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Rather than use a meme reference it is advised to instead elaborate on why you might contest or agree with someone's post. It has the benefit of bringing healthy discussion into a topic, particularly for frater who might not have the confidence to raise the points you might have yet they agree with.


It also won't be interpreted as disparaging as often.

Ok, since you decided to take time out of your day to call me out of the crowd, allow me to defend my statement. He was stating his opinion as a fact - "there are problems with Mk. X". 

All opinions have a right to be said, but all opinions are not of equal validity or worthy of equal regard, yes? 

My disagreement is with the statement of opinion as fact, rather than couching it in 'I think', or 'I believe', or 'I feel'. My disagreement was summated in the meme reference. My brevity beside, that was the crux of the disagreement.

I didn't say what you've put in quote marks.


The fact its my opinion is implicit, I don't need to state every time I say something 'BTW this is my opinion yeah ok' :no:




Ok, since you decided to take time out of your day to call me out of the crowd, allow me to defend my statement. He was stating his opinion as a fact - "there are problems with Mk. X". 

All opinions have a right to be said, but all opinions are not of equal validity or worthy of equal regard, yes? 

My disagreement is with the statement of opinion as fact, rather than couching it in 'I think', or 'I believe', or 'I feel'. My disagreement was summated in the meme reference. My brevity beside, that was the crux of the disagreement.


Since we are now being asked to believe this post was only offered as a friendly reminder to those of us who thought we were reading a physics textbook and not a discussion board, I have a question.


What was the reason for choosing Robbienw's comment for that caveat and not the preceding comment from Redcomet, or both? Surely both should be included.


Aren't "Mk X has problems" and "there are no problems with Mk X" just different sides of the same coin?


Or - just say you didn't like the opinion and move on, instead of doubling down on things we all know aren't true.


It's not a thread about primaris or mk 10 armor, so maybe keep it to yourself.


His comment was about how he hoped that a new Primaris Deathwatch team would use different styling from existing Primaris Mk 10 armor. So it actually was relevant, until the paladins of objective truth decided they didn't like his opinion.


It's not a thread about primaris or mk 10 armor, so maybe keep it to yourself.

No, I’ll continue to discuss it.


It’s about Deathwatch getting new rules, so the discussion will obviously turn to potential new models that will go with those rules.


Primaris Deathwatch having an advanced mark of armour over normal marines would be in keeping with the precedent set by the 2016 Deathwatch kit.  Obviously this then leads to potential improvements of the Primaris look.




"Wah i'm being censored because we weren't allowed to derail another thread with complaints about primaris" is one hell of a high horse to ride in on.


What complaint about Primaris? He was saying he hoped a new Primaris team would do the same thing with a theoretical Mk 11 armor set that the old Deathwatch team did with their Mk 8 armor.


It was about armor, dude. Ease up on the throttle, yeah?



"Wah i'm being censored because we weren't allowed to derail another thread with complaints about primaris" is one hell of a high horse to ride in on.


If only you could see his (fully painted) army in real life you would, I hope, understand why assuming things makes you look foolish to people with knowledge of reality.


As a Deathwatch enjoyer, this news makes me very happy. Glad my boys are back (soon).


Ok, since you decided to take time out of your day to call me out of the crowd, allow me to defend my statement. He was stating his opinion as a fact - "there are problems with Mk. X". 

All opinions have a right to be said, but all opinions are not of equal validity or worthy of equal regard, yes? 

My disagreement is with the statement of opinion as fact, rather than couching it in 'I think', or 'I believe', or 'I feel'. My disagreement was summated in the meme reference. My brevity beside, that was the crux of the disagreement.

Also the fact it's the same crowd that goes "Primaris bad" and hardly goes into details. 


No, I’ll continue to discuss it.


It’s about Deathwatch getting new rules, so the discussion will obviously turn to potential new models that will go with those rules.


Primaris Deathwatch having an advanced mark of armour over normal marines would be in keeping with the precedent set by the 2016 Deathwatch kit.  Obviously this then leads to potential improvements of the Primaris look.



The more bespoke look of new Sternguard and different appearances on "artificer" Mk 10 does give some hope for a new direction on future Deathwatch armor. Good thing about kits like Intercessors is they have enough modularity that even an upgrade kit could change the look significantly.


The knee plates are separate pieces, along with the front chest piece/gorget. It was very easy to make some of my Primaris dudes beakies just by trimming that one piece down and swapping the helmet, and it makes a big difference to the overall armor appearance.


Deathwatch coming from all over seems like an easy way to try out changes to the existing Mk 10 set.



As a Deathwatch enjoyer, this news makes me very happy. Glad my boys are back (soon).


Yeah, this is a definite win for GW, very good on them for taking another look at what their players want.

A Mk.11 (or Mk.9 seeing as it was a strange no-show) would be interesting for Deathwatch. Alternatively giving them a mix of new armour designs (with the fluff being that Cawl is basically using them as guinea-pigs/field tests for improving power armour design) would be interesting, and a nice call-back to both the Mk. 8 armour of the older Deathwatch and the more "mixed" armour of prior Marine kits.

New / Updated rules for the deathwatch is a good thing. They just aren't fleshed out enough as it stands and the community has voiced this enough the GW has heard them and are doing something about it. Good or Bad, time will tell. Let's hope for good. At the very least a nice fleshed out army.


New models? Well maybe eventually and if the voices of the players continue to let them know this is wanted and needed. We are getting some kind of new rules and while I do not expect or think this includes new models right now, it could lead there for future releases. The deathwatch like any other space marine chapter or contingent would certainly at some point see Primaris marines. I see no reason why the kit or kits should not see some sort of refresh.


Personal note: I know it's a flyer but can we see the Corvus Blackstar be good?

Yeah I wouldn't expect new DW till after 2026*


There's no way GW would have a turn around that fast to provide new models. 


*talking strictly 40k releases, kill team could provide sooner but given current rumours, even then I'd say mid-2025 at earliest.


Mk.9 seeing as it was a strange no-show) would be interesting for Deathwatch. Alternatively giving them a mix of new armour designs (with the fluff being that Cawl is basically using them as guinea-pigs/field tests for improving power armour design) would be interesting, and a nice call-back to both the Mk. 8 armour of the older Deathwatch and the more "mixed" armour of prior Marine kits.

I mean I've been head-canoning for a while that the MkIX was just the catchall term for a mix of MkX and older marks, like how MkV was a mix of Mks II, III, IV and VI



If only we were getting new MK7 sculpts :cool:



On the subject of Deathwatch, I fully agree with Lemondish:  


This constant reference to how "rare" it is to see full Watch Fortress mobilization needs to stop. It's nonsense.


Tell me, how rare is it to mobilize 90 Death Company Marines? How rare is it to mobilize Custodes? How rare is it to see Grey Knights? Rarity in lore should not have an impact on rules support, and usually it doesn't. Somehow DW are treated as an outlier.

Deathwatch definitely are more of a strike team kind of thing, but that doesn't translate well to the modern 40k game which is much larger than, say, 4th Edition, where a single Kill Team could be a significant difference. A full Watch Fortress mobilisation is definitely something that could and does happen from time to time - and I generally doubt that people are typically having issues with justifying it when they play games, even if they're avid narrative players: there's plenty of justification for it.

Yeah, I have my preference for Deathwatch being single, hyper-weird teams of dudes attached to different forces to make them stand out, but it should be remembered that there are 1,000 Grey Knights. In the galaxy. It's a single chapter worth of guys, and they get to be a full army, so letting Deathwatch be one is fine.


Even as someone who would rather all the not-quite-space-marines remained as agents style elite troops for Imperium armies, I have to admit that once it's been a full army for a decade it should probably get to stay that way. 

What I think DW need the most is a new upgrade sprue that just comes with Terminator/ Gravis shoulder pads. Buying 3 of the current sprue to do 5 termies is not great. I'd like an upgrade sprue for a dread too. Dream the impossible dream, right?

Question: Were killteams allowed in SM and Guard armies in the previous codex?


I get people would be upset over losing their faction, but it does seem very very ridiculous to have not been able to take Death Watch as an allied squad prior.

Grey Knights were bad enough in that regard. 


Neat to have both options I guess.



I walk in here, seeing this as an absolute win and emperor's throne cushion what is going on?

We get some good news and people be locking and loading full on vengance rounds at one another...


We are getting an update to the deathwatch in december that should hopefully expand them out a little and while likely still stuck in as part of Imperial Agents this is good news for them. So why aren't we happy...pretty sure it was specifically ordered.


Personally wasn't much of a deathwatch guy myself and always saw them as the ghostbusters for xenos in 40k. While they do mobilise for war, they are normally specialists formed of various individuals from various chapters who have shown an aptitude for dealing with xenos or have gone to the deathwatch as a means to gain knowledge of how to fight certain xenos. However...would like to see maybe some sort of expansion for them into other ideas like maybe specialist tank crews, guys who can maintain and use a predator tank for extended periods of time while hunting certain bigger xenos.

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