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  1. Hello everyone. Here's my knight house. I really like models frome forgeworld more, so you won't see any wardens or errants here) Only those cute armigers and helverins. And 1 Valiant. because HARPOOON. Basically the only one completely painted is the castigator. The other ones are on different stages of painting\basing. Porphyrion Castigator Valiant Valiant pt2
  2. So Stray wanted me to post pictures of an armiger conversion I'd been working on and frankly I want to see the conversions of people's knights and armigers! Conversions are a lot of fun so for those who've done any, show them off here! My wip ones https://imgur.com/gallery/OkJpKg6 +EDIT+ Chaos Knight conversions can be showcased/seen in this sister topic and both Imperial and Chaos Knights are showcased in this topic in the Forge.
  3. I must have been sleeping at the wheel on this one and it's honestly never been an issue but here goes: Imperial Knights have access to Destroyer Weapons, namely the Reaper Chainsword and Thunderstrike Gauntlet. On the Destroyer Weapon entry on page 163, it states excess wounds are lost and cannot be carried over to the rest of the unit. Here's the question: if, say, a group of Traitorous Marines are in base contact with my Imperial Knight Titan, I can only kill, at most, 3-4 of them with my gigantic sword and/ or hand of doom- not including Stomp and Hammer of Wrath? I find this utterly ridiculous if true. My mind just can't wrap around this concept. Someone- anyone- tell me what's happening here !
  4. Part 3 of the ongoing Saga of the Lord Emperor League campaign, a 1K Point League at my FLGS. Previous games I've played in the series, and other information about the Campaign, can be found here: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/341428-angry-goats-iron-hands-battle-reports-1k-league/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- To describe the weather as dreary would have been a grave understatement. Though the mists had appeared quite suddenly, the density of the fog had more in common with a plasteel bulkhead than the water vapor it was supposed to be made of. As the Dreadnoughts of Task Force Valdosta cautiously advanced through the soup, even their advanced sensors were hard pressed to get through the worst of it. Chaplain Dreadnought Valdosta was spending a disproportionate amount of his processing power just trying to keep the gaps in their patrol line from expanding. Communications were in even worse shape, as the fog reduced their effective range considerably. Scout Squad Kiko, normally sent far forward to recon ahead of the Dreadnought Lines, was forced to stay much closer than they would have preferred just to maintain radio contact. Chaplain Valdosta couldn’t help but think that this was an altogether terrible situation for any fighting force to be in. As if on cue Squad Kiko felt, as much as heard, an incredible rumble approaching. With the opaque weather stifling even their gene-enhanced senses, the Scouts were hard pressed to locate the approaching force. It wasn’t until a massive Walker rushed past and nearly knocked over the tower they had been observing from that they were able to attempt to identify the threat. As the Knight, with the barely observable designation of “Crime”, and an escort of hulking bikes flew past their position, Squad Kiko attempted to issue a warning to the rest of Task Force Valdosta. The warning would not come in time. The first inkling of trouble that the bulk of Task Force Valdosta received was the unmistakable sound of incoming fire. Venerable Ancient Repartida barely had time to register the assault before the impacts began to rock his chassis. The massive shells from the Avenger Gatling Cannon demolished the ruins around him just in time for the Stormspear Rockets and Battle Cannon Shells to land. The Dreadnoughts of the Angry Goats are well known for their resiliency, but even they can’t ignore direct impacts from 120mm rounds. Though the Ancient war machine was not fully destroyed, his systems were damaged enough to force a full system shutdown to avoid a core explosion and he would not be battle worthy again without some extensive repairs. Dealings with Knights that the Angry Goats chapter had come across previously had been far from amicable. These consistently violent meetings had soured the entire Chapter’s opinions of what they now considered “rogue elements”. And as this encounter once again began with an unprovoked attack from what should have been an ally, it only proved their distain well founded. With a rage born of centuries of battle, Valdosta ordered his forces to advance. Unfortunately, the Dreadnoughts had become separated in the fog. And either by luck or by design, it seemed like Crime and his Biker escorts had wedged themselves right into that gap. And with Repartida already disabled, what should have been an ideal cross-fire scenario instead turned into a desperate sprint for Task Force Valdosta to reconnect their forces. But these ancient warrior were far from defenseless even when isolated, and their return fire was swift. In a cold and calculated volley of vengeance, Venerable Ancient Orobica fired his Lascannons and Autocannons at the towering Knight. Though several hits connected and caused damage, it was far from enough to slow Crime down. The two Contemptor Dreadnoughts, Saanen and Pyrenean, as well as Chaplain Valdosta all advanced towards the Knight from opposite sides with their respective Assault Cannons and Bolters spraying the Bikers around the Knight’s feet. But between the dense fog and tightly packed ruins, the shots had no noticeable effect. Seeing the potential for his forces to be surrounded, Rune Priest Gudrun ordered a fighting withdrawal to keep his forces away from the running Dreadnoughts. As he gave the order, his eyes blazed and small series of bright blue energy blasts flew from his Rune Staff at the fast approaching Contemptor Dreadnought Pyrenean, scorching the Ancient’s armor. This was just the reveal that Squad Kiko had been waiting for in the dense fog. Upon seeing the glow, the Scouts let rip with a volley from their Sniper Rifles. But as the rounds flew down towards the Bikers, the Fog seemed to swallow them and the impacts went unnoticed by the Rune Priest. What didn’t go unnoticed, however, was the Scouts fire base. Their failed volley was revealing enough that the keen senses of a pack of Grey Hunters that had been lying in wait were able to zero in on their position. And under a hail of Bolter Fire and roar of Chainswords, these Space Wolves sprung from their cover and charged into the Scouts. What happened in that melee was best left to the fog. Angered at the damage his mighty war machine had suffered, Crime unleashed his full volley of shots at the Venerable Dreadnought Orobica. This time, however, the blasted out ruins surrounding the ancient Dreadnought held strong and only some of the impressive rain of rounds found their mark. Thinking the Knight momentarily distracted, Pyrenean saw his opening and dashed towards the massive walker. But with a speed that defied his massive frame, Crime swung his guns around at the onrushing Dreadnought. Though his shots largely went wide, enough connected that the Pyrenean was severely hampered as he drew close. But his still functioning Fist immediately slammed into the walker ripping massive chunks of armor and machinery from the Knight. Seeing their fellow Ancient running into battle, the rest of the Dreadnoughts opened fire in support. But for fear of hitting their comrade, only a small amount of shots found their mark. But the combined damage was starting to add up, and the giant Knight was starting to slow. With the allied Knight starting to take significant damage, Gudrun again pulled his forces farther from the Dreadnoughts. And with another warp-fueled attack he tried to end the assault of the nearest, nearly crippled, Contemptor. But luckily for Pyrenean, his ancient frame withstood the blast and he continued on. The Ancients Saanen and Orobica were less fortunate as the Knight split his fire between them. Though they were both still functional, they each suffered serious damage and were slowed in their assault. But no son of Ferrus Manus would let something as simple as being nearly destroyed deter them. Both Saanen and Pyrenean charged into the screening Wolf Guard Bikers, with Techmarine Surati sprinting behind desperately trying to repair what damage he could. Though their movements were sluggish, their sheer strength proved formidable and 3 of the bikers fell to their onslaught. Seeing his brothers fall enraged the Rune Priest, and he struck out at Saanen with his force-charged staff causing some serious damage before he once again pulled his forces away from the Angry Goats. Seeing the immense damage that the remaining Dreadnoughts had suffered, Crime once again split his fire between Pyrenean and Orobica. This time, the already stricken frames of both walkers proved unable to withstand the barrage. They both collapsed from the sustained damage and shut down before their cores could overload. Centuries of pent-up hate for Knights in general, and more than enough built up hate from the current battle, drove Chaplain Valdosta and the severely injured Contemptor Saanen towards the Knight again. But while Valdosta was still too far away from the retreating Knight to get to grips with him, he combined his firepower with Saanen’s to cause some additional damage to the near-crippled Knight. And though his Ion Shields had collapsed by this point, the smoking Knight was still far from defenseless. He was quickly able to prove this as Saanen recklessly charged straight towards the Knight. Even with his targeting sensors severely damaged, it’s no chore to send death raining onto a 15 foot tall war machine running in a straight line directly towards you. And Crime did exactly that. The blast that disabled Saanen, combined with every drop of small arms fire that the remaining Wolves could muster, was enough to send even the well armored Techmarine Surati to the ground. With all of his other Battle Brothers fallen and disabled, Valdosta roared in righteous defiance. He unleashed withering barrage of Assault Cannon fire at the limping Knight as he charged directly towards the remaining Wolves. Crime, it seems, would be punished this day as the Knight finally fell to the Angry Goats assault. In his frustrated fury, Valdosta crushed another of the remaining Wolf Guard in his massive fist. Seeing the carnage before him on the battlefield, Gudrun knew he would have quite a glorious tale to tell. And to make sure he would be around to tell it, he signaled his remaining forces to withdraw. But before he could get to speed, Valdosta sprinted forward and was able to take one final swing at the Rune Priest. Though Gudrun’s armor absorbed the worst of the impact, a sizable chunk of his flesh was now slowly sliding from the claws of the Chaplain Dreadnought’s massive power fist. The Rune Priest would have his glorious tale of victory, but also quite a massive scar to remind him of how close a thing it had been. As the Rune Priest and his forces departed with songs of victory carrying on the wind, the massive wall of fog seemed to follow them away. With his sensors suddenly unhindered, Chaplain Valdosta ran over to check on his fallen Techmarine. Surati, wounded or not, was still the best hope that Task Force Valdosta had to survive until relief could arrive. And though the Wolves had withdrawn, Valdosta knew this was not a victory. He had failed to bring the massive Knight to battle, and his forces had been decimated as a result. His entire Chapter loathed weakness in any form, and the Chapter Master would not look favorably on this failure. The road to redemption for Task Force Valdosta would be an arduous one. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5. With the Deathwatch project came to logical conclusion, at least until new codex release, I start a new one. This time it will be Army of Mars(Cult Mechanicus, Skitarii, Knights and so on) First of all there will be a WIP of a trio of Taranis Knights on a floor of an assembly yard: and in a half assembled state: More will be soon!
  6. I'm proud to present my (mildly) bee-themed collection of painted Mechanicus and Mechanicum models, along with two Imperial Knight Households, House Nestis and House Temporis. If after looking at my models, you're interested in knowing more about their background, you can find it via the following links: Forgeworld Bezoa House Temporis House Nestis Legio Kerberos Gnosis Prime (for more information on the homeworld of both House Nestis and the Legio Kerberos, Forgeworld Janus) Let's start with the Skitarii
  7. I know I'm relatively new around here, but I've been trying to branch out, so I suppose I'll show off my Fists. Here's the method to my madness. Spray Tamiya Camel Yellow PS-19 over unprimed model. This can take SEVERAL, VERY light coats as it can slide over the plastic, but white and black undercoats didn't get the desired effect. Spray with purity seal, testors dullcoat, matte finish whatever. Selective wash of equal-parts Gryphonne Sepia, Devlad Mud and water. VERY light drybrush of golden yellow to bring the colour up. Do metal/shoulders/Aquila as desired. Drybrush 50/50 Golden Yellow/Skull White for small edge highlights. Anyway, I've used more than a full Tactical Squad in finding this method, and this is what turned out DECENT. There are four more that were aborted very early on in painting due to wash issues, wrong colour entirely etc. http://i.imgur.com/fw2jbGu.jpg On the left we have my test mini, in the center the second one done. The second one done really bothered me and had me learn the hard way how difficult it is to get that consistency with yellow. Towards the right, Mr. Melty-face. A better attempt at consistency, but not as bright as the test mini. http://i.imgur.com/4PAzwGR.jpg Mr. Melty-face on the left. In the center, someone I was finally satisfied with, but still no measure of consistency. On the right, my first done tit-for-tat with kingmong's method. It just looked too orange for me, he's clearly better with his spray and wash than I am, so I took the easy way out. http://i.imgur.com/vxoHmm7.jpg Finally, the final model I'm satisfied with. I love it. Perfect yellow, smooth coverage, easy detail, simple blacklining. Love it. I can see how to do vehicles and squads from this method - like I said to him though, I can see why he sprays without the arms on! Can't wait to get started with more!
  8. Definitely the Questoris Knight Magaera. The lightning cannon might seem a little underwhelming compared to other Knight Weapons, but the Knight and the Cannon just look so cool!
  9. From the album: Tygwyn's ETL V WIP

    This is the Coat of Arms I have selected for my Knightly House - it is an adaptation of the Coat of Arms associated with my family!
  10. From the album: Tygwyn's ETL V WIP

    My first crack at an Imperial Knight, this one has been magnetised to allow the full range of weapon options, but will be getting painted up as a Knight Crusader with a thermal cannon, stormspear rocket pod and a meltagun to start with.
  11. Greetings fellow Loyalists, I'm just getting back into list building and hopefully playing soon. I've been out of the game (play-wise) since 5th edition, so I tried to gather everything, read/watched the c*ap out of battlereports and lists, read rules and codexes, but I'm not sure about if what I produced here is any good. I'm not looking to go WAAC nor 100% fluff, but a list that brings BT which are my alltimes favorites and Knights, as I also like the style, that will not get tabled turn two. Opinions + C&C are very, very welcome. BT Bat.detachment: HQ: Primaris Chaplain on Bike (MOS, Armour Indomitus, Fires of Devotion, Paragon of Fury to make him a resilient melee monster) The Emperors Champion (even though he's not the best, I won't go without) Troops: 5 men each Assault Intercessors (PF on Sgt) Assault Intercessors (PF on Sgt) Assault Intercessors (PF on Sgt) Assault Intercessors (PF on Sgt) Fast Attack: Outrider Squad Outrider Squad Heavy Support: Eradicator Squad Eradicator Squad Super Heavy Detachment: House: Hawkshroud (I expect heavy anti tank from the gaming group I joined and this will help to be efficient a bit longer) Knight Crusader Armiger Warglaive Armiger Warglaive Total 2k even Battle plan should be obvious: Crack some hard shells around the fluffy stuff and chop up afterwards. Cheers PS: I hope there are not too many typos, english is not my first language
  12. I needed a break from painting my millionth Ultramarine so I decided to paint up one of the knights cluttering up my cabinet. I wanted to try a new technique out so I opted to do some marble armor. http://i.imgur.com/IwxrmGW.jpg http://i.imgur.com/hcBTNTS.jpg
  13. or Get your arse to Mars So in early November, me and a few friends travel to charity tournament in Erie, PA. It's a starvation tournament, so you start at 2K then each round drop 500 pts. For this year's I figured to combine it with a little narrative I've been working on. So my custom house was built on the bones of salvaged frames from Taranis. After some time I have a decent main force and decided that my first in a loooong series of knight forces that work like my crusade army. IE 'I like that scheme, I'm going to paint it' For this one I'm painting up a force of Taranis knights. This force plus one of my wolf knights will make up the core of my tournament list. I will then take them and fight several battles in stores around my area and beyond to simulate thier journey from my house's homebase in the Ghoul Stars to Mars. I have a list written for the tournament already: Models in the Taranis group are the crusader and three armigars. They are escorted by my wolf knight and his pack of armigars. The three TPE are going to be my old TPE for my guard, the one I did from WGE and the Grombrindal one. Right now I have the Styrix and two armigars from the wolf group done, as well as two of the TPEs. I need to get my hands on an Annihilation/Command barge to make the LL armigar. I'm painting up the Taranis group right now then I'll do Grombrindal. The Taranis group is a general look, no special conversions like my main house of the wolf knights. Which is on purpose since they will be serving with the mother house anyway. So hopefully I'll be able to keep a log of my work over the next few months. Including battle reports.
  14. I'm looking into making a spider-Armiger - how do they size-compare? Simple question. Could anyone with an AdMech and Knights army send a picture or something?
  15. Hello all, I've been lurking on these forums for a few years now, and I've decided it's about time I contributed a bit more than the occasional comment. As such, I've decided to start this topic so that I can share my work with others and hopefully be a bit more active on this site. I've also always been a bit of a slow painter, so I'm hoping that this will also help motivate me to paint a bit faster. I plan to start off this topic with my knights and Skitarii, but with the Iron hands supplement right around the corner expect to see some sons of the Gorgon in the future. I figured I'd start off my posting with something big (and painted), so here's my as yet unnamed Imperial Knight crusader of House Taranis. I got this guy back when the first Imperial Knights: Rengade box came out, and the model was an absolute joy to paint. I'm aware that the picture quality isn't fantastic, in part because I lack a light box and had to make do with a table top, but it's the best I had to work with. I'll try and get something better set up in future. Thanks for checking out the start of my hobby log. I'll try to follow this post up ASAP with some of my AdMech stuff, but I might need to take some time to figure out how make the images look a bit better first.
  16. Greetings all! I have only recently started my own Imperial Knights army. Although ultimately I do want to field them as an army unto themselves, they do for the time being act as allies to my Imperial Fists. I have, however, encountered a problem, to which I would like to draw upon the copious amount of experience here. The House Hawkshroud personally heraldry comprises of a wreath and sometimes a badge of allies they are honoured to fight alongside with. However, there is no wreath on the Imperial Knight Transfer sheet. I was wandering if anyone knew where to find a suitable wreath to use on the different armour plates? Any help would be most appreciated. Thanks!
  17. Ave I have decided to join this forum in order to find tips and suggestions on how to go about with an Imperial Knight army. The IK have been a long time passion of mine. I still remember having the old models and now that I can budget and play such an army I have decided to begin a "walk". Since the IK are an expensive army I would like to hear the wisdom of more experienced players on several things concerning me, here we go. I play in a setting where FW is not exactly welcome. I don't know why but FW models are rather the exception than the norm so I have to work with the standard GW Imperial Knights as my foundation. The idea is to build a core of three Imperial Knights and supplement this with the Mechanicus. So... Which Imperial Knights should be the staple for my army? Which Mechanicus/Skitarii units should be the allied detachment for my army? Which formation should I consider? Which good and bad points does an IK army have? In my area we usually play 1850 points and we use the ETC format so the missions are often hard. My main army has been IG for a long time but now I feel the need for an upscaling. My opponents are the ever present Eldar, Tau and Space Marines, Necron and 'Nids are also quite nasty. What worries me is the AA element for many of my opponents field nasty flyers and I am also concerned for the increase of Drop Pod armies. Said that I have an idea for an army somehow set in place. I want a Mechanicus aligned army so the newly released Mechanicus/Skitarii are the models I plan to use in order to fill up the points. My budget is currently limited to an average of 500 Eur cca. so a buying list would be helpful too. I am not that good with painting but I really like the Knights so I would be glad if you can point me to some nice painting tutorials for this model. Thanks Seneschal
  18. Ave Imperator! This is my first time posting - have been collecting Sisters for a few years now having spent many years away from the hobby (usual reasons). Want to get going with painting / converting and writing fluff for my crusade themed army and would appreciate help, comments and support along the way. Have a Sororitas Imperial Knight conversion that I'm working on and almost ready to post pictures of it, have finished the converting and have just started painting - let me know if you'd like to see it. Before I finish the Knight I need some advice on the colour scheme for my Sisters: https://www.flickr.com/photos/148492198@N02/shares/9145qA https://www.flickr.com/photos/148492198@N02/shares/gh4Atd Leaning towards the red at the moment as would fit with Inquisition and Black Tenplar factions but am changeable. I'm happy with the armour etc but which do you prefer? Should I stick with the red or change to blue? Also - when writing fluff what are the important details that people want to know about? Will post pictures as and when I finish models. I'm planning a force of 2000pts to start, just need to get some Black Templars and I'm there. Thanks for reading if you're still with me and hope to be more involved on this forum. The Emperor protects!
  19. So I've been on a secret mission.... to get into a different army that is not 'power armoured'. I love my Ultra's, and my Thousand Sons/Chaos but I have built/painted/played most of the armies in the game that interested me. AdMech is different. I've played against them a fair amount. I play at our local GW, and a few groups of friends. I have to say the height of Power Armour at the store these days is insane. You can't swing a dead cat without hitting a dozen power armoured armies. (Not that I recommend doing so!) So it turns out the codex is around the corner. So I thought I'd post a shot of my last game: I am struggling to find something I like that also motivates me like Thousand Sons/ Red Corsairs / Ultra. I was on my back foot vs Renegades (FW) : Even though I commit to playing "Cawl Wall", I do a lot of damage back. (All the Artillery Renegades have is sick... S10, 2 x Laser Rapiers, and indirect 10 x D6 S4 is brutal, and untouchable) Dual Onager Dune Crawlers with Cawl were fantastic. I forgot a Datasmith, never got to change protocols. I swapped out two of my 4 Dunestriders to get a squad of rangers with sniper dude in them.. big mistake. I like those walkers... all of them. I never scored a point after T2 to t5, and then on T5 I scored 4 points, but he was already at 13. I did hit 12 to his 16 going into T7 but I had the bottom of the turn, drew up my 3 cards and all were impossible at that point in the game. He started annihilating me and by mid game I thought I was going to be swamped in zombies, but I did fend them off. The walkers with repairing HQ's running around are very good I think. He had so much trouble actually finishing off those units. But the two squads of Kastellan Robots were a huge threat, and one squad survived the game. SO they always took most shots. Mobility and staying power (combined in a unit) is a massive issue. I always despise using allies, but the golden boys would fit this army very well. (custodes). That being said ti was a fun game, I came within 2 points of tying it up, but I went back and looked and EVERY card I drew until T7 was 'hold something' which is probably what I felt I was least suited towards. Baller lasted the game, he had a lot of Ogryn, possessed, zombies and deposits of artillery. It was a very good list I'd say. It mimics Astra fairly well even with sprinkles of walkers, banewolfs, chimera's etc. (IE: Similar playstyle) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Kudos to my friend. He's had this army since inception, but he doesn't like it as much as his other armies and I'm fortunate enough to borrow it while I buy some stuff, and fumble around in the dark like a fool trying to find my way. I started to work on a Onager Dunecrawler (Love the las type weapon) and was going Metalica (it's rare) and I also like the main stream red colour however it has become apparent there will be different Strategums for different Forgeworlds! So a bad choice in my first unit could suck!
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