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+++Accessing Data-Loom XXCXVIIΦ...
+++Establishing Link....
++Servitor Φ-267894 has connected to Terminal Σ447b53
++Servitor Φ-52108A has connected to Terminal Ω9901


"Play Recorded Message"

*hissing electronics and vox feedback*

"Attention Imperial Forces in the Area,  if we had thought times were hard for the Imperium of Man of late, then we knew nothing of what has lurked in the shadows for us here in the Kymara sub-sector. The Kymara sub-sector lies in the Western Fringe of the Ultima Segmentum and sits along the Malestrom. Such a thing has given it great prosperity and great danger, as such things are seen throughout the galaxy.”

"Currently we have been unable to regain contact with one of our Imperial Mining Stations, Beta-43 b to Beta 47d on Praxia. Imperium forces only control four systems out of the eight within the sub-sector. The sub-sector capitol of Josufa, which is positioned in the center and has had a shaky foothold throughout the last century, but that could be lost.”

"Reports have been flooding in for the past decade now on new dangers. The Xenos and Renegade threats have been growing in number and daring, moving out further and more aggressively from various locations. We are afraid one our worlds might become a xenos or renegade vile nest. Aid from several Adeptus Astartes Chapters has been requested in an attempt to assist in exterminating these xenos and renegade threats.”

"The Adeptus Arbites Patrol know to be on Praxia  is currently overdue to report in by 48 Terran Standard hours. The Sub-Sector Adeptus Arbites Precinct has filed several more complaints with the Administratum, protesting the lack of initiative on the sub-sector Governor's part to look further into the issue. The old legends about there being several technologically advanced xenos and renegades within the area continue to dissuade their desire to reach them. The local Ecclesiarch has already sent a report via channels to the Inquisition, requesting advice and help in this heretical matter.”

"Much is happening beneath the surface events however, I can feel it. I can only hope that with your arrival that the Imperium of Man will emerge victorious...even through it is against training to entertain doubt, I feel worried. Things are happening within the sub-sector and for all I know, things will not be brighter on the other side."



"End Recorded message"


"As you can see, this message is concerning, Watch Master. This message is was relayed from another Ordo. My assets and I are enroute to the Sub-sector as we speak but we are still a few weeks out. Multiple Inquisitors from other Ordos and their assets should arrive before us. This is multiple Ordos Operation. I need boots on ground, Immediately.  Watch Master, activate Saber Team and assign Watch Captain Rojos as Saber Prime. On ground point of contact is the Order of the Martyred Lady Canoness Camile "


"Aye, Inquisitor, Saber Team will be deployed soon."


So Metal Head Armory is going to start playing kill team and her are the Kill Teams, I have personally. This not counting the ones I am going to build for my kids. 


Exorcist- Scout Squad




TBD- Phobos Strike Team

Arbites on Praxia- Exaction Squad

Ordos Assets- Inquisitorial Agents with Scions

Ordo Assets- Imperial Navy Breachers

Ordo Assets- Tempestus Aquilions

Order of The Martyred Lady- Novitiates 


and of course

Deathwatch Kill Team Saber- Angels of Death but all DW Veterans

  • Captain- Crimson Fist
  • Assault Intercessor Sgt/ Plasma Pistol Chainsword- Dark Angel
  • Elminator Sniper- Raptor with Stalker pattern boltgun
  • Assault Intercessor Grenadier- Black Templar
  • Assault Intercessor- Space Wolf
  • Assault Intercessor- Blood Angel
  • Heavy Intercessor Gunner- Imperial Fist with Infernus Bolter
  • Intercessor/ Auto Bolt rifle- Ultramarine 
  • Intercessor/ Stalker Bolt Rifle- Raven guard
  • Intercessor/ Bolt rifle- Exorcist 
  • Intercessor Gunner/ Auto Bolt Rifle- Iron Hands
  • Intercessor/ Bolt Rifle- Salamander



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Posted (edited)

Well I entered @Lysimachus Kill Team  painting contest "Knives in the Shadows" with my Angels of Death from Exorcists Chapter




and I entered one of my sons Hierotek Circle in the 12 months of hobby challenge. So hopefully I’ll have 3 kill teams done in the next few months 

Edited by WAR
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