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Polux and deepstrike


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Hi all, discussing potential lists with an opponent and he believes if he takes polux and uses his void commander rule to give all models in a unit he joins deepstrike, this would also give it to any dedicated transport that the unit had.


So potentially deepstriking landraiders.


Now apart from being ridiculous, my interpretation is that the dedicated transport isn't part of the unit, it just carries them.


That being said, GW does have previous form. 


So what say you brothers?

Edited by GodEmperorOfMankind
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A DT is not the same unit as its payload. It copies their FoC slot, but they're still separate units. I'm sure your opponent would not like them to count as one giant unit for victory points purposes! Would they also be expected to keep coherency once disembarked? Can you tank small arms fire on the vehicle when the unit is stood nearby? They're definitely separate units.


With that established, the question is how special rules are conferred between DT and their units. I'm pretty sure Infiltrate and Outflank specifically state that if all occupants of a transport have it, it's conferred on the transport. I can't remember Deep strike saying the same. I'm away from my book though and happy to be corrected!


Either way, it hinges on the rule sharing being specifically permitted by the Deep strike rule. You'd not expect a unit to confer eg. Counter attack on their transport, special rules only get shared when stated (like with Independent characters).

Edited by Brother Kraskor
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