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Welcome to the 7th year of the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge. I started this challenge in 2019 to keep me motivated throughout the year, and to help me stick to my Hobby goal of completing *at least* one model per month.

In 2019 I developed a series of Randomizer Tables are still available for this year, and you are most welcome to use them yourselves, or ask to put on the Randomizer List, and I will roll for everyone on the list a week prior to the new month.

If you've missed the previous years Challenges, you can find them here,
2019 - 2019 Summary - Additional Awards - 2019 Favourite - 2019 Favourite Poll
2020 - 2020 Summary - Additional Awards - 2020 Favourite - 2020 Favourite Poll - The Campaign Summary
2021 - 2021 Summary - Additional Awards - 2021 Favourite - 2021 Favourite Poll

2022 - 2022 Summary - Additional Awards - 2022 Favourite - 2022 Favourite Poll

2023 - 2023 Summary - Additional Awards - 2023 Favourite - 2023 Favourite Poll

2024 - 2024 Summary - Additional Awards - 2024 Favourite - 2024 Favourite Poll

As with last year, I'd like some company, if you'd like to join me with a commitment to 1x model (or more) per month for the 12 months of 2023, I'd love to have you along.

The Rules are pretty simple;

  • I DO NOT expect you to use the Random Tables, you are more than welcome to pledge models towards your existing armies, or choose a model you would like to complete.
  • Multiple model pledges are fine, but ONLY ONE *must* be finished per month to "complete" the Challenge for the Month.
  • A starting pic is required. Any model that is incomplete, even those that only require basing, are eligible for this Challenge.
  • A finished pic is also required, this MUST be completed to your standards, AND the model MUST be based.


If you know what you'd like to pledge, pop this pip in your signature,


then pledge in the following format, you'll need to vow each month you wish to participate,

I, { Insert your name } , embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of { insert correct month } pledge to complete { insert the model/s to be completed } by month's end.

Each month will feature a selection of Awards,Award Group.png

  • The Completed Badge is awarded for Completing 1+ model for the month.
  • The Seriously Badge is awarded for Completing 5+ models in a month
  • The Artificer Badge is arbitrarily awarded to models I find impressive each month
  • The Speed Daemon is awarded for Completing a model within 24hrs
  • The Last Minute Badge is awarded for Completing your vow on the last day of the month
  • The Overtime Badge is awarded for Completing your vow on the 1st or 2nd of the following month
  • The Stubborn Badge is awarded for Completing a previous vowed but uncompleted model
  • The Favourite is awarded for my top pick each month



You may make up to two Plodding Along Vows for the year, one for the first six months, and one for the second six months. These are intended for larger, multiple month projects, or an Army goal for the year. Plodding Along Vows do not expire, and may take the whole year, or MULTIPLE years.

All badges will upgrade Black, Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum, as they are earned multiple times.

gallery_48988_15094_2023.pnggallery_48988_15094_7762.png gallery_48988_15094_14233.png gallery_48988_15094_5012.png sml_gallery_48988_15094_7072.png



If you know what you're going to paint, then jump right in and click HERE to skip the Randomizer Tables, and make your pledge below.

*IF* , however, you would like to use the tables, you'll need 2D6.

  • You are not bound to your rolls, If you're not feeling it, re-roll 
  • Re-Roll any duplicates, either Faction OR Sub-faction (if you want to).
  • Feel free to choose a Faction / Sub Faction and roll on their chart.
  • I am more than happy to roll for anyone wishing to participate, please notify me if you'd like to be added to the Randomizer Tables list and I'll roll for everyone on the list in the last week of the month for the coming month.


Roll a D6, click the link;


Once you have Randomized your pledge please vow below in the format provided above...


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Edited by Grotsmasha
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Adeptus Astartes

Roll a D6;

1. Codex Astartes


Roll 2D6

2 - Index Astartes

3 - Black Templars

4 - Imperial Fists

5 - Iron Hands

6 - Raven Guard

7 - Salamanders

8 - Ultramarine

9 - White Scars

10 - Successor Chapter

11 - Ultima Founding

12 - Badab War



2. Blood Angels


Roll a D6

2 to 5 - Blood Angels

1 or 6 - Successor Chapter



3. Dark Angels


Roll a D6

2 to 5 - Dark Angels

1 or 6 - Successor Chapter



4. Deathwatch


5. Grey Knights


6. Space Wolves



Now that you've Randomized your vow, it's time to make the pledge,

I, { Insert your name } , embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of { insert correct month } pledge to complete { insert the model/s to be completed } by month's end.

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Edited by Grotsmasha

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Forces of the Imperium

Roll a D6;

1. Adepta Sororitas


2. Adeptus Custodes


3. Adeptus Mechanicus


4. Astra Militarum


5. Agents of the Imperium


6. Imperial Knights



Now that you've Randomized your vow, it's time to make the pledge,

I, { Insert your name } , embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of { insert correct month } pledge to complete { insert the model/s to be completed } by month's end.

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Edited by Grotsmasha

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Forces of Chaos

Roll a D6;

1 or 2. Chaos Space Marines


3 or 4. Chaos Daemons


5 or 6. The Lost and the Damned



Now that you've Randomized your vow, it's time to make the pledge,

I, { Insert your name } , embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of { insert correct month } pledge to complete { insert the model/s to be completed } by month's end.

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Edited by Grotsmasha

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Roll a 2D6;

2 or 12. Re-Roll;

3. Craftworld Eldar


4. Drukhari


5. Harlequins


6. Genestealer Cults


7. Leagues of Votann


8. Necrontyr


9. Orks


10. Tau OR Farsight Enclaves


11. Tyranids



Now that you've Randomized your vow, it's time to make the pledge,

I, { Insert your name } , embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of { insert correct month } pledge to complete { insert the model/s to be completed } by month's end.

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Edited by Grotsmasha

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Horus Heresy Loyalist Forces


Roll a 2D6;

2 - Dark Angels


3 - White Scars


4 - Space Wolves


5 - Imperial Fists


6 - Blood Angels


7 - Iron Hands


8 - Ultramarines


9 - Salamanders


10 - Raven Guard


11 - Solar Auxillia


12 - Mechanicum


Now that you've Randomized your vow, it's time to make the pledge,

I, { Insert your name } , embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of { insert correct month } pledge to complete { insert the model/s to be completed } by month's end.

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Edited by Grotsmasha

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Horus Heresy Traitor Forces


Roll a 2D6;

2 - Emperors Children


3 - Iron Warriors


4 - Night Lords


5 - World Eaters


6 - Death Guard


7 - Thousand Sons


8 - Sons of Horus


9 - Word Bearers


10 - Alpha Legion


11 - Solar Auxillia


12 - Mechanicum


Now that you've Randomized your vow, it's time to make the pledge,

I, { Insert your name } , embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of { insert correct month } pledge to complete { insert the model/s to be completed } by month's end.

Skip to a month...

Edited by Grotsmasha

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January | Summary

February | Summary

March | Summary

April | Summary

May | Summary

June |  Summary

July |  Summary

August | Summary

September | Summary

October | Summary

November | Summary

December | Summary

Edited by Firedrake Cordova

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The following award badges are up for grabs this month,



There is also a badge for those who wish to make a pledge for years end, a slow burn model or project to work on through out the year,


and for those who don't complete their pledge this month,


There are Bronze, Silver, and Gold versions of these badges to be awarded to those who earn the same badge multiple times. There is also a Platinum version of each badge available to anyone who earns the same badge for all 12 months, even the Next Month badge :wink: .



Vowed, No pic

Vowed, with pic


List of Participants

  • BadJokeAK: 5x Custodes Wardens (vow, completion(SERIOUSLY)
  • Bob Fossil: 1x Primaris Captain (vow, completion) (ARTIFICER)
  • Boc: 5x Heavy Intercessors (vow, completion),1x Lieutenant w/Powerfist, 10x Sternguard, 1x Land Raider Redeemer (completion), 10x Hellblasters (completion) (ARTIFICER, SERIOUSLYOVERTIME)
  • Bouargh: 7X Volkus KT scenery kit (vow, completion) (ARTIFICER, SERIOUSLY)
  • Brother Argent: 1x Hernkyn Yaegir (vow, completion(ARTIFICER)
  • Brother Carpenter: 1x Tech Priest Manipulus (vow)
  • Cleon: 2x Legions Imperialis Baneblades, 2x Legions Imperialis Baneblades (vow, completion) (ARTIFICER, OVERTIME)
  • Cryptix: 12x Thallax (vow, completion) (ARTIFICER, SERIOUSLY)
  • Dwango: 1x Landspeeder Proteus, 1x Void Shield Generator (vow, completion), 2x Landspeeder Proteus (ARTIFICER, SERIOUSLY)
  • gaurdian31: 4x Chaos Terminators (vow, completion) (ARTIFICER, LAST MINUTE)
  • Grotsmasha: 1x Ork Warboss (completion), 1x Custodes Terminator (completion), 1x LoV Warrior (completion) (ARTIFICER, LAST MINUTE, OVERTIME)
  • Heraclite: 5x Intercessors (vow, completion), 5x Hellblasters (ARTIFICER, SERIOUSLY)
  • Lord_Ikka: 1 Rogue Trader Medic, 2 Rogue Trader Death-cult Assassins, 2 Mystic Stave Imperial Agents (vow, completion) (ARTIFICER, SERIOUSLY)
  • jaxom: 3x Eradicators (vow, completion)
  • Jolemai: 2x Rapier Carriers (vowcompletion, completion) (ARTIFICER, SERIOUSLY, OVERTIME)
  • kennyjapan: 5x Sternguard, 5x Tactical Marines (to be finished), 5x Scouts (repaint) (vow)
  • Khulu: 1x Plasma Gunner (vow, completion), 4x Plasma Gun Marines (ARTIFICER)
  • madao: Servitor, Autosavant and Tome servoskull from Imperial Agents Kill-Team (vow, completion(ARTIFICER)
  • MadGamerAK: 5x Sword Brothers (vow, completion), 1x Emperors champion, 3x Primaris Eliminators (SERIOUSLY, OVERTIME)
  • nightwing1511: 3x Apothecaries (vow, completion) (ARTIFICER, LAST MINUTE)
  • PeteySödes: 1x Chaos Knight Castigator (vow, completion) (ARTIFICER, SERIOUSLY, LAST MINUTE)
  • _Saracen: 15x Goliath gang members (vow, completion) (ARTIFICER, SERIOUSLY)
  • SquigPile: 1x Hellbrute (vow, completion) (ARTIFICER, SERIOUSLY, LAST MINUTE)
  • steamboat28: 1x Necron (vow, completion) (ARTIFICER, SPEED DAEMON)
  • TheArtilleryman: 1x Inquisitor (vow, completion(ARTIFICER)
  • The Ergonomic Enginseer: 5x Tyrannic War Veterans (vow, completion) (ARTIFICER, SERIOUSLY)
  • Trokair: 1x Legions Imperialis Baneblade/Hellhammer (vow, completion), 1x Legions Imperialis Baneblade/Hellhammer  (ARTIFICER)
  • W.A.Rorie: 1x Hierotek Circle Kill Team, 1x Ddeathwatch Veteran Kill Team (vow)



Plogging Along Pledges for 2025

  • Dwango: 1x Istvaan III Armies on Parade board (vow)
  • Cleon: 
    • Horus Heresy: 1x Solar Auxilia Battleforce, 10x Veletaris (vow)
    • Legions Imperialis: 6x Land Raiders, 4x Spartans, 4x Sicarans, 1x Astartes Support box, 8x Leman Russ, 8x Artillery, 1x Auxillia support box (minus the Cyclops), 1x Industrial terrain box, 1x buildings box (already assembled) (vow)

  • Grotsmasha: KT Challenge KT Justain (9) (vow)
  • Heraclite: Shaeffer's Last Chancers kill team (vow)
  • W.A.Rorie: 1x Hierotek Circle Kill Team, 1x Deathwatch Veteran Kill Team (vow)



Participants on the Randomizer List

  • Grotsmasha: Leagues of Votann (completion) (JAN), Imperial Knights (FEB), AdMech (MAR), Chaos Daemons (APR), Sororitas (MAY), Iron Hands (JUN), Custodes (JUL), White Scars (AUG), Iron Warriors (SEP), GSC (OCT), Dark Angel Successor (NOV), Tau (DEC)


Edited by Grotsmasha

I, Boc embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of January  pledge to complete an LT with Pfist, 10x Sternguard, 5x heavy intercessors, a land raider redeemer, and 10x hellblasters by month's end.


Let's start this year at full stupid.







Ha, one year I'll be first to vow! 


I, Dwango embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of January pledge to complete a Void Shield Generator by month's end.


I'm going to pledge to do a Istvaan 3 Armies on Parade board as my plodding along vow too. If I pledge it I have to do it :biggrin:



Damn!  First year in three I haven't been the first to vow... :tongue:


Happy New Year everyone.  I'm hoping I can make this one a very productive one.  Going to try to get through some of my significant back log.


I'll likely increase this later but for now;


I, Brother Argent, vow to paint for the Month of January (how is it January again already..?) 1x Hernkyn Yaegir by months end.


Happy New Year all!


I, WAR, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of January pledge to complete Hierotek Circle Kill Team and a Deathwatch Veteran Kill Team and Deathwatch Librarian by month's end.









I am going to start the year vowing to paint the Epic scale Baneblade/Hellhammer I built as part of the Boxing Day Bash. Unfortunately I could not get them painted that day, so time to redeem that failure.





As for the rest of 2025, there is a lot of non-board relevant stuff on my to do list (Old World, Turnip28, LotR and so on), so my plodding along project will be Epic scale stuff, squeezing in a small tank or so each month should be doable...?

Posted (edited)

I've decided to participate in the Knives in the Void Kill Team Challenge, I'll be doing the Kill Team Justain Angels of Death Kill Team, which lists 9 models, this will be my Plodding Along for 2025.


Edited by Grotsmasha

Happy new year everyone !


Let's embark on the 12 months of hobby once more !


For the month of january, I, Heraclite, vow to paint 5 intercessors and 5 hellblasters



and my plodding along vow will be a kill team of Schaeffer's last chancers :



I, Nightwing, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of January pledge to complete Apothecaries for my Firstborn Black Templars by month's end.






Varying levels of paint already on these fellas. Chainsword gent only needs a tidy up and basing.


This is something of a sprint in my plodding along project of giving my Firstborn Black Templars a coherency facelift, finish basing, etc.

Also found here:


Edited by nightwing1511

I, _saracen, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of January pledge to complete my big Goliath gang by month's end.


I have 9 regular Goliaths started, 6 more regular Goliaths primed, 2 converted juves, 2 stimmers, and 4 forge born.


On 1/4/2025 at 2:18 PM, Grotsmasha said:

First actual MODEL for the year. I was originally going to do this one for the Boxing Day Bash, but I'm glad I didn't rush it with a speed-paint.


Looks epic! This is a Sigmar kitbash, right? There are so many good models in that range that are begging to be 40kified.


Which brings me to my January pledge. I hereby pledge one inquisitor conversion. Haven’t decided on a colour scheme yet…



Edited by TheArtilleryman

I, steamboat28, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of January pledge to complete 1x Necron Warrior (?) by month's end.


Never done a long-haul challenge before, so I figured I'd start small. Randomized this one and got a faction I had no interest in painting, so hopefully this will broaden my horizons a little!


I noticed in the rules multiple pledges are fine, so if this one goes well, I might make another this month for something I want to work on.


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