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Spoiler function no longer in the formatting options when posting.


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As of this morning I noticed then when I reply in a topic (or even start a new one as is the case with this tread) the spoiler function appears to no longer be in the formatting bar as an option.


The coding obviously still works as old post with spoiler boxes still have them, and if I quote one of them it still works as well.


I assume (and will test with this post) that the format coding < spoiler > text </spoiler > (without the gabs) still works.  It was however nice to be able to just highlight a section and then click the buton on the formatting bar.


<spoiler> test text </spoiler>   



test text



Edit, I missremebered it is [ and ] instead of < and >. so [spoiler ] text [/spoiler ] witout the space still works

Edited by Trokair
Edit, or maybe not.
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