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Occasionally, Space Marines get a second codex later on in an edition.


While I have no clue what SM would get Rules Wise (12 detachments, anyone?), I feel speculation on what new models SM would get in Codex 2 would prove interesting (tho feel free to speculate on rules/detachment stuff as well).


IMO, anything from this list would be nice:

  • Non-Push Fit Outriders
  • More characters on Bikes (Captain, Librarian, etc.)
  • Primaris Vanguard Veterans (ideally with a unique jetpack design)
  • Upscaled Assault Terminators
  • Primaris Jump Pack Chaplain


Again, this is pure speculation.
There's no rumours around currently that 10th will even have a 2nd Space Marine Codex, but based on how frequently they've gotten another in the past I'd say it's a pretty safe assumption.

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Quite often Space Marines will get a new Codex in a new Rules edition before other Factions recieve one for the last edition, but outside of supplements, I don't EVER recall Marines getting multiple Codex: Space Marines for a single edition. 

Honestly, considering the fact that we are basically only a year and a half from 11th, and thus at absolute most 2 years from the next full Marine Codex, it really doesnt feel likely that we are going to get a 2nd codex this edition, aside from everything else, there are more codecies now than there were in 8th when Marines last got a 2nd codex, which means that either Marines get a new codex a couple of months before the end of the edition, or marines get a second codex while other armies ae still waiting on their first. Neither of those options seem tenable to me, They'd either have to push out the edition cycle to 4-5 years (pleasepleasepleaseplease :sweat:) or just wait for the new editions launch.


Now, on the topic of what i think is likely to come for Marines;


Honestly i think you've pretty correctly identified what is missing in the range currently.

A Bike focus could be very welcome, as would just fleshing out a lot of the missing character options.

  • Multipart Outriders
  • Outrider Captain
  • Outrider Librarian
  • Outrider Lieutenant
  • Jump Chaplain
  • Terminator Ancient
  • Terminator Lieutenant
  • New Assault Terminators
  • New Van-Vets

All seem likely to me.

As for wish-list items;


  • Jump Librarian i know i'm dreaming here but i really want them back.
  • A new, better kit for Intercessors, preferable a "Tactical Intercessor" kit that allows for some special and heavy weapons, especially seeing as the old Tactical Squad is almost certainly gone next edition
  • A Gravis Lieutenant isnt something that I actually want, i just think that its weird that its missing.
  • Jump Lieutenant seriously, considering just how many Lieutenant models have been release, and how much of a meme that has become, its weird how comparatively few options for them that there are.
  • A new Rhino and Land Raider would also be appreciated, so long as they don't :cuss: 'ing hover.


Honestly if they're clever in their sprue design the new outrider characters could be a single kit, and the ancient and lieutentant could be build options in the Assault squad kit as well. But yeah, with that the range would probably be comfortably close to complete from where im sitting. So naturally they're going to come out with something ridiculous instead.

29 minutes ago, Grotsmasha said:

I don't EVER recall Marines getting multiple Codex: Space Marines for a single edition. 

They did back in 8th. It came out along side the whole Phobos wave.

42 minutes ago, ThaneOfTas said:

They did back in 8th. It came out along side the whole Phobos wave.


Yep, both versions of Space Marines, in fact. Chaos got their second version in 8th even before the loyalists did.


It does seem like they might have been heading that way in 9th as well, but had their legs cut out from under them by the impending Grand Ensimplification of 10th. The 8th-Ed supplements perfectly set them up to release full upgrade kits representing their unique relics in plastic just as the Black Templars did, but they wanted to avoid the backlash of rolling all of that stuff back into a single book in the new edition. So they just held off on the planned 2022 Space Marines wave and released them a year later in Strike Force Agastus instead.


Edited by Lord Nord in Gravis Armour

A second codex is unlikely but honestly I wouldn't mind it. 


People complain there are too many space marine releases but they are missing a huge amount of character options:


Captain on Bike 

Lieutenant on Bike 

Chaplain with Jump Pack

Lieutenant with Jump Pack

Chaplain in Gravis Armour 

Librarian in Gravis Armour

Techmarine in Gravis Armour

Lieutenant in Gravis Armour 

14 hours ago, ThaneOfTas said:


  • A new, better kit for Intercessors, preferable a "Tactical Intercessor" kit that allows for some special and heavy weapons, especially seeing as the old Tactical Squad is almost certainly gone next edition
  • A new Rhino and Land Raider would also be appreciated, so long as they don't :cuss: 'ing hover.


Regarding "Tactical Intercessors". 

They're something I feel GW will eventually make, but I don't think it'll be replacing the normal Intercessors.

Rather I personally think they'll just treat it like a Primaris Marine version of a SoB Dominion Squad with a new ability to replace Combat Squadding (since Primaris Marines already do that natively).


And regarding new Rhino and Land Raider, while IMO a Hover Land Raider would be funny, it's more likely that they just "revamp" the Land Raider up to the new Terminator scale and don't explain it as Primaris (same as how the new Terminators aren't explicitly Primaris).

The Rhino is 100% becoming a Hover vehicle when it gets Primaris'd, tho hopefully it'll retain the classic Rhino shape (pretty much just upscale it and turn the treads at the bottom into the hover things. Change nothing else.)

Multipart Outriders, and more Bike characters, seems so weirdly delayed/overdue there must be some deliberate reason for it eg a planned box set/edition launch ɓox


My guess: more Terminator and jump characters this edition

I think factions should only get one codex per edition, but that being said - the Marine codex is poor. Bottom of the barrel. Time for a new one!


In all seriousness, there are still a few units that need to be updated, and a few more that need to be dropped. Hard to say if it will happen in this edition, or the next.

If they come out with a second codex I am definitely not coming back to play or buy any more :cuss: for the rest of the edition at the very least.


as a community we need to stop just throwing money at whatever greedy tactic they decide toss out at us.

if the community doesn’t, they will continuously find more and more ways to take more of your money with less in return.

At this rate y’all will be paying for individual datasheets on the app, the app only, and paying for every FAQ or errata on those datasheets.


theyll begin selling weapon sprues separately from bodies and heads.

turrets and their weapons will soon be sold separately from the hulls.

I agree it shouldn't happen. Unfortunately Marines are in a really bad state.


One solution is for GW to keep lowering points - sadly this has a secondary bad outcome as the army becomes less elite and ultimately reflects the lore poorly. Another solution is to do what they did with the AdMech - at this point you may as well throw the existing codex in the bin - the rules printed inside have been completely replaced by a PDF that makes the codex you purchased redundant. 


If either of the above come to pass, I genuinely would simply prefer a new codex.

Edited by Orange Knight

I agree it shouldn't happen. Unfortunately Marines are in a really bad state.


One solution is for GW to keep lowering points - sadly this has a secondary bad outcome as the army becomes less elite and ultimately reflects the lore poorly. Another solution is to do what they did with the AdMech - at this point you may as well throw the existing codex in the bin - the rules printed inside have been completely replaced by a PDF that makes the codex you purchased redundant. 


If either of the above come to pass, I genuinely would simply prefer a new codex.

I mean this is why the app exists they can update the points, the rules, and the stats, without us buying a new codex.



I actually prefer having a book. I work with computers. I stare at my phone. I game on PC and PS5 like many do.


The reason I love 40k is because it's a manual game. No electronic devices needed. It's an interactive experience you can share with another human, at a casual pace whilst drinking a beer and eating a pizza. 


To me, having the book invalidated by downloadable rules is worse than replacing it by an entirely new book. I can live with the points being updated frequently because they only matter during list building.

I don't want to check my phone or tablet, or sift through an app when I'm playing.


I actually prefer having a book. I work with computers. I stare at my phone. I game on PC and PS5 like many do.


The reason I love 40k is because it's a manual game. No electronic devices needed. It's an interactive experience you can share with another human, at a casual pace whilst drinking a beer and eating a pizza. 


To me, having the book invalidated by downloadable rules is worse than replacing it by an entirely new book. I can live with the points being updated frequently because they only matter during list building.

I don't want to check my phone or tablet, or sift through an app when I'm playing.

I prefer a book as well, but not enough to pay $40 for a second book in less than 3 years.


I actually prefer having a book. I work with computers. I stare at my phone. I game on PC and PS5 like many do.


The reason I love 40k is because it's a manual game. No electronic devices needed. It's an interactive experience you can share with another human, at a casual pace whilst drinking a beer and eating a pizza. 


To me, having the book invalidated by downloadable rules is worse than replacing it by an entirely new book. I can live with the points being updated frequently because they only matter during list building.

I don't want to check my phone or tablet, or sift through an app when I'm playing.

Then print the rules and datasheets relevant to your army. At home printers are affordable in 2024. 


Why should hard copy people be forced to print things out when GW could continue producing codexes?

Because a digital copy is more easily updated and you'll know it's updated with the eventual WarCom article, and can then recyle the old paper? How is this hard to figure out?


Captain on Bike 

Lieutenant on Bike 

Chaplain with Jump Pack

Lieutenant with Jump Pack

Chaplain in Gravis Armour 

Librarian in Gravis Armour

Techmarine in Gravis Armour

Lieutenant in Gravis Armour 


Don't forget Chaplain in Phobos

Ancient in Phobos

Apothecary in Phobos

Techmarine in Phobos

Champion on Bike

Ancient on Bike

Techmarine on Bike

Apothecary on Bike

Champion on Bike

Captain in Phobos on Bike

Lieutenant in Phobos on Bike

Chaplain in Phobos on Bike

Apothecary in Phobos on Bike

Ancient in Phobos on Bike

Techmarine in Phobos on Bike

Librarian in Phobos on Bike

Champion in Phobos on Bike

Captain in Phobos with Jump Pack

Lieutenant in Phobos with Jump Pack

Chaplain in Phobos with Jump Pack

Apothecary in Phobos with Jump Pack

Ancient in Phobos with Jump Pack

Techmarine in Phobos with Jump Pack

Librarian in Phobos with Jump Pack

Champion in Phobos with Jump Pack

Captain in Gravis on Bike

Lieutenant in Gravis on Bike

Chaplain in Gravis on Bike

Apothecary in Gravis on Bike

Ancient in Gravis on Bike

Techmarine in Gravis on Bike

Librarian in Gravis on Bike

Champion in Gravis on Bike

Captain in Gravis with Jump Pack

Lieutenant in Gravis with Jump Pack

Chaplain in Gravis with Jump Pack

Apothecary in Gravis with Jump Pack

Ancient in Gravis with Jump Pack

Techmarine in Gravis with Jump Pack

Librarian in Gravis with Jump Pack

Champion in Gravis with Jump Pack

Ancient in Terminator Armour

Techmarine in Terminator Armour

Champion in Terminator Armour

Apothecary in Terminator Armour


Because a digital copy is more easily updated and you'll know it's updated with the eventual WarCom article, and can then recyle the old paper? How is this hard to figure out?

Updating the app has no effect on people buying codexes. How is that hard to figure out?



People complain there are too many space marine releases


They pay the bills for everything else to be made and released. I remember reading somewhere how one primaris lieutenant release paid for all of the eldar upgraded models recently.


I've tried hard to get out of the game of prognosticating what GW will do. I'm 50/50 on a new marine codex? Who knows for sure? I do think we will see a few more marine model kit releases during the remainder of this edition. I'll say assault terminators and vanguard veterans.


1.5 years out from a new edition. /puke. I'd like it to be at least five years between editions. Not a fan at all of these three year edition lifespans. It's a joke. But for GW they've probably figured out its good for keeping people on the GW hamster wheel of purchases?





Edited by Helias_Tancred

It does when you play some that's apparently "phone bad" and doesn't have updated rules. 

He didn’t say he didn’t have updated rules or that ‘phone bad’ he says he prefers not to use his phone for his hobby since he looks at screens all day for work.


I think for me the choice is simple.


If there was the option to pay some money and get a much better codex that elevates my enjoyment with this army, or save some money and keep the current bland and weak snorefest, I would happily chose to pay the money.


Emperor knows I did not enter this hobby with a view to keep my spending low and save cash lol.


I'm also empathetic towards armies still waiting for a codex, but that does not erase the simple fact that the Marines are one of the factions struggling most at the moment. Should the most popular army get an update? The answer is a simple yes. That does not mean other factions don't deserve updates as well (AdMech are in desperate need of a new book). In truth Games Workshop are the ones insisting on piece meal updates for each faction over the course of an edition.

Edited by Orange Knight

I'm also empathetic towards armies still waiting for a codex, but that does not erase the simple fact that the Marines are one of the factions struggling most at the moment. Should the most popular army get an update? The answer is a simple yes. That does not mean other factions don't deserve updates as well (AdMech are in desperate need of a new book). In truth Games Workshop are the ones insisting on piece meal updates for each faction over the course of an edition.


We're now about halfway through the edition, so if it's gonna come out at all, it's either gonna be soon or right when the end of edition event starts up.

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