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Blood Angels Detachment of the Week Series


Welcome to part one of the Blood Angels Detachment of the Week series!

Following the release of the 10th edition Codex Supplement, there is no better time to discuss all the units we have access to. Each week a different unit will appear, with the idea being that we discuss how best to use that model on the battlefield. Where part one will discuss the units from the units found within Codex Supplement: Blood Angels, and part two will discuss Codex: Space Marines.
Note, this isn't to lament any nerfs, etc, from previous editions; the rules are as they are so try to unlock its potential for those who wish to use them all the same. Similarly, this thread is only for using the option being discussed; it matters not if you feel something is a better choice as such comments aren't constructive to the topic and shall be removed.
Without further ado, here's this week's entry:


sml_gallery_62972_10568_1098.jpg Angelic Inheritors

What are you thoughts here folks? How best would you use the Angelic Inheritors Detachment?

  • How are you building your lists, and at what points level?
  • What Characters are you using?
  • What units are you using?
  • Enhancement synergy of note?
  • Stratagem synergy of note?


Over to you.

Edited by Jolemai

Angelic Inheritors was one of the best (if not THE best) detachment to drop over Christmas. With it's Noblebright Herohammer style, it provides a very different way of playing Blood Angels (or plain vanilla Marines) that still feels very Blood Angel-ish.


At the start of the game, you get to pick 2 abilities that apply to every unit with a Character (so Lone Operatives like Mephiston and the Sanguinor can benefit from this detachment pretty well). Basically you always want to pick Carmine Wrath as rerolling 1s to Hit and Wound is really strong. The other 2 abilities are both decent but I would normally opt for Sanguinary Grace so that your units can Fall Back and still Shoot and Charge. It really lets you pick you fights.


So how do you build it? Well you basically want a lot those units that combo well with an attached Character. Classic mixes Hellblasters + Apothecary, JAIs + Captain and BGVs + Judiciar all hit significantly harder. While they do not hit quite as hard in melee as with LAG, Carmine Wrath also applies to shooting meaning you can deploy a much more rounded force than with an LAG without feeling that you are penalising yourself for not taking more melee units.


It is pretty finely balanced between taking BA specific units in the an AH list or opting for the buffed Oath of Moment with +1 to Wound. Both are pretty strong options and it depends a lot on your gameplan.


Moving on to Enhancements, there are some solid choices here.

  • Blazing Icon is probably the standout choice for turning off enemy Overwatch.
  • Prescient Flash gives the bearer's unit Scout 6" which is handy for getting a unit into the mid-field early. I would probably look to take this on a Gravis Captain leading some Aggressors or Eradicators. Or on a Judiciar leading BGVs.
  • Ordained Sacrifice is nice for bringing a Character back from the dead with 3 wounds remaining. Probably best on someone chonky like a Gravis or Terminator Character.
  • Troubling Visions allows you to have all 3 Angelic abilities active on a unit once per game. This is the only weak choice in the list but it is only 15 points so feel free to take it if you have nothing better to spend the points on.

Stratagems are also a solid selection:

  • Armour of Contempt - Less powerful but still a solid choice for helping to keep a unit alive
  • Focussed Fury - Gives a unit Lethal Hits in a melee. If there is a Character in the unit, they get Lance as well. This is really strong and lets you get back some of the raw killing power you lose from not taking Red Thirst.
  • Instant of Grace - Gives a unit the Character keyword until the start of your next Command Phase. This bestows your Detachment abilities, even if the unit does not have a Character attached and also gives them the added benefits from Focussed Fury and In the Shadow of Great Wings. This is really strong on something like a big unit of Inceptors who cannot get Character support otherwise.
  • Strike Now for Glory - Your ranged weapons get Sustained Hits 1. Simple but effective. Works best when shooting your Oath of Moment target.
  • In the Shadow of Great Wings -  Until the end of the phase, your Character unit can only be selected as the target of a ranged attack if the attacking model is within 18". This is potentially huge. Giving a whole unit mini Lone Operative is potentially amazing if you want to keep a particular unit alive. Uses for this Strat will be boundless.
  • Unto Burning Skies - Put a Jump Infantry unit into Reserves. Another powerful ability that can potentially let you grab an exposed Objective or redeploy your Inceptors to shoot up something valuable. Not clear if you can double-dip on the Sanguinor's Miraculous Saviour ability.

So there you have it. A powerful and flavourful Detachment ability, some good Enhancements and a really strong set of Stratagems make this a real winner. I have seen a few early tournament wins for this Detachment already and I think it can legitimately challenge LAG as an effective way to play Blood Angels without having to go Baals to the wall with charges.

Edited by Karhedron
9 hours ago, jaxom said:

Isn't there something with Scouting a Phobos character with Ordained Sacrifice on to an Objective?


There is some potential. You roll to get back up at the end of the phase. This means that if the Character dies to shooting, his chance to stand back up is at the start of the melee phase which means nothing else can shoot at him. That means an opponent might hose you off an Objective but then you stand back up and are still holding it in your next command phase. There are some issues though:

  1. You don't usually score Primaries in Turn 1 so no need to Scout/Infiltrate a Phobos character to do this.
  2. While the Character is immune from further shooting while he is waiting to revive, your opponent can still assault him in the melee phase.

There may be some interaction I am missing. It might be useful on a Lt with Combi Weapon.

Having had some more time to think things through, I have decided to put together a list idea that might be fun to play. This list is fairly melee oriented (as befits the sons of Sanguinius) so I would probably take rerolls to Advance and Charge over fall back and shoot.


Cost Unit
125 Mephiston
140 Sanguinor
130 Dante
260 6 Sanguinary Guard
80 5 Intercessors
80 5 Intercessors
70 5 Scouts
55 Lt in Phobos Armour
80 5 Reivers
110 Lemartes
240 10 Death Company with Jump Packs
50 Apothecary
230 Hellblasters
175 Vindicator
175 Vindicator
2000 Total


The list is fairly self explanatory. All the big units have attached Characters to leverage the Detachment bonus. The Intercessors are there for Objective Secured and the new rules allowing them to get get 4 shots each actually makes them pretty good at thinning hordes. The Scouts and Reivers are there for interference and Actions. The Reivers can also pull off a sneaky Charge from Deep Strike thanks to the Lt's ability to move D6" after shooting. DS 9" from target, shoot, move D6" closer and then in the Assault phase, charge 2D6" with a reroll. Very tasty.


The Vindicators are solid in any Marine list and are there to deal with hard targets. Although they don't benefit from the Detachment bonus directly, they are perfect targets for "Strike Now for Glory" as giving these bad boys Sustained Hits is really tasty, especially when shooting at your OOM target. The Hellblasters are also good candidates for this and benefit from the full Detachment bonuses thanks to the Apothecary pulling his usual resurrection shenanigans. The Helblasters are also a good target for "In the Shadow of Great Wings" to make sure they stay alive long enough for the Apothecary to revive any casualties.


Mephiston and the Sanguinor love rerolling 1s as they will usually be hitting on 2s anyway and often wounding on 2s or 3s so this help make sure they don't whiff on a crucial turn.

I think that the bloodless version could play well. +1 to Wound combined with rerolling 1s is a strong combo. Having said that, our special characters are good it is an interesting trade-off.


For the Scouting Enhancement, my first thought would be a Judiciar with BGVs in an Impulsor. They hit harder and are more durable than AIs. I prefer to leave the Captain +AI combo in the LAG where it can be stacked with Rage Fuelled Warrior for a crazy number of hits. 


I am not sure about the combo of Captain + Sternguard as I don't see any obvious synergy. Arguably Sternguard get less benefit from Angelic Inheritors than other units because they can reroll wounds natively.

Thinking of this as, perhaps, the equivalent of a Blood Angels Gladius? Like it could work well with a mix of not MSU melee and ranged infantry. Apothecary with Hellblasters, Librarian with Intercessors, Biologis with Eradicators or Aggressors. Probably not worth putting a character with a Desolation Squad?

9 hours ago, jaxom said:

Probably not worth putting a character with a Desolation Squad?


I think it could work. Rerolling 1s to Hit and Wound is good for them, particularly on their indirect fire. A Libby is fairly cheap, gives them a 4++ which will definitely help to keep them alive and gives them a bit of deterrence against melee.

On 3/1/2025 at 10:05 AM, Jolemai said:

From what I understand, Desolation Squads are having a mini-revival in this Detachment, especially on terrain where Plunging Fire is a thing.


Indeed. Also Eldar have a fondness for 5-man T3 Aspect warrior squads. They rely on their new Battle Focus reactive moves to hop out of LOS so indirect fire (even just S4) will really punish them and leave them with nowhere to hide. Also their Grav Tanks are T9 so S10 Superkrak missiles will do good work.

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