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  On 10/17/2024 at 1:04 AM, ThePenitentOne said:

I wish I had purchased GOC while it was on the market. The models would have been the primary draw, but I am curious about the game: I've referred to Dark Eldar Crusade content as "Drukhari-munda" - it's fabulous. I'm curious about whether or not GOC was a prototype for that. Did they have territories that could be won or lost?


Obviously, I think Crusade is more complete; it involves ALL of the Drukhari units. But the thing about these little prototypes is that they often contain mechanics that get lost when the more complete version is released. Look at KT: the rules published in the 4th ed. BRB had Brute Squads as adversaries to KTs. That was dropped in the more comprehensive KT18 and stayed dropped in the excellent KT21. But they brought it back as an add-on in KT24 because that idea was always a good one.


So what (if anything) from GOC could be resurrected and added to Drukhari-munda to make it that much better? If I had purchased this when it was on the market, I'd know the answer to that question, and I'd also have 2 units of bikes and 2 units of Hellions more than what I currently own.


There‘s some *great* stuff in GoC, and the game was fun. The part I liked most about it was that you split your gang into as many smaller forces as you wanted before the game. Then, you roll to see which one showed up to fight, and the rest made you your income for the round. So you had to decide between weighting your mini-gangs to kick faces, or making them lighter and smaller so there were more of them to make money with.

I could keep going but it’s out of the scope of this thread!

  On 10/15/2024 at 4:42 PM, Redcomet said:

If this is true, it is a steal. 

Honestly I think GW should get into the MDF terrain market. I would buy an mdf bunker, or mdf ruins 



If this is true this is a day 1 purchase for me. I would paint up the models and treat this more like a board game. Can't wait

  On 10/20/2024 at 8:01 PM, Urauloth said:

Wow, it's sooner than I thought. Here's hoping it's available for a decent length of time and that they made plenty of them.


"Before taking the plunge into the full core rules" though, haha. I see how it is.


It'll be available for three years technically, till they update the rules again in 2027. The stock is a better question as will the wait for restocks if it does sell out. Especially if this one is more desirable than the old starter 

Stock is definitely going to be the issue on this one.  Desirable previously limited run sculpts of two popular factions that will be locked to this box means a lot of people buying it who have no intention of playing KT.  It will be interesting to see what the value of the MDF terrain is once the market is flooded.  


GW do seem to have improved on big box stock for KT since the crippling short stocks of the Gallowdark era.  So hopefully they have done a nice big run.  It would be sad to see the starter set for a game out of stock for an extended period.

  On 10/21/2024 at 1:51 AM, Nova-V said:

Stock is definitely going to be the issue on this one.  Desirable previously limited run sculpts of two popular factions that will be locked to this box means a lot of people buying it who have no intention of playing KT.  It will be interesting to see what the value of the MDF terrain is once the market is flooded.  


GW do seem to have improved on big box stock for KT since the crippling short stocks of the Gallowdark era.  So hopefully they have done a nice big run.  It would be sad to see the starter set for a game out of stock for an extended period.


What happened in USA? Why these blindboxes seem much more difficult to acquire in USA, than in other parts of the world?

  On 10/16/2024 at 4:57 PM, sarabando said:

Dont remind me of GOC which you could get for cheaper than a box of 3 dark eldar jet bikes now days :(



GoC was great value, snagged a few and still got a mint copy in cellophane :biggrin:

£67.50 is similar (the same?) as the previous kommands/krieg set but that came with plastic terrain.


I was planning on getting the 'cheaper' starter at some point if if was like the previous edition, same units but less terrain etc. Not so sure now - I have the DG and the Primaris minis are not unique enough to make me care for them. I'm more tempted to get the full set for £50ish more (3rd party) and get the terrain, accessory pack etc,or just skip this season and get the next one if it appeals more.

Prices aren't tied to the new website; they used to be published on the trade account website, however that ended a while back. Now it's a case of waiting for one of the trade accounts to post the price list somewhere.

  On 10/21/2024 at 4:30 AM, Tokugawa said:

What happened in USA? Why these blindboxes seem much more difficult to acquire in USA, than in other parts of the world?


Revenge for the whole tea incident naturally:tongue: 

Phobos Strike Team and Legionaries go up 5€
Kasrkin go up 3,75€
Inquisitorial Agents go up 2,50€
Pathfinders go up 7,50€? (not sure what they were before I think 47,50€ but could have been 45€ too. Big increase either way)



thank you for prices, what did we think the starter was going to sell for?

87 seems more than what I was seeing.

increases to the KTs are not a surprise of course. even though the card board is worth nearly nothing.


  On 10/21/2024 at 2:53 PM, INKS said:

thank you for prices, what did we think the starter was going to sell for?

87 seems more than what I was seeing.

increases to the KTs are not a surprise of course. even though the card board is worth nearly nothing.




You mean the mdf?


Although card scenery (nevermind printed mdf) isn't free.

  On 10/21/2024 at 2:57 PM, Petitioner's City said:


You mean the mdf?


Although card scenery (nevermind printed mdf) isn't free.


No not the terrain. I was talking about the tokens you get in the new boxes. Worked for a box and cardboard company for a long time. It isn't free, but it doesn't cost anywhere near what they are up charging for it. lol

135 Cdn. Not horrible in price but a little more than I was hoping and expecting for.

GW saved money on making the terrain MDF, they just didn't pass those savings on to the customer.

The older starter box is cheaper and better value overall.

You could argue that this one is better because of the model range, so I'll give you that. But not that it's all being mass printed again that perceived value goes out the window.

I do expect this to sell out regardless.

People really will want these two teams, even if the marine one needs a little help.

  On 10/21/2024 at 9:23 PM, INKS said:

135 Cdn. Not horrible in price but a little more than I was hoping and expecting for.

GW saved money on making the terrain MDF, they just didn't pass those savings on to the customer.

The older starter box is cheaper and better value overall.

You could argue that this one is better because of the model range, so I'll give you that. But not that it's all being mass printed again that perceived value goes out the window.

I do expect this to sell out regardless.

People really will want these two teams, even if the marine one needs a little help.


The Plauge Marines are nice, but there's not much you can do in 40k proper with the SM models you get which I do think decreases the value there. Also, yeah I also figured it would be a little cheaper with the Terrain going MDF. I wasn't planning on considering this unless it went below $115 CDN. 

I wouldn't be that surprised if GW didn't save money by going for printed MDF, with something like the inks per sheet costing them more than they pay for the plastic pellets to make a set and a half's worth of Ryza ruins. Especially when it's almost certainly outsourced and they're going to be committing to a series of print runs to keep this box in stock for three years, with all the third party warehousing that this could entail.


I think this is an experiment in having almost 'everything else' ready to play out of the box for starter sets - painting minis is too big a part of GW's idea of the GW hobby (that's how they become your guys and get you invested in what is a pretty slow, analogue hobby primarily aimed at kids/teens) but I know a bunch of people who really enjoy painting or have no problems just rapidly painting huge armies who hate painting terrain. This, alongside the printed battlemat and pre-coloured push-fit minis, is probably the culmination of a plan to get a half-decent looking game on the table within 10-15 minutes of opening the box.


If Kill team 2024 does well with this starter set, it's almost certainly going to be the proof of concept for 11th edition. Not the launch box, but the subsequent mid level starter sets.

I almost wonder if there's anything interesting they could do if they combined this approach with 9th ed and Necromunda's 'the box is also terrain' approach.

Edited by Tastyfish

I do not know what it costs to print plastic. But I do know what it costs for the inks and so forth on the MDF (I don't know what MDF costs exactly - but it should be cheaper than plastic)


It is true that the Ink on cardboard costs more than the cardboard. Not knowing how much MDF costs is a little difficult to gauge actual price. However if they actually locked themselves in for 3 years with a company for printing this then that would be a substantial discount. I know it's hard to say for sure but I would say the MDF is cheaper to make by a good deal even from a 3rd party.


Plastic and or GWs markup on plastic is expensive as we've seen. Or at least what they value it at. Their cost is likely much less than I know or understand. Regardless MDF should cost them a good deal less than plastic. While it's a good argument that they went with MDF because it easier for ready to play and that is the experience they are selling you the company would not do so at their own cost. They pass that cost on to you. Considering this box is in line with their current pricing and not overly more expensive suggests that it did not cost them more than their usual plastic. 


I dislike terrain for a few reasons. 1: I don't need it. I don't play at home. So if I go to a store or club or event, they have terrain. 2: I don't like building or painting terrain. Sometimes I don't like painting the mini's. lol Terrain is just kinda boring to paint in my opinion. It's large, takes a lot of time if you want the details to come out, or you just dry brush the hell out of it. I know some people love building and painting terrain. I am not one of them. lol 3: Storing terrain, just takes up a lot of room. 4: It boosts the cost of already expensive models and sets, and since all the other above reasons are valid for me, I really could do without.

we can look at this in another way I suppose. I just did a thread on what they are charging for reboxed kill teams. the new value is 80-90 Cdn per team. In that regard you are looking at 160 Cdn for 2 teams, At 135... it's a bargain? Sort of? lol

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