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Standard Attack vs Horde 2

D100: 95 <eye roll> going to blame this on being distracted by a procession of long-dead minotaur and lamenter warp ghosts, courtesy of our resident maniac space wizard :P


Pre-emptive Parry vs Rock Hammer Hybrid (if necessary)

WS41 + 10 (Balanced) + 5 (compact) = 56

D100: 40

Edited by Necronaut

Horde 2: Hanged Men


Hordes attack everyone in 'contact'.

Ukalegon: D100 MISS

Hagga: D100 MISS



Hybrid (Rockhammer):


Muliple Attacks:

Hammer, D100: 15 PARRIED

Claw D100: 015 PASS 2 DoS

1 Hit, Body, Dam: 15, Pen 10 (Razor Sharp Activates)


Hybrid (CCW):


Multiple Attacks:


Claw D100: 23 Hit, 1 DoS (No Razor Sharp)

1 Hit, Body, Dam: 15 Pen 4


[ ] Tarh Teshub

[ ] Xerxes

[ ] Cyrandras

[ ] Hagga


GM: @Trokair go ahead and try to Snap Out now. 






Edited by Mazer Rackham



Even as Hagga reaped his way through the lesser members of the cult, a flurry of wicked blades suddenly slashed at him from their midst. Knives and a xenoform talon, all wielded by a brute much larger and far more corrupt than its kin. Its face was more alike to how Kutha had described the pure-blood aliens; bulbous, yellow-eyed and sharp-toothed. It had been hiding among the mass, an ambush predator waiting to attack.



Parry Test:
WS52 +5(Compact) -10(Unbalanced) = 47, Roll: 73, Fail!
Hit on Body
Dam 15 - TB8 - AV6(10 - Pen4) = 1 Wound, Hagga now on 18/20



Rykaz couldn't move his heavy claymore in time to deflect the xenos’ curving claw, and he felt a flare of pain in his side. The beast was quick, strong, and for all its bestial appearance, not unskilled. Hagga paused and stepped back, raising his blade momentarily in a warrior's salute.


“I may take your ugly head for a trophy, xeno-filth,” he grunted, “...if you prove worthy.” 


Then he advanced again, spinning his sword in graceful arcs through the air around him. The flaming blade left bright, swirling after-images in its wake, and the mutant tried to follow the trail of fire, raising both its knives to block against a downward cut. But that was not Hagga's intention. At the last moment, with an expert twist of his wrists, the Executioner changed the angle of his attack and brought the blade in from his right, aimed at the left hand side of the creature's ribcage. 


Half Action: Feint at H4
WS52 +5(Compact) = 57, Roll: 22, 4DoS
Half Action: Standard Melee Attack
WS52 +5(Compact) +10(Standard) = 67, Roll: 45, Hit on Body
If Feint was successful, Evasion not allowed?
Dam: 1d10(7)+8 +SB11 = 26 Wounds at Pen7



Edited by Lysimachus

Hybrid 4:

Feint: Fail - eats the sword.


The Hybrid lurches, confused by the odd, strange blow that never comes, tries to intercept it with claw, blade, but misjudges entirely. And pays for it.


The powerful blow cleaves the target from gullet to groin, revealing his internal organs and spilling them on to the ground before him. The target is now quite dead.



Inexplicably the Mutant dropped his Mining Laser, drew a knife and stabbed through a weakness in his torso armour. 




Hybrid 2. Standard Attack with Knife. 

Hit, Body, Dam: 16, Pen 2 Vs AV8. 

16 -6 (AV8 - 2) -4 (TGH) = 6 Damage. 


Hybrid Claw Attack

Parry: WS41 -10 (Unbalanced) =31.

Result: 08, Pass 3DoS





Then the Filth attempted another claw attack, however he managed to parry with his Fallen Magos Power Axe its Power Field flaring. 






Even without the gift of the witch Xerxes could taste it in the air, a lesser echo of the madness aboard the ship. As with the daemon he had to suffice with turning his gaze until a more technologically sound defence could be located or constructed.


Thoughts for another time as he pinned a krak grenade against the turrets cogitator cowling, if his positioning was correct it should strip the weapon of its agency without rendering it inoperable, and thus provide a path to override control of both the weapon and the larger mounting.


Krak grenade BS 41+30 point blank +20 aim +10 standard attack (capped at +60)

Roll to hit: 50 - hit

6+9+4 = 19, Pen 6



The placement and resulting flash-crack parts the auto-augurs and the weapon immediately drops into a dormant state. The command cables are still operable, and should be able to be controlled from a command console somewhere in the floors above.


Turret 'dies'.




Snap out of it test

WP: 28 +10 (Radiant something something...) = 38

d100: 78, Fail, 5 DoF


To select target at random as per Mazers post I am going to number potential targets and then roll a dice. As Tarh was facing away from the Command Centre and towards the 5 new hostiles at the end of the corridor when he was overtaken I will start by numbering them 1 -5, then on the assumption that Tarh could turn in his laughing fits to look into the room (based on Lys helpful map annotation and where I think everybody is), Kraggan = 6, Hybrid 2 = 7, Cyrandras = 8, multilaser turret = 9. Xerxes is out of line of sight I think, as are Ukalegon and Hagga and Horde 2 and attending hybrid. So I guess to make it a easy d10 I will say Tarh is 10

d10: 7 Hybrid 2


Single shot

BS: 44 + 10 (short range) + 5 (Compact)  - 20 (Melee)= 39

D100: 89, Miss ...



He was about to warn the others that hostile reinforcements were on their way when another surge of unreality griped him. Flashes of long past trauma, combat that had been way to close for comfort, the terrible artillery barrage of Upzurthan 8 he had had the misfortune of being caught in the middle of, and the most recent whirlwind of The Younglings wayward Utukku back aboard the Tyrant’s ship.


It was the Priest Cyrandras, again, he would be their doom.


For a moment he thought he heard the laughter of Uncle Istvan as the Temple Guards dragged him from his workshop, still stained with the blood of the apprentice he had sacrificed in a failed bid to gain favour. Uncle Istvan was long dead, the laughter was form Tarh’s own throats, uncontrollable and uninvited. He stood, turned, laughter still baying, the pain of the leg discarded, as his hand, whole seconds ahead of his mind, brought up the long-las. He was there, their doom, the enemy within.


Before he had the Priest in his sight though, Tarh’s gaze swept past Kraggan and the xenos-half Utukku going in for the kill. He pulled the trigger, but his angular momentum had already moved his arm on, the las bolt briefly superheating a small part of the cogitator bank.



Bored by the mundane nature of the fickle warp not destroying the universe bar himself, the Sorcerer hefts his boltgun and lets rip.


Actions On:


Free Action: Boltgun

Half Aim, Hybrid 2

Half Action, SAB

D100: 001, PASS Plus 4 DoS, 3 Hits. 1D10+9 AP 4

Hit 1, Head, Dam: 19, ZH (Confirms, 5)


The explosion flays the flesh from the target’s face and bursts his eardrums with its force. The target is Stunned for 1d10 Rounds and is permanently deafened. Finally, the target gains hideous scars—he suffers 1 point of permanent Fellowship Damage.


Hit 2, Head, Dam: 17


The target ceases to exist in any tangible way, entirely turning into a kind of crimson mist. Such is the unspeakably appalling manner in which the target was killed, that any of the target’s allies who are within two metres of where the target stood, must make an immediate Challenging (+0) Willpower Test or spend their next Turn flfl eeing from the attacker.


Hit 3, Body, Dam: 14

Messy overkill, but the charge packs go up in a blinding flare of pure photohdryogenic* light. (I won't bother with stunning, this has gone on long enough).


Hybrid 2:

Ceases to be.


GM: Kraggan will need an immediate WP (+0) Test or hides from Cyrandras.


[ ] Kraggan.

Edited by Mazer Rackham
*= Witness my Dank Abnett!

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