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Welcome to part two of the Blood Angels Unit of the Week series!

Following the release of the 10th edition Index, there is no better time to discuss all the units we have access to. Each week a different unit will appear, with the idea being that we discuss how best to use that model on the battlefield. Where part one will discuss the units from the units found within Index: Blood Angels, parts two to four will discuss Index: Space Marines, part five will be Imperial Armour, and part six will be Legends.
Note, this isn't to lament any nerfs, etc, from previous editions; the rules are as they are so try to unlock its potential for those who wish to use them all the same. Similarly, this thread is only for using the option being discussed; it matters not if you feel something is a better choice as such comments aren't constructive to the topic and shall be removed.
Without further ado, here's this week's entry:


sml_gallery_62972_10568_1098.jpg Captain in Terminator Armour

What are you thoughts here folks? How best would you use a Captain in Terminator Armour?

  • To compliment a list, or to build a list around? 
  • Are you taking multiples?
  • Which Detachment and Enhancements are you using?
  • What unit is he leading, if any?
  • What delivery options are you using? 
  • What deployment options are you using?
  • What weapon options are you taking?
  • Stratagem synergy of note?


Over to you.


Please note that Chaplain in Gravis Armour, Captain in Phobos Armour, Captain on Bike, and Captain with Jump Pack will be discussed elsewhere.

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Should you want your model on display here (or on another thread), then submit a photo here please.


(Once I work out how best to float it!)




As an aside, the thread setup may change over the coming weeks until I'm happy with them. This includes the photos.

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I’ve not actually used mine.


the terminator captains reroll for charging probably synergises relatively well for us though I suppose?


there’s not much to talk about in terms go gear I guess, functionally the storm bolter is probably better than the combi weapon most of the time, and I guess the first is probably better than the relic weapon for the most part (I’d use relic weapon anyway because swords)

Edited by Jolemai
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I've got the bits from the Leviathan one on my bench with an extra Assault Terminator hammer, but it looks just a shade smaller than I want it to, so I'm waiting on the updated assault terminator kit before committing to my kitbashed Karlaen update.

As far as rules, they're fine; I'm probably leaning towards taking a chaplain over one of these guys for the buff they give, though Rites of Battle is still a pretty good ability even with the updates (Though no longer as good due to lacking the use twice ability, if you're playing GTF it's probably a worthwhile consideration).

95 points is steep, but terminators are steep this edition even after multiple rounds of cuts.  They just don't want terminator spam even though there's a lot of people who want to play that, and that's where this guy might be able to show up.

At 85 points he becomes a real consideration, as the fist is REAL nice in SoS; strength 10 is REALLY good, and 6 attacks is a lot, especially alongside a bunch of Thunder Hammers, popping RR and just obliterating something.  Probably still a bit expensive overall, but definitely fluffy and fun!

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If Assault Termies were any good/decently priced (165/5 would be nice) I could see him having a decent home there. 

Still, free Red Rampage on a squad of regular termies is pretty good. 

rerolling charges from RI (it's still a 6-7 if you made a point to stay out of charge range yourself!) would add some reliability.

Edited by Paladin777
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I am doing a lot of work around best use of terminators at the moment and I like the captain but share the above mentioned thoughts on cost.


Especially if you take an enhancement with them, which can be really effective but risky. Our enhancements have grown on me, a bit too situational but those situations can turn battles.


My view is becoming HQs for terminators are deployment specific. Without degenerating into comparisons if you are deep striking your termies, a captain is a good choice.


Basically gives you a free reroll on charge (which absolutely should be used with rapid ingress) and cheaper access to important strats for a terminator unit (Fight on death, heroic intervention, that out of turn combat thingy).


Rerolls on charge used to be everywhere in the game so saves you a CP if required (again rapid ingress).


Gear wise I am not a huge fan of storm bolters, I've been loosing rapid fire range to shoot at targets more vulnerable to them and keeping the juicy stuff for charges. Combi weapon has play here even if split fire.


If the sword has D2 it's an option.  Swords and fists wound most very high toughness targets the same with SOS. 


Not sure but can using the teleport homer let you use rapid ingress on a Sanguinary guard unit that turn as well? That could be alright to saturate threat.

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1 hour ago, Brother Raul said:

Not sure but can using the teleport homer let you use rapid ingress on a Sanguinary guard unit that turn as well? That could be alright to saturate threat.


No, only the unit that bought the Teleport Homer can use it, they are restricted to just their own squad.

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