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There's something I really don't like about this model and I have a hard time describing it. Everything just comes together poorly somehow.


Some parts feel very large and chunky, like the cape, tilt shield, wrist flamer, shoulders and chest piece. The scrollwork also verges towards chunky; Aximand has some nice delicate stuff that feels more fitting. And that's kinda the thing, it doesn't really feel that fitting of artistic craftsmanship. 


Maybe it's just the 2nd edition style, a lot of the power armour characters look super off to me, both in proportions and aesthetic.

Am I the only one, who finds the tilt shield completely pointless? Instead of personalized heraldry it displays generic blood drop. Just like with BA Assault Termies or the upgrade pack. I don't get the point. Even his unit heraldy would be better. Also, the wrist weapons are a big no-no in my book - never liked them on SG, absolutely hate them on DB.  I like the head though.

30 minutes ago, Ayatollah_of_Rock_n_Rolla said:

Am I the only one, who finds the tilt shield completely pointless? Instead of personalized heraldry it displays generic blood drop. Just like with BA Assault Termies or the upgrade pack. I don't get the point. Even his unit heraldy would be better.


I think it's boiled down to "lets add this thing because we can"


To be fair though, I don't love them in 40k but I can understand it more because of the more knightly aspect of some marine chapters there


I do not love that they're trying to bring it into the Heresy. They've never featured prominently in the artwork AFAIK, and at least before in models that featured them (Ultramarines Terminator Praetor for example), it was appropriately scaled. Not taking up half the torso  

It's a great sculpt for sure.  But I have to agree with the comments about the the Tilt Shield (and this is tilt-shields on all models), he can't cross-draw any kit from the right hand side of his belt or pouches, those shields would be a major pain.  But as others have said it's just bling GW have added, like the optics we see on Primaris weapons whereas we all know a Marines helmet has zoom and targeting gubbins built in.


But a good looking mini for sure.

For me it's purely the filigree being too thick that makes me feel like something is just off about the model. It needs to be finer, it doesn't look refined and detracts from the overall aesthetic that is otherwise well put together. 


I pulled up this image for comparison, and yes I recognise the paint style is making the gold stand out more on the new model but this just looks superior in terms of design language. It's somehow equally busy, if not more so, yet more subtle at the same time, and I am taking the paintjob into account. If you take away the filigree on the new model the upper half of the model is relatively bare and has less elements than the legs, yet the filigree is so overbearing it slaps you right in the face demanding you look at it and takes away from the excellent lower half. The model just doesn't feel balanced and it almost feels like the two halves of the model belong to different miniatures. 

Blood Angels Praetor

Edited by Castellan Wulfrik
19 hours ago, Marshal Mittens said:

Looks cool but looks like a Scribor model imo.


I'd been trying to put my finger on exactly this, you're completely right. The chunky proportions and ott filigree are very Scribor. Blimey that takes me back to when they were THE source of Primarch models.

17 hours ago, Wispy said:

In general I feel like the Heresy Blood Angel line is ugly.

Obviously you are entitled to your opinion and if you really think that, that's fine. I personally think the Blood Angels Praetor, Terminator Praetor, Leviathan Dreadnought, full Contemptor kit (before they changed it to torso only) and Crimson Paladins are all stunning kits. The Dawnbreakers are up there as well, it's just their tabards that are way too long that let them down a bit.

I think HH blood angels range from lovely to off. But this is true of the 40k range as well I guess. GW can never quite decide where the legion/chapter should sit on ornamentation.

Whilst I like this model a lot, the filigree and proportions are kind of bad (proportions on a lot of HH stuff seems to be actually). The Praetor was a lovely model, albeit weirdly small (maybe thats a lore thing though, as the 40k BA captain is the smallest primaris captain released lol).

I think the issue is that there is an inconsistency with the HH stuff, sometimes the filigree is very fine and intricate (like the praetor) and looks excellent, other times its chunky and looks a little clumsy (like this and a few others).


For me, I'd much prefer to see ornamentation on BA models (particularly resin ones where its far more achievable) be much finer, they aren't emperors children, so shouldn't look garish, but they are artists and artisians, so should still be ornamented. Honestly the Praetor is and Raldoron were excellent for their levels of ornamentation.


The dawnrbingers are bad IMO, their armour design sucks, ornamentation details themselves are okay though.


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