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Not sure I need to declare this, or show a photo, but in case I do - I'm adding my 2 Black Fortress goats to make a more Slannesh-pleasing 12.




Here they are all primed, the new ones are in the front.

I, Bro Castiel, vow to complete one Kill Team of the Farstalker Kindred, to be fully painted and based by the 31st May 2025, and to provide at least minimal fluff/background for them. May the High Shapers of Pech curse me to darkness and ruination should I fail!



On 1/7/2025 at 10:40 PM, Lysimachus said:

I suppose in KT, the teams that are even more big/tough/elite than Marines are maybe the Heavy Intercessors (5 minis?) or maybe Custodes (which I think you'd get 4 in a team?), although neither of those teams are for KT24 so I'm not 100% sure how they'd measure up now...


Anyway, I agree that Thallax would probably be somewhere around 4 or 5? I'd say for a team maybe something like:


1 Leader:

Tech-Priest or Enginseer


and 4 Operatives:

0-1 Thallax with a choice of special weapons

0-1 Thallax kitted for CC

2-4 regular Thallax


Possibly a 5-man team might be a bit too strong, perhaps a 4-man might be better for balance? But we don't need to get too technical/rules heavy here. I'm happy to say the above would be a reasonable entry for the painting competition?



So further to this, I have almost all the bits for the conversion I have in mind, including the melee Thallax.


However with the reveal of the plastic Ursarax yesterday (I thought they would come eventually), assuming they come out in March or April, I would rather do a Ursarax as the melee boy of the Kill Team, still with the conversion idea I had for the Thallax, just as a Ursarax.



The team takes shape...



(left to right: Hon. Br. Adámastos, Vet. Br. Pyrisous, Sanctifier Skeptukhos, Vet. Br. Megasthenes, Lexicanium Vrotoktónus, and Vet. Br. Oplophoris)


Before any paint touches these guys, I need to go through another round of filing/trimming, and that icon definitely needs to be fixed.

On 1/31/2025 at 8:42 PM, TheArtilleryman said:

I may have accidentally on purpose impulse-purchased the Kill Team Starter Set from Warhammer Norwich today... So here I am adding yet another space marine Kill Team to the event!


I, TheArtilleryman, vow to complete one Kill-Team of the Angels of Death, to be fully painted and based by the 31st May 2025, and to provide at least minimal fluff/background for them. May the Emperor curse me to darkness and ruination should I fail!




Hey @Lysimachus, I’ve made a start, so please start my clock from today.


WIP thread is here: 


I, Mandragola, vow to complete one Kill Team of the Ratlings, to be fully painted and based by the 31st May 2025, and to provide at least minimal fluff/background for them. May (the Emperor or whatever 40k deity you wish to swear by) curse me to darkness and ruination should I fail!


I’ve got these little guys together and I’m starting to think about how I’ll paint them. The bullgryns are magnetised so I’ll have most options available. 



I’ll see how I get on and then maybe do the warpcoven too, or perhaps my angels of death, or one of the various other teams I’ve partially built. Buy one thing at a time!

I actually have the commemorative snack time ratlings so I probably ought to paint them alongside this lot. 

Got full pics of the kill-teams. I'll start in a couple of days, so just on the regular schedule I guess.


The Gyve



The Fated Sons


On 1/8/2025 at 3:07 PM, Nightwing said:

I, Nightwing, vow to complete one unit of Catachan Veteran Guardsmen to be fully painted and based by the 31st May 2025, and to provide at least minimal fluff/background for them. My duty is to serve the Emperor's will; curse me to darkness and ruination should I fail! 


Pics to come soon, once the boys have come out of their iso-bath.





Squad stripped and ready to go!

I'm throwing my hat into the ring.


I, Tallarn Commander, vow to complete one Kill-Team of the Blooded Traitor Guard, the 88th Blood Pact, to be fully painted and based by the 31st May 2025, and to provide at least minimal fluff/background for them. May (the Emperor or whatever 40k deity you wish to swear by) curse me to darkness and ruination should I fail!



88th Blood Pact




The 88th Blood Pact, a group of Urlock Gaur's chosen men and women. Often deployed behind enemy lines to carry out covert operations.
■ Bloodbitch, chieftain with power sword and bolt pistol
■ Jackal, Butcher with 2 blades
■ Mishka , Flenser with 2 knives
■ Creed, Grenadier with bomb and grenades
■ Vor, Sniper
■ Zenn, banner bearer, lasun & bayonet
■ Morr, grenade launcher trooper
■ Rusalka, plasma gun trooper
■ Nochfel, hatchet and pistol
■ Commissar Zhukov, Enforcer [hired mercenary from the Nostroman 9th Chaos Militia]
■ The Dust Witch , Chaos Ogryn [hired mercenary from the Nostroman 9th Chaos Militia]
■ Dekker, comms trooper
■ Bonesaw, medic
■ Ram , trench sweeper with shield, shotgun, and spiked club
■ Grim, thug with flail




The 88th Blood Pact, "Gaur's Godsworn"

Fraters, I hereby declare the Knives in the Shadows Challenge 2025... begun! I hope everyone gets on well with completing their chosen teams, but most importantly, I hope you all have fun!


If anyone still wants to sign up at any point through the event, they are still very welcome, but there won't be the option to have a late finish date, the Challenge will end at the end of May!



I was planning on starting today, but I've gotten a little behind schedule, so I'll probably prime my team on Monday and then start painting Tuesday. 


Looking forwards to seeing everyone else's progress.

I started my first Gue'vesa last night. I was originally just gonna base coat and shade, but instead I stayed up to late and he is 90% complete.




I really like how the fatigues came out, but I'm not sure I love the armor color. This was done over a spray of Death Guard Green, with 50/50 basilicanum grey/contrast medium. I might try the next trooper with thinned creed camp over the armor. I also want to find a way to incorporate Incubi darkness for their various unit markings you typically see on fire warriors, but I will likely do that last 


Im curious, should we post our WIP here or on our own threads? I believe last time most everyone posted in the sign up thread

37 minutes ago, sitnam said:

Im curious, should we post our WIP here or on our own threads? I believe last time most everyone posted in the sign up thread


If you've got a separate WIP thread, I'd prefer that, so I can keep this thread for sign ups and that way I can stay on top of it?

8 hours ago, Lysimachus said:


If you've got a separate WIP thread, I'd prefer that, so I can keep this thread for sign ups and that way I can stay on top of it?

Sounds good, I was debating which thread and wasnt sure

Was a little slow getting this together as I had some exams last week but here we go!

I, Boyadventurer, vow to complete one Kill Team of the Angels of Death (Deathwatch), to be fully painted and based by the 31st May 2025, and to provide at least minimal fluff/background for them. May (the Emperor or whatever 40k deity you wish to swear by) curse me to darkness and ruination should I fail!


It's been a long while since I've been active, just mostly haven't had time to get any games in over the past few years, but this was a good excuse to get me motivated again! I've been sitting on a couple of these conversions for a while now, but the eliminator and the heavy intercessor gunner are more recent pieces I did when the new version of the rules dropped.


The link for my WIP thread is: 

I've saved a bunch of lore videos from The Rememberancer for these chapters to watch as I start working on them.



Edited by Boyadventurer

My Hierotek Circle are primed (black then Leadbelcher) and ready for painting :smile: I took @Mandragola's advice and rebased the Plasmacytes on 25mm bases - initially I was reluctant as I planned to still use them with my 40k Skorpekhs, but I realised I've enough Plasmacytes on 28mm bases for my squads of those :biggrin:



Next for these is drybrush Necron Compound, pick cables out with green, gun barrels with Black Legion Contrast, then Nuln Oil wash. 


The carapace will be purple, using Contrast and shades straight over the metal; then do the glowy bits with white then Tesseract Glow. 


The part that'll take the longest will be the glazing on the head of the Cryptek's staff. But generally, I've found Necrons to be quick to paint :thumbsup: Though I'll likely not get these done till near the deadline simply because I'm doing these in parallel with a few other projects :laugh:

I, Starless, vow to complete one Kill-Team of Imperial Breachers , to be fully painted and based by the 31st May 2025, and to provide at least minimal fluff/background for them. May the Emperor curse me to darkness and ruination should I fail!



I've never done Kill Team.  I'm looking forward to my first team being apart of this challenge! 


Thanks for for having me!

Hmm. I'm pretty rusty and I barely get painting time these days, but I also want to enter the Death Guard kill team I've got built...

I'm going to give it a shot - it's possible I'll only get one guy done by the deadline and he might look like a grot paintball team used him for target practice, but you don't know until you try!

I had ordered a Death Korps KT with the MtO Terminators months ago, but I haven't heard anything about that order yet. I have an unpainted squad of Night Lords though. This would be a nice incentive to actually paint 'em up. Hope I'll manage to get them done, since I got promoted to fatherhood last week.

I, Raeven, vow to complete one Kill Team of the Night Lords, to be fully painted and based by the 31st May 2025, and to provide at least minimal fluff/background for them. May Konrad curse me to darkness and ruination should I fail!


I have completed my vow and provided individual pictures with lore on my hobby blog which can be found here.




I finished them last week but didn't have time to take great pictures, but took them to a kill team tournament last weekend after playing them for the first time last Wednesday. Fun team! Very Tricksy.
@Lysimachus Not sure if you wanted the vow completions here or in a new thread. Happy to repost this somewhere but wanted to get it in before my deadline.

Edited by zulu.tango
Adding note for Lysimachus

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