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Our first completion, amazing! Very nicely done too, I love all the character bios (criminal records) in your blog post!


Yep, if everyone can post completions here (or post a link to them) then it's easier for me to keep track of things. Once the Challenge ends, I'll start another thread with 1 pic of each finished entry and a poll for people to pick their favourites.






It's time to begin, first step is to bring the last few models up to the same starting point of zenithal priming (Slap/Chop), then get started with the bone armour.






I want to tidy up the drybrushing around the legs



good to go



I need to tidy up the legs here too, and get into the face better as well



good to go



good to go



good to go



also tidy up around the legs



added the grenades, icon, and swapped to chainsword. these need to be base coated and drybrushed



also requires a tidy up about the legs, and the base needs to be base coated and drybrushed



good to go



I know this model isn't apart of the Kill Team, but feel like it's a glaring omission considering the rest of the team, so I'm going to add it in anyway 


Edited by Grotsmasha


I, Monstra Sumus, vow to complete one Kill Team of the Iron Warriors Legionnaires, to be fully painted and based by the 31st May 2025, and to provide at least minimal fluff/background for them. May those who are worthy curse me to darkness and ruination should I fail!


Wrack & Ruin


19 hours ago, Grotsmasha said:




It's time to begin, first step is to bring the last few models up to the same starting point of zenithal priming (Slap/Chop), then get started with the bone armour.




  Reveal hidden contents


I want to tidy up the drybrushing around the legs



good to go



I need to tidy up the legs here too, and get into the face better as well



good to go



good to go



good to go



also tidy up around the legs



added the grenades, icon, and swapped to chainsword. these need to be base coated and drybrushed



also requires a tidy up about the legs, and the base needs to be base coated and drybrushed



good to go



I know this model isn't apart of the Kill Team, but feel like it's a glaring omission considering the rest of the team, so I'm going to add it in anyway 


They look like statues

24 minutes ago, grailkeeper said:

They look like statues

I've often considered adding a marble effect to a model when it's at this stage of pre-colour. Giving serious consideration to the new KT box with the Sisters Statue to give that treatment.

My completed Vespid Stingwings


I found it hard to pull together fluff for these guys, having set them on Volkus. I miss the name generators from the previous rulebooks (though these guys are just SF1, SF2, etc in the eyes of their handler).


Looking forward to seeing more completions! 

Your Ratlings are superb @zulu.tango and their bios are great!


Painting Completed, onto the fluff....





Strike Force Baradiel was assembled to assist an Unforgiven Task Force in responding to a distress transmission from the Inviolate Rage, flagship of the Heralds of Devastation, crashed upon Vatarus, a planet beyond the Eastern Rim, within the Voltronus Sytem. As the Founding Chapter of the Heralds of Devastion, the Angels of Absolution had a vested interest in the fate of the Chapter, perhaps in recording the cause of their demise, or aiding in their continued survival. Captain Baradiel of the 5th Company volunteered to select a squad of his best and make haste to the Voltronus System. With which challenges they would face unknown, Baradiel selected a wide range warriors from all the squads in his company, each a master of their own weaponry of choice. Ultimately the Inviolate Rage was lost to Xenos interferance, Chaotic machinations, and the re-awakining of a Pho'tekh Dynasty Tomb world, however, the Heralds of Devastation Chapter Master, Variel and a few hundred Heralds were saved from the same fate as the Inviolate Rage.





Captain Baradiel of the 5th Company is a veteran of five centuries service, the last 275yrs as Captain of the 5th Company. Baradiel spent most of his service in the 8th Assault Company, honing his mastery of all melee weaponry and skills. His preference for close quarter combat is still apparent in his choice of wargear, a power fist and plasma pistol. 




Company Veteran Sarpestus is a member of Captain Baradiel's Command Squad. Sarpestus is an umatched sniper, and ranged combat specialist, and relishes every opportunity to forgo his Tacticus armour for his Eliminator vestments. 




Brother Kaveiol's preferred place is on the battlefield with a Heavy Bolter in his gauntlets, and a mass of foes before him. Although experienced and skilled enough to lead, he does not seek the responsibility of leadership, and chooses to remain a Brother within the 10th Support squad.




Veteran Sergeant Adontris is 1st Sergeant of the 5th Company's Tactical Squads. With a keen mind for battlefield tactics, he is sure to find his future within the command structure of the Chapter.




Brother Zephrael's weapon of choice is the Auto-boltrifle, with which can maintain 100% accuracy, even when firing on full-auto.




A master of fire arcs, angles, and ricochets, there is no safe place from Brother Matthaeus' grenade launcher.




Veteran Sergeant Zakariah is Adrontris' polar opposite, where Adontris is taciturn, Zakariah is fuelled by piety and rage, the fury of his assaults have broken uncounted enemy combatants time and time again. It is rumoured he even survived melee combat with the infamous World Eater, Khârn the Betrayer.




Brother Toriel is an expert at providing support and cover to his squad, either with devastatingly accurate pistol fire, or by accurately dispensing one of his myriad of grenades.




Brother Gemoran is Zachariah's protege, and will always be found at Zachariah's side in the thickest of combat. He is a consummate swordsman relying on precision to best his enemies, and is renowned within the 5th Company for returning from battle without a scratch on his armour.




Although a very competent warrior on foot, it is in the air, born aloft on a jump-pack that Brother Nathaniel's expertise is brought to the fore.


Edited by Grotsmasha

Hey all

Total newb question 

How the hell do i load up photos? Lol

I've started my own topic for my wip and fluff but I am at a loss of how to load photos

Hands up admit I'm a ludite 

Any advice or help is greatly appreciated 

37 minutes ago, Sigmundivarson said:

Hey all

Total newb question 

How the hell do i load up photos? Lol

I've started my own topic for my wip and fluff but I am at a loss of how to load photos

Hands up admit I'm a ludite 

Any advice or help is greatly appreciated 


I use external image hosting at the moment but this should help




1 hour ago, Sigmundivarson said:

Hey all

Total newb question 

How the hell do i load up photos? Lol

I've started my own topic for my wip and fluff but I am at a loss of how to load photos

Hands up admit I'm a ludite 

Any advice or help is greatly appreciated 








I have got my KT done now. You can see it and read its background in my new Blog. A way to promote the reforged of this site's section and adress a big hoorray to the admins that did all this rethinking job. Hail to the Blogs!!!



l now wonder if I would not enlist a second KT next month. I have a Nemesis claw waiting to be built...

I, Brother Argent, vow to complete one Kill Team of Tau Pathfinders (unamed as of yet Sept), to be fully painted and based by the 31st May 2025, and to provide at least minimal fluff/background for them. May the Great Procrastinatrix, Devourer of Motivation and Good Intentions, curse me to darkness and ruination should I fail!



Hopefully I'll get these and another couple of teams done by the Challenges end.  Not sure how converted they will be but will see how I go.

I am calling my vow complete, I have edited my above post with the required Lore elements.


I have pledged 2 more Kill Teams to Brother Agents March for March, I will also pledge them here as I start them.

Edited by Grotsmasha

Twice more into the breach....


I, Grotsmasha, vow to complete one Dark Angels Sternguard Angels of Death Kill Team (9), and one Dark Angels Phobos Kill Team (15), to be fully painted and based by the 31st May 2025, and to provide at least minimal fluff/background for them. May the Emperor curse me to darkness and ruination should I fail!




Ignore the front left Sgt, and the Ancient in the rear, these are included for The March for March.




This is the full Roster, including the alternate loadouts for the Reiver and Reiver Sergeant.

Well I've been hesitating for a while, because I took part to other challenges, and to this point I still don't know if I will be able to complete any of them. But then I found out that Dark Eldar are not represented here. I now feel filled with a mission. Isn't it all about knives and shadows ?


I, Bob Fossil, vow to complete one Hand of the Archon Kill Team, and one Mandrakes Kill Team, to be fully painted and based by the 31st May 2025, and to provide at least minimal fluff/background for them. May I be cursed to darkness and ruination should I fail! (I curse to no deity, and I might enjoy darkness and ruination)


I found some second hand Mandrakes, but I didn't receive them yet. Now it's time to dust off and tinker with some very old miniatures! I'll post some pictures when everything is assembled and primed.


I, Mandaloriano, vow to complete one Kill Team of the Plague Marines of the Tainted warband, to be fully painted and based by the 31st May 2025, and to provide at least minimal fluff/background for them. May Nurgle, the Lord of Pestilence, curse me to darkness and ruination should I fail!

Kill Team.jpg

On 1/8/2025 at 7:28 AM, W.A.Rorie said:



slowly started working on my Kill Team


My mental health put me in a semi spiral and I have not picked up brush in a few months and I really am trying to work my way back into the hobby. 

On 3/20/2025 at 9:28 AM, W.A.Rorie said:


My mental health put me in a semi spiral and I have not picked up brush in a few months and I really am trying to work my way back into the hobby. 

I feel you, brother.  Stress and numbness can suck the joy out of anything.  If you ever need to talk DM me and we can chat it up.

Love the colors on your SM.  Keep moving forward and let us see that progress!

I, Stef, vow to complete one Kill Team of the Inquisitorial Suite to be fully painted and based by the 31st May 2025, and to provide at least minimal fluff/background for them. May the Emperor curse me to darkness and ruination should I fail ! 



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