpful when teaching new people to play the game, but they also make sense for countries that don't use the emperor's beloved Imperial system of measurements

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DRAKUS FEROCITOR is google translate latin for "The fierce dragon". 


Does that sound like any Imperial unit? The only dragon Imperials I can think of are Salamanders and it doesnt seem like them.

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1 minute ago, grailkeeper said:

DRAKUS FEROCITOR is google translate latin for "The fierce dragon". 


Does that sound like any Imperial unit? The only dragon Imperials I can think of are Salamanders and it doesnt seem like them.

Black Dragons, perhaps?

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2 minutes ago, DuskRaider said:

True. It would be nice to see some variation in IG again, though. Elysian, Mordian Guard, Valhallan… there are so many different regiments other than Cadia, which still seems to be everywhere despite having been destroyed. 


Valhallans seem like they would be an easy win, considering they were the supporting characters for the Ciaphas Cain series.


Valhallans, Tallarn, Cadians, Catachans. That would be a nice mix that people could use to create all kinds of different regiments from just about any world with the right amount of kitbashes. Especially with the newer "Old World" kits coming out.

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