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So it’s that time of year again. Once again I’ll be taking House Jenius to do battle in the annual Hunger Wars in Erie, OH. Hopefully I can do better than last year. A 2-1 record wasn’t bad. This year I’m adding in an Exaction squad to fill in that last 100 pts. I was using a Vindicare assassin until his points nearly doubled with the codex drop. If he either goes down and/or any of the knight units drop in points I do plan to bring him instead. There is a planned MFM update before the tournament (10/26, tentative date). You can see my report on last year’s run here

Full list in spoiler


True hunger (1990 points)

Imperial Knights


Strike Force (2000 points)
Noble Lance


Knight Castellan (555 points)
  • Warlord
  • 1x Plasma decimator
    1x Shieldbreaker missile launcher
    1x Titanic feet
    2x Twin meltagun
    2x Twin siegebreaker cannon
    1x Volcano lance
  • Enhancement: Banner of Macharius Triumphant


Knight Paladin (445 points)
  • 2x Questoris heavy stubber
    1x Rapid-fire battle cannon
    1x Reaper chainsword
  • Enhancement: Unyielding Paragon


Armiger Helverin (140 points)
  • 2x Armiger autocannon
    1x Armoured feet
    1x Questoris heavy stubber


Armiger Helverin (140 points)
  • 2x Armiger autocannon
    1x Armoured feet
    1x Questoris heavy stubber


Armiger Moirax (160 points)
  • 1x Armoured feet
    1x Lightning lock
    1x Rad cleanser
    1x Siege claw


Armiger Moirax (160 points)
  • 1x Armoured feet
    1x Conversion beam cannon
    1x Rad cleanser
    1x Siege claw


Armiger Warglaive (150 points)
  • 1x Meltagun
    1x Reaper chain-cleaver
    1x Thermal spear


Armiger Warglaive (150 points)
  • 1x Questoris heavy stubber
    1x Reaper chain-cleaver
    1x Thermal spear



Exaction Squad (90 points)
  • 1x Proctor-Exactant
    • 1x Arbites combat shotgun
      1x Arbites shotpistol
      1x Close combat weapon
      1x Nuncio-acquila
  • 9x Exaction Vigilant
    • 1x Arbites Medi-kit
      7x Arbites combat shotgun
      1x Arbites grenade launcher
      9x Arbites shotpistol
      9x Close combat weapon
      1x Excruciator maul
      1x Heavy stubber
      1x Soulguilt Scanner
  • 1x Cyber-mastiff
    • 1x Mechanical bite


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Also the weekend following that is my FLGS ExtraLife event. As part of that, one of our organizers wants to try and put as many points on the table as possible. To this end the full might of House Jenius will be deployed. Assisted by a pair of warhound scout titans I’m looking at 9K possible right now.

For this event I’m going to try and build and paint a Valiant and Lancer for the event. This will bring my total to 10k on my own. Plus give me some epic picture opportunities as they battle for 18 hours. Included below is the current list, I believe I have more armigars painted so will update it once I get a confirmed head count. 


Full House (8895 points)

Imperial Knights
Noble Lance



Canis Rex (435 points)
  • 1x Chainbreaker las-impulsor
    1x Chainbreaker multi-laser
    1x Freedom’s Hand


Knight Castellan (550 points)
  • 1x Plasma decimator
    1x Shieldbreaker missile launcher
    1x Titanic feet
    2x Twin meltagun
    2x Twin siegebreaker cannon
    1x Volcano lance
  • Enhancement: Mysterious Guardian


Knight Crusader (470 points)
  • 1x Avenger gatling cannon
    1x Heavy flamer
    1x Ironstorm missile pod
    2x Questoris heavy stubber
    1x Rapid-fire battle cannon
    1x Titanic feet
  • Enhancement: Mythic Hero


Knight Errant (405 points)
  • 1x Icarus autocannons
    1x Meltagun
    1x Reaper chainsword
    1x Thermal cannon


Knight Gallant (400 points)
  • 1x Meltagun
    1x Reaper chainsword
    1x Stormspear rocket pod
    1x Thunderstrike gauntlet


Knight Paladin (445 points)
  • 2x Questoris heavy stubber
    1x Rapid-fire battle cannon
    1x Reaper chainsword
    1x Stormspear rocket pod
  • Enhancement: Unyielding Paragon


Knight Preceptor (420 points)
  • 1x Las-impulsor
    1x Questoris heavy stubber
    1x Stormspear rocket pod
    1x Thunderstrike gauntlet
  • Enhancement: Revered Knight (Aura)


Knight Warden (450 points)
  • 1x Avenger gatling cannon
    1x Heavy flamer
    1x Ironstorm missile pod
    1x Questoris heavy stubber
    1x Reaper chainsword



Armiger Helverin (140 points) x9 (1260)
  • 2x Armiger autocannon
    1x Armoured feet
    1x Questoris heavy stubber


Armiger Moirax (160 points)
  • 1x Armoured feet
    2x Volkite veuglaire


Armiger Moirax (160 points) x2 (320)
  • 1x Armoured feet
    1x Lightning lock
    1x Rad cleanser
    1x Siege claw


Armiger Moirax (160 points) x2 (320)
  • 1x Armoured feet
    1x Conversion beam cannon
    1x Rad cleanser
    1x Siege claw


Armiger Moirax (160 points)
  • 1x Armoured feet
    2x Graviton pulsar


Armiger Warglaive (150 points) x3 (450)
  • 1x Meltagun
    1x Reaper chain-cleaver
    1x Thermal spear


Armiger Warglaive (150 points) x3 (450)
  • 1x Questoris heavy stubber
    1x Reaper chain-cleaver
    1x Thermal spear



Warhound Titan (1100 points)
  • 1x Warhound feet
    1x Warhound plasma blastgun
    1x Warhound turbo-laser destructor


Warhound Titan (1100 points)
  • 1x Warhound feet
    1x Warhound plasma blastgun
    1x Warhound turbo-laser destructor


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What is a little crazy is that I’m not going to be fielding all of my knights, just the ones from my custom house, and I’m not even done building it up either.


As with last year I'll add in any training bouts as they happen. For the tournament my usual ride share companions will be taking up Necrons and either nids or tau (she hasn't decided yet). 

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