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How heavy are skeletons? Having never hoisted a partial human skeleton (plus hat) on a stick, I'm not sure how heavy it would be. Lighter than a less cleaned body, surely, but beyond that, no idea. How heavy are bones?

They sure are showing off a lot of priesty types lately.


5 minutes ago, Wormwoods said:

How heavy are skeletons? Having never hoisted a partial human skeleton (plus hat) on a stick, I'm not sure how heavy it would be. Lighter than a less cleaned body, surely, but beyond that, no idea. How heavy are bones?

Skeleton's only about 14% of total body weight. 

So many kitbashing possibilities it is crazy.  That head could go on some Marine Chaplain or something.  The body could actually be on some feudal world Techpriest what with the arm and leg braces and the iron clogs.  Oh my cog Forgeworld stuff is so good.


Edit - A Thought: you add a brim to that headdress with some green stuff, you got some crazy Commissar.


Further Edit - this guy is literally "My Helmet Is a Church," which is an apt description of Warhammer.


10 minutes ago, Ramell said:

Skeleton's only about 14% of total body weight. 


I never knew that.  Thanks for this.  Calcium's a metal, ergo, we're all kinda bionic. Inside all of us is a Techpriest trying to get out.

Edited by N1SB
1 minute ago, DemonGSides said:

A full human skeleton is like 10 kilos/22 lbs, so that's like 1/3rd of a skeleton so not too terrible.  That being said, it needs some counterweight on the bottom.

Once you get rid of all the squishy stuff, it’s certainly do-able… Actually, I’d worry  more about the brazier and whatever fuels it…

I've always found, when waving human skeletons around on a pole, that it's the arms and legs swinging about all over the place that make it difficult to ballance. This guy seems to have dealt with this brilliantly. It's always the very simple solutions in the end! 


Love both the hats! Good stuff

52 minutes ago, Wormwoods said:

How heavy are skeletons? Having never hoisted a partial human skeleton (plus hat) on a stick, I'm not sure how heavy it would be. Lighter than a less cleaned body, surely, but beyond that, no idea. How heavy are bones?

Nothing is heavier than his faith in The Emperor.

33 minutes ago, The Yak said:

I've always found, when waving human skeletons around on a pole, that it's the arms and legs swinging about all over the place that make it difficult to ballance.


All it takes is a bit of practice.. especially when doing it with different shape skeletons and different situations.
Try taking one along for groceries or for the morning run, exercise exercise.

You can get there!

56 minutes ago, The Yak said:

I've always found, when waving human skeletons around on a pole, that it's the arms and legs swinging about all over the place that make it difficult to ballance. This guy seems to have dealt with this brilliantly. It's always the very simple solutions in the end! 



A good drill and some wire go a long way here, as every one who’s ever done some kitbashing can easily attest :thumbsup:


58 minutes ago, siegfriedfr said:

It s always uncomfortable when the specialist studio has a better grasp of 40k grimdark imagery than the main studio.


Though they seem to have missed the part about  Redemptionists all wearing some sort of mask..

..or was that dropped in the current edition? 




2 hours ago, Wormwoods said:

How heavy are skeletons? Having never hoisted a partial human skeleton (plus hat) on a stick, I'm not sure how heavy it would be. Lighter than a less cleaned body, surely, but beyond that, no idea. How heavy are bones?


Surprisingly light.

As an archaeologist I once had about 80 bodies (complete skeletons) pass through my hands in a couple of days. Especially when dehydrated it all is very light.

Als this is also just the torso, the long legs and arm bones are missing it shouldn't weigh that much, compared to a 40K blowtorch/weird melee weapons/fill in your fantasy.


And I absolutely love how he skeleton kinda looks to be looking cross eyed through the mask.


I love this model, Absolutely top 40K


Might need it for my boys in black.

The always have a soft spot for skelly waving lunaticks

Edited by Brother Carpenter

You know, I've couldn't put my finger on it at first but I think I know who he reminds me of... it's Vaughn from Borderlands 3 right?


The bare legs like Vaughn running around in his pants, the face seemingly happy to be there and the left hand a little erratically unsure where it's supposed to be.



Edited by Captain Idaho
49 minutes ago, Captain Coolpants said:

This guy reminds me if vermin supreme. Just need to convert the hat to a wellington boot 

Freaking thank you! I was wondering why my brain was replacing the models hat with a boot

3 hours ago, Wormwoods said:

How heavy are skeletons? Having never hoisted a partial human skeleton (plus hat) on a stick, I'm not sure how heavy it would be. Lighter than a less cleaned body, surely, but beyond that, no idea. How heavy are bones?

Don’t worry, the flames on the top make the whole thing a little lighter!


I’ll get my coat.

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