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Sup team.  


Wanted to share what i've been dabbling with since the last balance update. 

Have to say i'm LOVING the modifications to costs/points/rules. 


I've been having crazy success with the following list:



Captain - RFW

Jump Cap - Shield/Hammer

Jump Chaplain - Fist 

Jump Chaplain - Fist


10x Jump Intercessors

10x Jump Intercessors

10x Jump Intercessors


5x Assault Intercessors

5x Rievers

5x Scouts

5x Incursors

3x Outriders

3x Outriders



Pred Annihilator 

Pred Destructor


Invictus Warsuit



(I was running the ATVs with the outriders, and had one more squad of outriders, but i think for tourney play i'd probs run the rievers instead of the 3rd outrider squad, and the ATV separate).


Note that there are no BA units, to make use of the Liberator detachment rule AND the +1 to wound.

The shooting and fighting and mobility is just so so good, and I've felt really in control of all the game at all time with access to a variety of tools. 

How you guys doing?





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I'm curious as to your use of the Reivers and the Invictus Tactical warsuit.      Reivers have largely been universally bad since their launch.  I've tried to get use of them and they never pay for themselves.     I would have thought that another squad of scouts would be better.    How do you find they work for you, and how do you use them differently than say scouts.


Similarly for the warsuit, I've tried running one in the past and it didn't have enough punch per point.  Thought about 2, but didn't think it was worth it in the list for 2 of them.   How do you tend to use it in game?


Reivers have got some extra oomph now that their Combat Knives have gone to AP-1. Their ability to inflict OC-1 on enemy units means that they can quite easily flip Objectives if the opponent is not careful. Scouts are cheaper but Reivers have some additional uses.


Personally I would be looking to include a Lt in Phobos Armour to lead the Reivers. His Shoot and Fade ability allows the squad to Deep Strike, shoot and then make a normal D6" move. This can be used to move closer to the enemy which makes a subsequent charge much easier to pull off. A pretty nifty ability for 55 points.


The Invictor gains more mileage the more Phobos units an army includes thanks to the Combat Support rule. There are 2 Phobos units in this list so I can see some synergy there. Personally I would probably prefer another Ballistus or Predator for the points but then I don't actually have an Invictor. 

14 hours ago, Jolemai said:

This list doesn't surprise me in the slightest as it's the Primaris version of what you've ran for *years* :cool:


Do you have any events lined up?


RIGHT?! I felt the same way:biggrin:

As for upcoming events, local gaming is heavily focused on Team Tournaments, but sadly none at the moment! Hopefully after Chinese New Year.  

9 hours ago, Montoya said:

I'm curious as to your use of the Reivers and the Invictus Tactical warsuit.      Reivers have largely been universally bad since their launch.  I've tried to get use of them and they never pay for themselves.     I would have thought that another squad of scouts would be better.    How do you find they work for you, and how do you use them differently than say scouts.


Similarly for the warsuit, I've tried running one in the past and it didn't have enough punch per point.  Thought about 2, but didn't think it was worth it in the list for 2 of them.   How do you tend to use it in game?




Their points breaks and new rules have made them GREAT. 

125 for the Warsuit is a steal.  At 140+ whatever it was (or even higher at launch, made it a joke) - at 125 it's really well costed for what it adds.

I think 2 in a list would be amazing.

How I use them depends on the layout and the options and who goes first.  If I can go first, I'll use them to push the enemy back (8" scout, +8" move +d6" advance and charge gives them a scary threat range).

If I go second, I'll move it into a counter charge position. 


As for Reivers - 100% with you from what they were before.  But, remember now they've received 3 buffs.

1:  +AP1 on their knives, 

2:  -1 OC on enemy,

3: LD check or battleshock on enemy. 

This, coupled with the fact that I play on WTC (and many of the tables have crates in the middle - and they can move straight through them) NOW see them as excellent harassment unit.   

They are perfect for stealing objectives and can do really well in combat now, thanks to AP1. 




Played a similar list to the above, but got inspired by Karhedron's comment about the lieut. 

So did this:


Captain - RFW

Jump Cap - Shield/Hammer

Jump Chaplain - Fist 

Lieut in Phobos

Lieut in Phobos

10x Jump Intercessors

10x Jump Intercessors

10x Reivers

10x Reivers

5x Assault Intercessors

5x Scouts


3x Outriders

3x Outriders

3x Outriders

Pred Annihilator 

Pred Destructor


Invictus Warsuit


Went up against the GSC list that was terrorizing my group and smashed it. 

The reiver movement was UNREAL- The 6" scout + 6" move +d6" (adv) then shoot and move d6" again and THEN charge 2d6" was just terrifying. 


 They were absolutely game changers with their rules. 



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