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Remake of custodes in the future?

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Hello. As some of you have read I have restarted my custodes and right now I only got the palstic miniatures that is from GW side, so no legendary Forgeworld miniatures yet (even if I´m thinking to buy some).


But I got thinking, after the totally remake of mechanicus to Horus Heresy with a lot of there Forgerworld models became made in plastic, which is easier to work with and cheaper, is it the next time GW decided to do something similiar, custodes turn (even Imperial guards in HH got new miniatures in plastic)? Custodes are the last HH army that has not so far got no remake at all and we all know the custodes codex is very thin when it comes to units (if you don´t count the legendary units) so custodes should really need a rewamp, both in HH and 40k. Peope would buy a lot of it is my guess. But do you think GW is preparing something like this and we should wait to buy FW units or is it just a dream? To push it even further, perhaps at the same time, could they give us a new  "10.5" codex with some updated rules! Dream or a reality soon, what is your toughts?


BTW some of the more popular FW models have been out of production for a long time now, like the Caladius tank and Telemon.   

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My thought would be that yes, most of the Custodes FW-only units will eventually be redone in plastic, but it probably won't happen until 11th edition. While Custodes are a fairly popular faction and have gotten some major glow-ups because of the Horus Heresy/Gathering Storm/Dawn of Fire novels and storylines, they are still more niche than others. The most likely "major" faction release next is the rumored Emperor's Children, which if like most GW Chaos releases, will have an accompanying SM release (most likely a re-done line of Space Wolves/Leman Russ Primarch). 


I do think it would be interesting to have some of the FW options in plastic, and would especially like to see some new SoS units/upgrade kits come out- after the options they were given in HH 2.0 it would only make sense to eventually give them kits to have said weaponry. I could see a Custodes release during 11th edition alongside something like a revamped line of Aeldari Aspect Warriors or even a new set of units for the T'au. 

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If custodes got something completly new and not a remake, what do you think that could be? We actually do need something new, not just remakes (even if remakes is top prio for me). I´m guessing that they would give us something for SoS, like a tank or something.

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They might add some units via campaign book or kill team but they won't do a second codex this edition, or a major revamp.


Some reason stuff might go plastic but it probably won't change the rules or even definitely get added to the codex given the silly 30/40k team rift.

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This is really tough. We need some of those kits in plastic and pretty badly. Do we need new kits? Probably? maybe? 

The things we are missing we have, they just aren't very good or cost too much. So right now it's a rules issues. 

Dreads move too slowly and some cost too much

Bikes are too expensive

We rely a lot on allies for objectives. Sticky sisters are good

The assassin is good

hard to replace those.

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Yes, we need more unit in plastic and a look at some of our units.


A complitly new unit could be a solo who are part of The Eyes of the Emperor. A lone operativ with two pistols in a dark cloak or something similiar would be cool. And could field the role as a solo instead of assassins.  What do you think?

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