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Kilted Marines


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I like it! Especially about the violent conflict between 'Wolfman' McGregor and 'Bloody' MacKenzie!


Very evocative descriptions of the places and practices, and the trophy-obsessed, skull-taker behaviour is just fearsome, as befits the Clan. ;)


Actually, the head-hunting reminded me of something. In Rome - Total War, the peoples inhabiting the British Isles are referred to as the Britons, woad-wearing, chariot-driving Celts, as you might expect from the times. Anyways, one of the units they can field are called 'Head Hurlers'. Apparently, Britons would sometimes collect the heads of the dead, and then soak them in a lime solution, so that they essentially became the most horrifying acid grenades ever. I'm going to equip my prototype squad with Frag Grenades, naturally, and I think I'll trying and work in the heard-hurling into some of them. ;)


I like your description of the lands that the native Clan inhabits. I think I'll go back and add to what I've already written on McGregor Company to have similar information. ;)



--edit-- Ha ha! Two pages! And two posts 'till 200!

Yes, I do remember stories about celts takeing the heads of enemies, but I did not know about them soaking them in lime and throwing them like grenades. Hmm, might be interesting to work that into the armory. I think I am going to use the stag as the chapter badge, once I work out how it should look. It's a bit more unique than alot of the others I've seen. Actualy, I think there may already be a decal for it form the fantasy game.

Cool, I look forward to seeing the badge. If there's a decal, it'll likely be in the Brettonian range. Maybe the Empire, but I doubt it.


As for the lime-soak heads, I suspect that that was an isolate occurance or habit, and the designers of RTW simply used it to add more colour to the game. Still, it's characterful!


I added a bunch more to my fluff on 3rd Company about the native Clan. I'll probably go back and add in some descriptions of their past actions and some of their heroes and warriors.

Nicely done. Hmm, on the map in my head, that would put your clan in the north east region of the contenant, seeing as the main Chapter Fortress and it's holding are just about dead north, and McKenzie Clan holdings are just east of that. The main landmass of the planet is roughly eliptical, taller than it is wide with clusters of islands trailing it from the southwest. The north of the contenent is very mountianess with the inland being mostly lowlands, forrests and lakes and bogs, with a smaller chain of mountians to the south.
Well, I didnt find what I was looking for in decals on the GW site or on the Griffon Games site's decals. After I've gotten some amout of sleep I'll see what I can do for the chapter badge. I think I can feel my brain trying to escape and get to bed without me, erf....

Hmm... I've got a pic of the Colquhoun clan symbol, which uses a stag, right here. Maybe that'll give you some ideas...


As for the 'Scottish deer' itself... Try a Google Image search for it? I did one, and mostly just got pics of deer in various states of dead, but the impression I got was that deer in Scotland are distinctively differant than the North American variety. Looks like they have a wider, more open set of antlers...


I did another image search for 'heradlry stag' and got a bunch of good hits. Some of the insignia there would lend itself well to a Chapter Badge...


For my own suggestion, perhaps a red stag's head, facing forward with the antlers extending up and out (rather than in profile), on a yellow field? I think those colours would mesh well with the colour scheme, and they're the colours of the Scots Lion flag...

Well, the stags on Dagda will not be normal deer. And in keeping with the look of the skull-bear, the Great Stag, as it'll be called, is almost prehistoric, more in like with a prehistoric elk of northern europe. Antlers that span up to 15 feet across, standing 12 feet at the shoulder, stuff like that.


As for the chapter badge, while haveing it at a profile might look more regal, the image of the stag faceing headon looks more agressive, as if it's chargeing.


BTW, Barret, where are you finding the clan badges?

I got those when I was investigating my own heritage (McGregor on my mother's side, Colquhoun on my father's) off of www.gaelicthemes.com, I believe. The site seems to have changed a little since I was there last, but you can probably find what you're looking for under "Clan Crest" in the list of choices on the top of their page.


I like the sound of the prehistoric beasties you've described, sounds like a highly 40k-esque animal.

Thanks. I'll have to see if they offer the fabric to make your own kilts sometime when I get some money. About the chapter badge, my girlfriend is a very good artist and I told her what I was thing to look for and she said she's sketch something up at work tonight, so we might have out chapter badge soon.


I fished through my bits box and came across something I'd probably get slapped for. I started getting into produceing my own minis, and rather than risk breaking my masters while I was trying to figure out how to make the molds right I used a plastic marine to practice on. Now, I know someone will raise a red flag here, but believe me, I have no intention of bringing hell down upon me, so I only use these for spair parts when I need them, and I never intend to give any of these out, so I've got a body, one of the ones I made while practiceing, that I'll try and kilt up soon. Probably wont look as good as Barret's Blood Claw conversions, but you should get the idea from it pretty well.


EDIT: Alright, I think I've figured out how to handle the claymores. They cost 20/15 points (20 for characters with 2 or more wounds). They count as both power weapons and rending weapons. Meaning that they ignore armor saves, and any roll of 6 to hit will automaticly cause a wound, and armor penetration dice that roll 6 will allow for an extra d6 to be added to the total. Claymores require two hands to use unless the character is equiped with terminator armor as well.


Lochaber axes cost 35 points and count as thunderhammers, but because of their length a character armed with a lochaber axe is counted as being armed with two cc weapons. Lochaber axes require two hands to use reguardless.

Alright, I mixed up some green stuff and decided to see what I could come up with. Maybe not as detailed or as well sculpted as others could do, but I think it looks pretty good. You'll notice that in the front the kilt reaches down to the knees, but is much longer in the back, with extra fabric slung over the right shoulder.





Thanks, and now a 'final' color set before painting, useing the McKenzie tartan.



Remember, this is for a tactical marine. Assaults will have red trim on their right shoulder, devastators will have yellow trim, and veterans will have green trim matching the rest of the shoulder pad.


EDIT: Two more. First a tactical of the McGregor Clan, and the second a marine with a blank tartan for adding new plaids.





Hey, nice job with the IA-style graphic for the McGregors. ;)


Just finished the first guy with a kilt. I didn't use any of the special Space Wolves bitz for fear of ruining. The last time I tried doing kilts (on my Ork Storm Boyz) it didn't go so well...


'ere he is. I'll glue his arms on after I've painted the kilt, as it's going to be hard enough as it is. The GS looks a little rougher in the close-up than it actually is. Kilt's not as neat as yours, a little more worse-for-wear...




Hmm, that depends. If he honestly wonders, not to hard. If he's just being an annoyance, well, beans aint quite big enough to describe the pre-emenant pain.


Showing progress Barret. Want a couple tips? firstly, to get nice, flat peices of gs, you need to get yourself some plastic. An empty ziplock bag does fine. I use the plastic bags that plasticard comes in. Lay that down on your worktable and smooth your gs out onto that. Keeping the plastic wet helps alot. Once you get it thin and spread out enough, with a dull putty knife, cut out the shape you need. For both lower parts of the kilt I used slightly curved rectangles. Once you have that cut out, just peal it off of the plastic and press it gently onto the mini. Use your sculpting tool, or if you dont have one, the end of a brush and a large sewing pin, and smooth it out a bit, try to make it look like it's been tucked up under the marine's belt. Add a few creeses with your putty knife or pin under the belt if you want. Do more or less the same for the back. For the shoulder part what I did was start out with a thick roll of gs, pressed it in against the chest to one side and used my sculpting tool to flatten it out and smooth it down and over the shoulder. Dont forget to trim around the belt to make it look like it's tucked under. Add alot of creeses here cause this part is supposed to be bunched up. There you have it! You can wait alittle while and take your sculpting tool or the end of a brush to tease out the kilt some, if you want a particular flow to it, like if he's running or turning quickly. And dont forget to smooth out the surface to keep fingerprints from showing.


It'll be a while before I get mine painted since Im wanting to repose the arms some

Alright, I typed up some information on a few characters, namely Culchain, the first chapter master (as well as some background on the events of the chapter's founding), Nuada Silverhand, the current chapter master, and George "Bloody" McKenzie, chief of the 2nd Clan-company. I may take an old plastic terminator and try converting up "Bloody" McKenzie after I finish with my veteran sergeant conversion. All the rules for the characters were made useing Army Builder and the stats and items provided there, so they are ternament legal. Perhaps later I may go back and make new profiles for them with better stats and unique items, but for now this is what we have.


Characters of Note of the Sons of Dagda


Culchain Bosh

When the original chapter left Terra, they were under the leadership of Culchain Bosh, the first Chapter Master of what was to become the Sons of Dagda. His first action as Chapter Master was to lead the assault on the Orks' orbital barges, intent on cutting off the Orks' options for retreat. Once the Orks' ships were in flames, he lead the transport assault on the enemy forces already on the ground. Following the trail of destruction left by the Orkish hordes, the chapter's forces engaged the forces of Nabgramong, the Ork Warboss, in the foothills of the Northern Highlands. After the bloody battle, the ork forces scattered northward into the mountains, and for a time it seemed as if the orks were go be a constant danger to the planet. It was only with the help of the native warriors from the Clans McKenzie and McGregor, who knew the highlands well, that Culchain was able to drive the remaining orks into one area of the highlands. There Culchain lead an assault on the remaining orks. Deep within the mountains the Chapter wasn't able to bring the full weight of their heavy support to bear against the enemy. With only one option left, Culchain decided to engage the orks eye to eye, leading a massive assault. It was in this battle that Culchain faces off with the massive Warboss Nabgramong in single combat. The fight raged on for three nights, with the clamor of battle all around them until finally Nabgramong's head left his body from a swift blow of Culchain's powersword, breaking the orks' moral and allowing the rest of the chapter to quickly dispatch his remaining forces. To this day, above the Chapter Master's throne in the great hall of the Black Fortress, the partially bionic skull of Nabgramong still hangs, a reminder of that pivital victory so many centuries before. Unfortunately Culchain's leadership could not last forever, and it was during the 3rd invasion of the Red Corsairs that he finally fell in battle, his hands still strangling the accursed life from the neck of the Traitor Champion that finally brought him down. High in the mountains, Culchain was finally laid to rest, his tomb at the peak of the highest mount ian of the area. Every few years, a pilgrimage takes place, undertaken by marine and commoner alike to that towering height, to honor the chapter's founder and hero of Dagda.


Nuada Silverhand, Chapter Master of the Sons of Dagda

The current Chapter Master of the Sons of Dagda, like other members of the Black Watch, Nuada's original clan is only known by his closest allies, himself, and few records within the halls of the Black Fortress. Nuada Silverhand is perhaps best known for his use of a more unified Chapter, often sending two or more Clans to war together, where as previous Chapter Masters had let single Clans choose the battles they wished to fight. This has caused it's fair share of opponents within each Clan, as well as the Black Watch itself. It's rumored that he gains some bit of personal amusement by sending rival Clans off to war together. Despite this none would challenge his motives for this, as under his leadership the Sons have gained some of their most major victories.


In combat, Nuada is best known for his hammering assaults, refusing to pull out of the combat even when the battle seems to have been lost. Many times he has snatched victory from the jaws of defeat by doing this. Pounding at the enemy's front line until support arrives, or making the enemy's attention focus on his forces long enough for his allies to attack their blind side. Nuada's method of combat seems to be reflected in his choice of personal armament. While there is nothing extraordinary about his army nor the meltagun he carries, his most noticeable armament is the huge powerfist he carries. Before he became Chapter Master, an encounter with an acid-spewing Tyranid biomorph stripped the chapter colors from his powerfist, but also burnt deeply into the flesh of his arm, leaving him with a barely functioning limb. After the battle, the Apothecaries decided that he would have to loose his arm in favor of a bionic one. Nuada had other ideas, refusing to admit defeat, even with his own body, he ordered the Apothecaries and masters of the armory to instead reconstruct his arm around what was left using the now acid-polished powerfist to replace his now horribly mangled lower arm. The name Silverhand became irrevocably entwined with Nuada and the Sons of Dagda ever since. Another item or wargear that sets him apart on the battlefield is the Horns of the Stag. This item functions like the Iron Halos used by other chapters, though in this case this was crafted into a crown, encorperating antlers like those of the Great Stag, locked against eachother as if in combat.


A force of Sons of Dagda may take Nuada Silverhand as an HQ choice. If so he must be your army commander. Unless leading a command squad, Nuada Silverhand is an independant character.


Nuada Silverhand - 215 points includeing wargear

|WS|BS| St|To|Wo|In|At|Ld|Save

Nuada Silverhand 5| 5|4/8| 4| 3| 5| 4|10|2+/4+(invulnerable)

Weapons and Wargear: Mastercrafted Bolter-Meltagun, Mastercrafted Powerfist, Iron Halo, Bionics, Terminator honors (bonus attack included in profile), Artificer Armor, Melta Bombs


George "Bloody" McKenzie, Chief of the 2nd Clan McKenzie

Even before the coming of the Chapter, the McKenzie Clan of the native clans of Dagda was always known for their ferocity and love for war. It seems fitting that the Clan-company that bears their name would be lead by an individual that exemplifies these qualities. Few can carry such boast as George "Bloody" McKenzie does. Clan Chief for almost 4 centuries now, his nickname was earned on the planet of Madril V, where a cult of chaos worshipers had called a force of traitor marines to their world in hopes of revolting against the Emperor. The Sons of Dagda had learned of this message and before the rest of the Imperium had time to respond, Clan McKenzie was fast following the trail of the traitor marines' ships. After a long, brutal battle with the Word Bearers, George McKenzie took great delight in hunting down and gathering up the heretics which had caused this. Keen on not letting the fast approaching Imperial Commanders take his gratification from him, he ordered fully half of the heretics executed on the spot. The rest he ordered lowered into a deep pit, upon which he piled the bodies of their freshly executed fellows. A record was left behind, a warning to any other would be heretics of what fate awaits them at the hands of "Bloody" McKenzie.

"Bloody" McKenzie has always had a great love for the games back on Dagda, in particular the unarmed combats. In his days he held victory over this event for 4 Games running, his closest rival was "Wolfman" McGregor of the 3rd company, though their brawls were never constrained to the Games. In his live "Bloody" McKenzie had only ever missed the Games once, his Clan engaged with a particularly long battle against the Eldar. It's said that such was his anger at this, and the anger of his men, that once the capital city was freed, each marine within his company marches through the streets, the body of a fallen Eldar held above their heads. Witnesses claim that "Bloody" McKenzie himself carried aloft the charred iron remains of the Eldar's Avatar, leading his Clan through the streets.

George McKenzie's days are drawing to a close, and many say that he can see the twilight falling towards him. These days he has taken to spending much of his time within the walls of what has come to be known as the Black Mausoleum, a building of jet-black stone constructed deep in the hills controlled by the McKenzie Clan. The walls of this dark hall are lined with many limbs and heads of mutants, heretics, and xenos, trophies collected by the 'Bloody One' through his many victories. Here it's said he sits, remembering his past victories of days gone by, and believing that when the final end comes for him, he will join Culchain and the Emperor, fighting these very enemies in the here-after.

In combat it is easy to pick "Bloody" McKenzie from the rest of the army. The great bulk of his Terminator armor festooned with the skulls collected from those that would stand against the Emperor. Draped over the back of his armor is the pelt of a great skull-bear, it's thick hide a mark of honor as much as protection from weapons even his Terminator armor may not protect him from. He's often seen barreling headlong into the enemy lines, his twin poweraxes splitting opponents in two or eviscerating them where they stand as heavy support sails overhead to cut off any line of retreat, forcing the opponent forward into the bloody jaws of McKenzie and his men. It's said that under his command the Clan has reached new heights of wholesale slaughter of their enemies.


The 2nd Clan-company of the Sons of Dagda may take George "Bloody" McKenzie as an HQ choice. Unless Nuada Silverhand is included, George "Bloody" McKenzie may be your army commander. Unless accompanied by a command squad he is an independant character.


George "Bloody" McKenzie - 185 points includeing wargear


George "Bloody" McKenzie 5| 5| 4| 4| 2| 5|4/5| 9|2+/5+(invulnerable)

Weapons and Wargear: Terminaotr Armor, Purity Seals, 2 Mastercrafted Poweraxes, Adamantium Mantle

More progress on the prototype Veteran Sergeant. Decided to give him a beard since he's supposed to be veteran afterall. The blade on his claymore isnt the straightest ever but you work with what you have.





*pokes* Am I the only one here now? Oh well, after crawling through Google for over an hour, I still didnt find what I wanted for the chapter badge, but I did find a pic I could color in and crop off of to get a working one. I doubt the badges on the minis will match this exactly, but this is more or less how it'll look.



Alright, painting is about 2/3 done now, I figure. The tartan was a pain in the arse to paint, but it's looking well. I know the white looks pretty stark in this picture, but that's a combination of the flash, and the fact that I havent applied the black wash to it yet. I have to go back and touch up and add all the boltgun metal to the joints and such before I can do that, which will probably be tomorrow. So, what do you all think so far?


And yes, that is a claymore he's holding.


Pretty nice but the white lines dont look that straight but generally very nice.


remember the blue war paint was also applied to wounds as a disinfectant,


The picts done that - damn mel gibson making everyone think that scots actually did that lol :P

remember the blue war paint was also applied to wounds as a disinfectant,


That'll be woad then. Woad is a flower, they believed it to be magical due to its antiseptic properties. Also the same with the swords. The <forgot which metal, the newer one> Swords were also seen as magical because the broke the older ones and were so much stronger



No, yer not the only one here, sorry. I've had a couple of really busy days, haven't had much time. However, I should be back to normal now, so I'll post pics of my test dude tomorrow, hopefully painted, too.


And that claymore looks way better than mine. Well done. Good job on the tartan, too. I picked the Rob Roy McGregor tartan because it's just black and red. I'd probably go insane if I had to paint the modern (or even ancient) McGregor tartan even once, let alone across an entire army...


I'm definately going to have a go at your method of making the kilts. The ones I've done so far look...less than satisfactory after they've dried. :P


The chapter badge looks almost exactly like what I was thinking. ^_^ What about colours? Black and white?


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