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15 minutes ago, Jalleo said:

Even the champions have gotten nurglings when its a seperate sprue. This might be part of a larger kit or box. Unlikely though.


Neither the most recent Lord of Virulence, nor the only available Lord of Contagion have nurglings. ( and the original was basically trampling his ;) )

There are other similarities with the Lords.. like having a literal mantle.


I dont question this is a "lord of" (though I could be wrong.) Im more curious wich it is, and if its one of the rarer ones.. will it be a named one even.

2 hours ago, Madao said:

Yet another bad day for GW. Do you think they fire employees for such mistakes?

From what I’ve heard they’ve moved to an automated picking system, which they’ve had teething problems with and caused a lot of delays in orders being shipped last year.

So they’ve only sacked a robot, as long as the Robotic Uprising doesn’t happen, it’s okay.

Looks good. Be nice to see it assembled. DG have suc named Lord titles but only miniatures for Contaigon and Virulence. Hopefully this is one of 4 remaining mantles and the LoC gets a separate release at some point. 


It also makes sense we get a Lord in power armour as Contaigon & Virulence were both in TA.

1 hour ago, Indy Techwisp said:

So EC are getting a release wave and both TSons & WE are supposedly getting another Wave as well, yet out of all the Cult Legions it is the single Random Deathguard character that gets leaked.


Wait where did you got from that TS and WE are getting anything more than 1 release ? Last I heard was something/anything psychic automaton for TS (but could be just 1 release.) and nothing known for Khorne except supposedly a kill team.

I always like to track all the records rumors so whats the source and when (was the rumor) ? :)

Edited by TheMawr
damn autocorrect

Great, another character for Death Guard, because it isn't like we haven't got a ton of them already....


This is a bit disappointing as a DG player. There are gaps in the roster that need filling but another character isn't likely one of them. I'm guessing this is all we will get with the codex.

4 minutes ago, Subtleknife said:

Great, another character for Death Guard, because it isn't like we haven't got a ton of them already....


This is a bit disappointing as a DG player. There are gaps in the roster that need filling but another character isn't likely one of them. I'm guessing this is all we will get with the codex.


Character releases seem to be GW's consolation prize for factions that won't get a proper release. I feel you; while I'm hopeful for the World Eaters, I'm also afraid we will only see the long speculated WE apothecary release this time around.

To be honest, for all intents and purposes Death Guard are a "complete range" - anything they get moving forward will largely be gap filling as core CSM options disappear and the occasional refresh where needed, potentially with new named characters coming alongside the campaign books.


This is likely just a generic PA Chaos Lord for them.

35 minutes ago, Joe said:

To be honest, for all intents and purposes Death Guard are a "complete range" - anything they get moving forward will largely be gap filling as core CSM options disappear and the occasional refresh where needed, potentially with new named characters coming alongside the campaign books.


This is likely just a generic PA Chaos Lord for them.


Havocs could be a thing.



In general I wish GW would add more squads and less characters as new releases.

Also zero weapon options or head options on a chaos lord?
Rough.... but on-brand for DG

Regarding this leaking but not EC (or others). There is also the timing element, there are alot of assumptions and rumors, and assumptions based on rumors... but all we know for 100% certain from worlds worst roadmap is Astra Militarum is first, then Eldar, after wich is Imperial Knights and after wich Chaos is getting something. We also know for certain Emperors children is coming in 2025, and we have seen part of that release, after having had rumors for it.


Wich many have taken ( myself included ) that after the Knights its Emperors children, with the others coming afterwards.

But previews havent always been in order of release, quite regularily something newly previewed slips right in front of something previewed months before.  Likewise with rumors, the order we get rumors in isnt necessarily the order we get releases in.

As I said previously especially solo releases tend to evade the rumorverse more than multi kit releases do. ( or more specifically, there have often been solo models as either solo releases or as part of a very detailed rumored releasewave that just didnt pop up in the rumors... at first I thought it was because of blisters, but most of them still come in boxes so I have no clue why.)


But when I look at the age of the rumor engine associated with this model ( I honestly would never ever have guessed that was a 40k RE.. I thought it was the cloth of an undead horse or something.) I think Deathguard codex might actually come before EC one drops. ( though that is an even worse assumption ;) )



What Im also getting curious about because of this now:

Recently Whitefang rumored that Pestigors are coming this soon for AoS.. and at first I didnt think much of it, Having beastmen crossovers like daemons seems to be just a Thousand sons thing.

Then it dawned on me that we havent had the chance to actually know that.

The only other cult-beastmen in AoS are Slaangor and they would need Emperors children in 40k, so who knows, it could be that Pestigors could be another addition to the codex ( though probably a disliked one by many but me.)

Come to think of it.. that leaves Khorngor, wich is actually more likely a candidate for the Khorne killteam rumor as my other theories ( Jumppack Berzerkers vs Jumppack corsairs, Bloodletters vs Grey knight, Khorne legionaires or Khorne Bloodpact.) but thats derailing too much from this sprue topic.



Its annoying I almost had my image for a look-ahead-at 2025 post ready, but now I feel like I have to wait for a proper picture of this one XD ( and well then after that I might just as well wait until thursday to see if there is another epistople (?) with miniatures to add.. and then its so close to the 16th I might just as well wait for that, and before you know it.. 2025 has ended without me making that post ;)

Edited by TheMawr
5 hours ago, TheMawr said:


Wait where did you got from that TS and WE are getting anything more than 1 release ? Last I heard was something/anything psychic automaton for TS (but could be just 1 release.) and nothing known for Khorne except supposedly a kill team.

I always like to track all the records rumors so whats the source and when (was the rumor) ? :)


My source is this:



WE launched last edition, that's usually followed by another largeish wave in the next edition.

TSons only hinted at thing so far is Psy-Automa and unless GW have completely lost the plot, that whole thing about TSons unleashing hordes of reprogrammed Psy-Automa indicates the Psy-Automa are a unit, not a character, and so should be part of a wave if the pattern keeps up (I.e. it's either single character releases or a wave with characters and units).


TSons and WE have 12 unique kits combined. With EC supposedly releasing with 6 kits as well iirc that's 18 in total.

DG getting this one character kits puts them at 18 kits by themselves iirc.


TSons and WE are not in a situation where a single mini release should be on the cards.


Edit: TL;DR




Edited by Indy Techwisp

Can't see how it comes together but I like the idea of a giant sword.


Death Guard have a pretty good range. Nice to see some new additions. Wish they got a vehicle upgrade sprue so the Landraider and Predators could be made more unique and themed to them.

Pretty cool! I'm interested to see what the power pack/ fleshy growth/ pipes looks like assembled. As it is, with the tactical rock, and casual gauntlet resting on the sheathed/stowed sword, he gives off a patient, observant leader type. For me it's an insta-buy regardless of rules.


5 hours ago, Indy Techwisp said:


My source is this:



WE launched last edition, that's usually followed by another largeish wave in the next edition.

TSons only hinted at thing so far is Psy-Automa and unless GW have completely lost the plot, that whole thing about TSons unleashing hordes of reprogrammed Psy-Automa indicates the Psy-Automa are a unit, not a character, and so should be part of a wave if the pattern keeps up (I.e. it's either single character releases or a wave with characters and units).


TSons and WE have 12 unique kits combined. With EC supposedly releasing with 6 kits as well iirc that's 18 in total.

DG getting this one character kits puts them at 18 kits by themselves iirc.


TSons and WE are not in a situation where a single mini release should be on the cards.


Edit: TL;DR

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Yeah ok, that kind of balanced fairness vibes... its sadly not how GW works imho :laugh:

 "that's usually followed by another largeish wave in the next edition." the mythological second wave ? Its not so "usually" as people think, it isnt so that it never happened, but it didnt happen much more often than it did.  Im not disagreeing with you that it should, I just see no pattern there despite people believing it exists,


The single character always being there does seem to be more of a pattern yes, there is always at least one single character... wether the rest is terrain, upgrade sprue, a unit ( sometimes two.) or whatever.. there is always a single character among them, and we havent heard about one for either WE or TS wich to me could mean the Psy-automata might be a kill team unit  and not the TS codex release specifically, there should be 4 new kill teams left this season and we only heard rumors about 2 that fit ( khorne and grey knights.) .. there are (weaker) rumors for Exodites and Tyranids(and tyranid terrain.) but I think these arent for this setting if true at all, but rather for the next.


The focus of the narrative blurb that accompanies the rumors for psy automata to me seems to not invoke a feeling of horde of warmachines, but rather of Thralls/automata in the service of singular sorcerers that merge machine, daemon and flesh. This sounds like the kind of kill team you would see on a planet with the biggest gun in the galaxy.


That all said, while 7th edition only had a little under 110 kits, 8th and 9th come just short of 150 kits each, we are at 56 now. If I combine all known/predictable stuff, all valraks rumors and every leftover resin miniature not included there.. that brings me to a total of about 124 kits.


So unless this is going to be a relatively weak edition for 40k in quantity ( wich is quite possible, a sacrifice for the HH plastic push ) there is plenty of wiggle room to have realistic but cautious hope that the majority of the still pending factions indeed do get a little more than just the token character ( those are already in the above calculation )


In short, keep positive hopeful vibes, but not because a non-existant second wave pattern, there are better motivations for it ;)




Edit added :


Back on the topic at hand,

From what I can see this character would look great leading his personal retinue of Plaguebearers, sadly the chance of that kind of intermixing are next to zero.




Edited by TheMawr

Whilst it's probably good that DG get a chaos lord sculpt as GW is likely to strip out anything without a bespoke sculpt, I do feel DG need units, not characters really at this point.


That said, they'll be gaining a dozen or so new units from daemons in theory, so the books a lot bigger with more stuff, even if it's not exciting per-se.

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