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  1. CSM 10th edition Maulerfiend This is a topic about Chaos Space Marine Maulerfiend in the 10th edition. Do you use them? How are you using them? Do you think they perform well How do you equip them? Is there a detachment that they are extra crucial? Other Unit of the Week for Chaos Space Marines can be found in the link below. Chaos Space Marine Unit of the Week Links
  2. ... Or almost one year later, what is the status of my "legalizing" effort to adapt my armies to 10th? This used to be one of my first entries in this blog and I feel like it is worth setting a kind of progress report. Remember, last year, after launch of 10th, the state of my armies was more or less: - AdMech (New Year / New Army 2023) - to be redesigned. - Eldars - requiring a big refresh. - Death Watch, - claiming for love for the Veterans One year (or almost) later, what is the state of the revamp? Let´s start with AdMech - the easy part in fact. At the time I barely aligned 1 and a half patrol box. So "legalizing" was not really the most appropriate term, as, indeed, I could not even pretend that I was able fielding anything playable at the time. Now, the Army has grown in a rather, let´s admit it, significant manner. It is in its maturity time where adjunctions are more intents to diversify the tactical options than required investments. It is still a challenge to face these points drops (see balnce dataslates) every quarter, but in the end I can get a good and stable core at 2000 pts with nice posibilities for variations around. And more to come. Then the Aeldari. They haven´t had any love since 3rd Ed so, anyway, 10th did not bear any guilt into their derelict status... But , hey!, it is easier to borne the responsability on rules reedition, nope? Call to Arm 2023 put me on the way of "redemption" and I managed painting almost everything I had. Then I Ebayed some stuff to get legal Guardian squads and jetbike unit a full strenght. I added everything that was needed so far 2 Serpent platforms and 1 HW platform, plus the 2 bikes that were missing to reach 9 riders. Great, nope? Well, nope. Ebay being Ebay (or rather Bouargh being Bouargh (aka a compulsive buyer)) I bought more stuff. Another HW platform, just in case, as I still have enough legs and torsos for 1 or 2 additional guardians squads, another extra bike (converted into an Autarch), 2 warlocks, a D-cannon and an old ooP Spirit warrior, for a proxy wraithlord. Plus plastic kits for Rangers on foot and on bikes and more guardians. I don´t really know why for the latter. Most has gone to a rejuvenated Pile of Shame and will be involved, hopefully, in the resuming CtA 2024. Finally DW. I did not do anything there. The 2 boxes I would require to redesign the Vets squads are still at GW warehouses. For a good time, at least untill getting a new version of the 2024 Roadmap and entering in sheer FOMO panic... But "finally" was not a real final: I indeed forgot to include, last year, my armoured fist company of Astra Militarum (SW auxilliaries). Legalization was quite small here as it consisted into adding the 2 regimental advisors missing on the rooster (fly guy and blind guy). Ebayed too. It makes me think that I´ll need a command squad may be, and building this HW squad sitting at the bottom of my Pile of Shame ever since before COVID too... I was planning last year a very limited amount of investment, excluding AdMech. I went out of control. Litterally. Eldars saw an increase of some 800 pts, considering what I disclosed here, more stuff and even more if putting into the equation DE stuff affiliated to Ynnari that joined the frey. Astra Militarum also have a potential of 200 pts and something waiting to be converted from GSC sprues I grabbed by "accident" + recycling some of these AdMech bitz accumulated. I largely recomposed my Pile of Shame while on Feb 24 it was reduced to 6 wolves, two kitbashed Rhino and Land raider and 3 ooP Rhinos chassis only. All of these still remain to in the waiting zone of course... A "consolation" I have is that all of the stuff was obtained with discounts between 15 to 30%. Even considering Ebay and comparing what I paid vs. the charged price for equivalent stuff on GW webstore. Let´s say, in a more positive way, that I was preparing myself actively for the CtA 2024 event (without knowing it). So, see you there, for sure.
  3. So as previously mentioned in my other Thread, A friend very easily convinced me to make a 1000pt 10th edition army, with the upcoming release of the Dark Angles and my Love of the Ravenwing I set out to do something incredibly dumb, Will this army function competitively? No idea, Will it function at all? Heck if know, Will it make my friends face palm Harder that Picard? Absolutely! Quick disclosure again this is an almost 90% 3d printed project using files found and purchased online, I will not be sharing files, artists or locations due to legal reasons, those artists have been personally thanked and credited on their own respective pages. Here's the Abomination of a list created in Warhammers App: Knights Errant (1000 points) Space Marines Dark Angels Incursion (1000 points) Unforgiven Task Force CHARACTERS: Chaplain on Bike (90 points) • 1x Absolvor bolt pistol 1x Crozius arcanum 1x Twin bolt rifle • Enhancement: Stubborn Tenacity Sammael (130 points) • Warlord • 1x Bolt Pistol 1x Master-crafted plasma cannon 1x The Raven Sword 1x Twin storm bolter OTHER DATASHEETS: Outrider Squad (160 points) • 1x Outrider Sergeant • 1x Astartes chainsword 1x Heavy bolt pistol 1x Twin bolt rifle • 5x Outrider • 5x Astartes chainsword 5x Heavy bolt pistol 5x Twin bolt rifle Outrider Squad (80 points) • 1x Outrider Sergeant • 1x Astartes chainsword 1x Heavy bolt pistol 1x Twin bolt rifle • 2x Outrider • 2x Astartes chainsword 2x Heavy bolt pistol 2x Twin bolt rifle Outrider Squad (80 points) • 1x Outrider Sergeant • 1x Astartes chainsword 1x Heavy bolt pistol 1x Twin bolt rifle • 2x Outrider • 2x Astartes chainsword 2x Heavy bolt pistol 2x Twin bolt rifle Ravenwing Black Knights (90 points) • 1x Ravenwing Huntmaster • 1x Black Knight combat weapon 1x Bolt pistol 1x Plasma talon • 2x Ravenwing Black Knight • 2x Black Knight combat weapon 2x Bolt pistol 2x Plasma talon Ravenwing Black Knights (90 points) • 1x Ravenwing Huntmaster • 1x Black Knight combat weapon 1x Bolt pistol 1x Plasma talon • 2x Ravenwing Black Knight • 2x Black Knight combat weapon 2x Bolt pistol 2x Plasma talon Ravenwing Black Knights (90 points) • 1x Ravenwing Huntmaster • 1x Black Knight combat weapon 1x Bolt pistol 1x Plasma talon • 2x Ravenwing Black Knight • 2x Black Knight combat weapon 2x Bolt pistol 2x Plasma talon Ravenwing Command Squad (110 points) • 1x Ravenwing Champion • 1x Bolt pistol 1x Master-crafted power weapon 1x Plasma talon • 1x Ravenwing Apothecary • 1x Black Knight combat weapon 1x Bolt pistol 1x Plasma talon • 1x Ravenwing Ancient • 1x Black Knight combat weapon 1x Bolt pistol 1x Plasma talon ALLIED UNITS: Vindicare Assassin (80 points) • 1x Exitus pistol 1x Exitus rifle 1x Vindicare combat knife Exported with App Version: v1.10.1 (38), Data Version: v336 and now for the fun stuff: The failed leg will probably be replaced with a bionic leg file if I can track one down I like and by like I of course mean Free I currently have them armed with the spears from the Custodes because of the bolters on the end and to completely sell the Roving knights look i want to convey with this little force, so there is going to be a healthy use of Black Templar parts in the mix. until next time!
  4. This is my first proper thread since joining this forum. I am finally committed to playing 40k tabletop. So I spent the coin to buy models in preparation for 10th ED. I'll run down my two prospective armies: | Black Templars | Ever since I first heard about 40k, the Black Templars have been one of my favorite chapters. I may have liked others more at one time or another. For example, before I settled on BT I intended on building a Raven Guard, Crimson Fists, or Iron Hands army. But I always felt myself drawn back to the Templars, so I decided on them (also my brother is building a Blood Angels army, who I was also considering building and I wanted something different). Their aesthetic, their lore, the way they fight, everything about them screams a 40k that I adore. It represents something that other chapters don't provide me. Something distinctly older, something gothic, something unique. It helps my favorite Primarch is Rogal Dorn as well, the IF and their successors just appeal to me. I've bought most of these boxes fairly recently, and it's the army I intend to be my first to play a game of 10th ED when it releases. I also have a Predator kit on the way. I debated on getting that or a Rhino, but opted for the tank because I love it so much. Next | Word Bearers | This prospective army is much, much smaller right now. Just 5 CSM from a box of 10 I split with my brother and a box of Raptors. And this is probably where it will stay for now. I originally intended to build a Iron Warriors army, but settled on the WB after much thought. I am a loyalist first and foremost. But the Word Bearers have always been an interesting warband to me, and Lorgar an interesting character. Additionally, I really like their color scheme. This army will be painted, but priority is the BT. /// I will update this thread as I make progress, but it will probably be very infrequent. All tips and criticism welcome, I am extremely novice tabletop player, builder, and painter. I want to get better.
  5. NECRON UNIT OF THE WEEK SERIES Welcome to the Necron Unit of the Week series for 10th edition! Each week will see a different unit from the Codex, Imperial Armour, and Legends datasheets featured for discussion. The goal here is to discover and chronicle tactics for the featured unit so that new players and veterans alike can use this database to inform their strategies with the wider knowledge of the forum. The game of Warhammer 40,000 is ever changing though, and as the rules evolve throughout the edition everyone should feel free to return to older threads with the release of new FAQs/errata, changes in points values, information gathered from games played, and of course the Codex being released. These threads are also great places for newcomers to the Necrons to post their questions about tactics related to the featured units. Please note that the purpose of this series is not to lament what the current meta deems “ineffective”, or that another unit “does it better”. Those units will get their own threads. This week’s unit is: Necron Warriors Some points to ponder as we discuss the various uses of the Necron Warrior: What purpose do Warriors play in your army lists? Do you take 10 or 20 model units, and are they armed with Flayers or Reapers? Do you attach any characters to your unit(s)? What tactics do you employ to get the most out of the "Their Number is Legion" ability? Series Index
  6. EDIT: The full list of Thousand Sons datasheets can be found on warcom here: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/06/13/free-chaos-index-cards-let-the-galaxy-burn-with-rules-for-six-factions/ ------------------------------------------------------------- Faction Focus Discussion The Thousand Sons Faction Focus is up, with a preview of some of our rules - Finally! Use this topic for discussion the Datasheets that we've seen so far - Ahriman, Rubes and part of the Mutalith. What do you reckon? Faction Focus Thousand Sons Faction Rules Discussion
  7. Hi all, thought I would run this by the Astartes brains trust. I'm about to (finally) put together my Leviathan Sternguard, and have enough bits and base bodies to assemble them in ways other than the monopose/set weapon options of the kit. Two questions: First, as someone who's yet to get their hands on the new Codex, does giving the Sergeant a Power Weapon/Fist replace his boltrifle, or his close combat weapon? I've been caught out by that before. Second, who's been fielding these guys in their games of 10th, and if you have, did you field them with all boltrifles, all combiweapons, or a mix? I'm almost certainly going to assemble the squad with all of one, just for ease of dice-rolling, but am interested to know if the extra shots and better hit chance of the rifles is outperforming the wound shenanigans of the combiweapons. What's been putting in good work?
  8. Hey all have you been thinking about the new edition and how it will change our faction? As far as ninth edition goes I’m very happy with our rules and how we play. Hopefully geedub will be a little kinder to SM when the new editon rolls out. Any predictions?
  9. Hi there, I will drop into a kind of Wishlist Post, I know, but I wonder if you have any opinion on what could be the future of AdMech under a future new Ed of W40k... Do you see it as a simple reedition of the Codex with a small release of one iddled miniature or do you expect (wish/pray the Omnimessiah for) something wider? Rule wise, I do nt expect so much changes, except if the game mechanics is deeply affected. May be the data-tether thing might be cleaned up as I found it messy and the usual suspects (Strats) refunded into unit special rules. Should it be a wider release I would be then tempt to believe on some additional units - my guesses/bets/wishes/prayers to the Omnimessiah: another Robot unit, but in order not to compete with Heresy, a small robot release - someting like Bombots maybe a plastic kit for Battle Servitors Myrmidions - as they are one of the only AdMech armed branch no represented in 40 k (I discard Ordinatus). Could be a dual kit of course. But being in potentail competition wth HH, a multi-period kit (not multi-verse) might not be the most favoured option... and for the very same reason of giving a representant to un uncovered slot in 40k, a vehicle that would belong to the Ordo Reductor - Say for example a Defiler type platform with an ordonance weapon (Plasma decimator, a big neutron cannon or a sonic weapon for example) But I doubt it might be the case, and I would rather bet on a codex rerelease with teh usual goodies and a single mini release (Battle Servitors will be my guess). What about you guies?
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    © 2023, Hank Bell

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    © 2023, Hank Bell

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    © 2023, Hank Bell

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    © 2023, Hank Bell

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    © 2023, Hank Bell

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