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ok deep breath, this is going to be a long post. I will post the video series below that I am trying to follow, along with a paint list. I am looking for help on maybe eliminating some steeps and getting away from citadel paints where I can. There are just other brands out there I prefer. Problem is, A: Sometimes you just can't replace a particular color. B: Sometimes it's just easier to spend the couple of extra dollars and make life getting all these paints less difficult. 


Here is the series. I will just post the final video so you get an idea, I don't expect anyone to watch the series.


My draw to this is the purplish skin. I like this over all the greyish skin you so often see. And the redish / pinkish wings. Again I like this over the mostly blackish wings you often see.

Not crazy about the sword, but everything else looks good to me? 

I won't be adding the marine or fantasy guy to the base so that can be ingored.


I am going to do 2 lists. List 1 - will show every color and every step so you can see what is used and what it is used on, so you don't need to watch the video, just look at the thumbnail.


List 2 is going to be a barebones list of 57ish paints.


Ledbelcher    Primer for chains
Mechanicus Grey    Primer for Base / Wings
Black    Primer for Body
Pink Horror 50% and Squig Orange 50%    Wings 1
Screamer Pink    Wings 2
Maybe Carroburg Crimson    Wings 3
1 Pink Horror, 1 Squig Orange,2 Troll Slayer Orange    Wings 4
Bestigor Flesh    Wings 4.5
Blood Angels Red, Contrast Medium    Wings 5
Abaddon Black    Skeletal Wings 6
Barak-Nar Burgundy    Flesh on Wings / Body Skin 1
Nuln Oil    Body Skin 2
Xereus Purple    Body Skin 3
Warpfiend grey / Dechala Lilac 50/50    Body Skin 4
Dechala Lilac    Body Skin 5
Slaanesh Grey / Wych Flesh 3:2    Body Skin 6
Shyish Purple / Contract Medium - Glaze  1:20    Body Skin 7
Skavenblight Dinge    Base Rocks 1
Stormvermin Fur    Base Rocks 2
Dawnstone    Base Rocks 3
Administratum Grey    Base Rocks 4
Grey Seer    Base Rocks 5
Creed Camo / Contrast Medium    Base Rocks 6
Argos Dunes / Contrast Medium    Base Rocks 7
Basilicanum Grey / Contrast Medium    Base Rocks 8
Abaddon Black    Base sand 1
Eshin Grey    Base sand 2
Dawnstone    Base sand 3
Administratum Grey    Base sand 4
Steel Legion Drab    Horns / Claws / Teeth 1
Agrax Earthshade    Horns / Claws / Teeth 2
Steel Legion Drab    Horns / Claws / Teeth 3
Zandri Dust    Horns / Claws / Teeth 4
Ushabti Bone    Horns / Claws / Teeth 5
Wraithbone    Horns / Claws / Teeth 6
Skeleton Horde / Contrast Medium    Horns / Claws / Teeth 7
Barak-Nar Burgundy / Screamer Pink 50/50    Loincloth 1
Screamer Pink    Loincloth 2
Screamer Pink / Pink Horror 50/50    Loincloth 3
Pink Horror    Loincloth 4
Volupus Pink / Contrast Medium    Loincloth 5
Leadbelcher    Metal Parts 1
Gehenna's Gold    Metal Trim 1
Agrax Earthshade    Metal Parts / Metal Trim 2
Auric Armour Gold    Metal Trim 3
Auric Armour Gold / Runefang Steel 50/50    Metal Trim 4
Runefang Steel    Metal Trim 5 / Metal Parts 3
Rhinox Hide    Leather Straps 1
Gorthor Brown    Leather Straps 2
Skrag Brown    Leather Straps 3
Balor Brown    Leather Straps 4
Snakebite Leather / Contrast Medium    Leather Straps 5
Wraithbone    Skulls 1
Skeleton Horde    Skulls 2
Agrax Earthshade    Skulls 3
Screaming Skull    Skulls 4
Wraithbone    Skulls 5
Caliban Green    Sword 1
Caliban Green / Kabalite Green 50/50    Sword 2
Kabalite Green    Sword 3
Kabalite Green / Sotek Green 50/50    Sword 4
Sotek Green    Sword 5
Temple Guard Blue    Sword 6
Baharroth Blue    Sword 7
Baharroth Blue / Pallid Wych Flesh 50/50    Sword 8
Aethermatic Blue / Contrast Medium    Sword 9
Khorne Red    Lava / Star on Chest / Eyes 1
Wazdakka Red    Lava / Star on Chest / Eyes 2
Evil Sunz Scarlet    Lava / Star on Chest / Eyes 3
Wild Rider Red    Lava / Star on Chest / Eyes 4
Blood Angels Red, Contrast Medium    Lava / Star on Chest / Eyes 5
Screamer Pink    Tongue 1
Pink Horror    Tongue 2
Emperor's Children    Tongue 3
Matt / Satin Varnish 50/50    Whole Model



List 2:


Black Primer
Grey Primer
Pink Horror
Squig Orange
Screamer Pink
Carroburg Crimson
Troll Slayer Orange
Bestigor Flesh
Blood Angels Red
Contrast Medium
Abaddon Black
Barak-Nar Burgundy
Nuln Oil
Xereus Purple
Dechala Lilac
Warpfiend Grey
Slaanesh Grey
Shyish Purple
Wych Flesh
Skvenblight Dinge
Stormvermin Fur
Administartum Grey
Creed Camo
Argos Dunes
Basilicanum Grey
Eshin Grey
Steel Legion Drab
Agrax Earthshade
Zandri Dust
Ushabti Bone
Skeleton Horde
Volupus Pink
Gehenna's Gold
Auric Armour Gold
Runefang Steel
Rhinox Hide
Gorthor Brown
Skrag Brown
Balor Brown
Snakebite Leather
Screaming Skull
Caliban Green
Kabalite Green
Sotek Green
Temple Guard Blue
Baharrot Blue
Pallid Wych Flesh
Aethermatic Blue
Khorne Red
Wazdakka Red
Evil Sunz Scarlet
Wild Rider Red
Emperor's Children
Matt / Satin Varnish


That is a lot of paints. I think for a lot of this he builds up layer over layer with 50/50 mixes here and there. I feel likes some of this is just unnecessary, I do understand trying to transition from one color to the next, but it feels excessive. I am not sure I even have the skills to do this let alone notice any difference in those transitions.


That being said, I love this model. I want to take my time and do the best I can do. Use the best paints I can use. This might mean Pro Acryl sometimes or scale 75 or some other ink or wash... just randomly naming some things. Any help with this is appreciated. I know this post and those lists a A LOT.


I spent hours watching the video and writing out the lists and where it's used to help me reference it later. This is just how I am. Trying to plan every paint out and every step out to make things easier in the long run. Thanks!

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That purple is indeed quite vibrant - would it be possible for you to follow the relatively simple/low #paints method from warhammer tv, but substitute them for the approprita colours, or potentially do the whtv method, but apply a purple pink glaze over the model to make it purple?


My best reccomendation would be to slap-chop it and go for contrasts, to get that tonal variation without actally needing a million paints. 

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Thanks, I'll look at that video later today and see where I can draw comparisons. I do think I can cut down on some steps where he mixes 50/50 this or that to shift colors. I honestly don't think there is much of a difference either way. this doesn't reduce colors per se but it does reduce steps in trying to get from one color to the next.

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