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1st time player World Eaters


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As the title says I am working on a World Eaters list. I started playing 40k around 9th edition so coming to heresy is a little daunting to say the least, but I like the more thematic and flavorful nature of the game compared to super competitive setting that seems more prevalent in 40k now. I was planning on doing a Blood Angels army and painted up a tactical squad and the dreadnaught from the age of darkness box set. Since then I have changed my mind. Here is the list I have planned so far. 



         Apothecarion Detatchement  110pts

           -Apothecary: artificer armor ,bolt pistol, chain sword 55pts

           -Apothecary: artificer armor, bolt pistol, chain sword 55pts [considering buying power swords on both to give them some more bite]


            Despoiler Squad 180pts

            -Sergeant: artificer armor, bolt pistol, power fist

           - 6 Despoilers: bolt pistol, chain axe

           - 1 Despoiler: bolt pistol, chain axe, legion vexilla 

           - 2 Despoilers: bolt pistol, power axe

           Rhino transport  35pts


            Despoiler Squad 180pts

            -Sergeant: artificer armor, bolt pistol, power fist

           - 6 Despoilers: bolt pistol, chain axe

           - 1 Despoiler: bolt pistol, chain axe, legion vexilla 

           - 2 Despoilers: bolt pistol, power axe

           Rhino transport  35pts


          Recon Squad 135pts

         - 5 recon marines: nemesis bolter, bolt pistol 


          Recon Squad 135pts

         - 5 recon marines: nemesis bolter, bolt pistol 


In total that is a 740 pt start and I'm aiming for around 2000pts. So far the idea behind the army is an assault company to try and get up close and personal as soon as possible. Recon squads will set up near objectives or be used as harassing units sniping out sergeants or other characters or pinning units. The despoilers along with apothecaries in rhinos will attempt to take the mid board and go after other similar toughness squads. If need be they can serve as a tarpit unit with the power fist and power axes. I'm not aiming for a rite of war right now so I am deciding between a delegatus and a chaplain which will most likely be given a jump pack to join a unit of rampagers. For armor support I love levithan dreadnaughts so I would like to take one tooled up with melta lance, seige claw and possible phosphex to allow for flexibility. I have a 5 man heavy support squad with las cannons built so it would be easy to increase their number and take a master of signals with them. Other units that I like that fit the theme are predators and terminators. As mentioned Im not going for a rite of war right now but my plan feels like it could benefit from bezerker assault in the future. Sorry for the long post and thanks in advance for your input. 

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Its a low-point list, so that makes it a bit hard to assess. There are two major concerns I have though.

  • You've got no warlord. You need an HQ choice. 40k only requires a character but 30k requires and HQ. Add a centurion for now. Consider making him a chaplain to take advantage of your legion's preference for melee combat.
  • You have zero in the way of anti-tank. You've stated that you want a leviathan and that is what I'd advise. The autocannons on that thing are monstrous and will give you plenty of AT until you get to higher points.
  • Lesser issue: You're relying a lot on those rhinos getting your dudes to where they need to be. Consider dozer blades to help make that happen.
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