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Kilted Marines


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I couldn't help myself. :D


This'll count as a Sacred Relic in my Chappie's command squad.









I just noticed we're on 5 pages now. Rock on.

I really like what you guys have done.


Most times I hear about the concept of a Scots-themed army, even in Scotland, they tend to be leaning toward a stereotypical Scots image, as propogated by the media (thank you, The Simpsons ;) ), but yuo guys have actually done your homework and come up with some great ideas. Although I must say that Scots-themed marines is a new one, normally folks think of Guard or, in the case of one (English) idiot I met at Games Day UK, mutant-heavy LatD.


As for the McGregor/Campbell feud, lay off. We only made up most of the force that attacked, and besides we were being payed to attack someone who we would have been fighting anyway. Like offering to pay Bush immense amounts of money to go to war in the Middle East (Oh, wait... :) ).


As for the bagpipes as frags idea, don't. For all everyone complains about the sound, they only sound like a bag of cats being beaten with a large stick when played poorly. A decent player makes a decent sound, like any other instrument.


Keep working at this guys, I'm watching with interest.

Looks sweet Barret. Im interested in seeing how it's gonna look pained up.

And Al, I believe he was going to use it as a holy relic with his Chaplin's command squad or something along those lines, which makes sense if you ask me. Supposed to inspire the troops and all that. I may finaly get around to painting my Clan Commander now, though I dunno when I'll have him finished. I've got alot of side projects going, not to mention trying to finish a game of my own design for publication.


I did have a thought cross my mind though. We pretty much know how marines and characters would look, but that leaves a question. What about dreadnaughts? I remember Barret had a couple in his story a few pages back. Aside from the colors how else should we make them stand out as being clearly part of the Sons? I guess the most obvious way would be to have tartans draped over parts of the machine. Haveing an actual kilt wrapped around them would probably be impractical. Seeing as it would probably get caught in the mechanisms, that idea, while interesting, would probably be quickly dismissed by the chapter. Haveing it suspended between the legs in loincloth fashion would probably be most popular (as I've seen alot of other dreads with this). Haveing it draped over one of the arms or across the sarcaphicus would probably work too. As for weaponry, I suspect they would likely use more unconventional weapons on their dreads, exspecialy for close combat. I believe Barret had his two dreadnaughts armed with hammers (like the old chaos dreads) in his story. A sword probably wouldnt work too well on a dread, considering their arms dont have the full range of motion to use one for anything other than thrusting and bashing. Axes though would work fine. I had an idea a while back to take one of the plastic close combat arms, and cut the fingers off of the powerfist. Then build an axe with the haft comming out of the middle of the fist, and attatching power cables to where the fingers used to be.


Also, I think trophy racks would be just as common as banner poles among the Sons' dreads. The chapter badge would most likely go on the left side of the sarcophicus, with the clan badge painted on the right arm.

Yep, I'll be using the pipes as a Sacred Relic.


Thanks for the feedback, Weird Al. I think the pipes as frags idea was more to reference the practice of the Scots regiments in WWI, using the music (which was utterly alien to the Germans and Italians) when they charged to frighten and indimidate the enemy.


I have a video game of my own to final and present before a crowd of industry reps on Wednesday, so I won't be able to finish the pipes and the scouts until after that, but I predict them being done, and hopefully at least one of the Tac Squads I have already built to be painted over the weekend. I want to get 1000 points ready to play so I can take the Sons to a Veterans' Night at the local Battle Bunker.


As for the dreadnaughts, maybe I'll do one over the weekend, too. I have one already built with a sentiel legs conversion and a big stinkin' hammer, and I think he'd do well.


I've been thinking about trophy racks... I'm still undecided, to be honest. Given the level of barbarity in many of my Sons, especially the Scouts, I'm worried about trophy racks making them look too Chaosy. Maybe I'll try it with restricting the trophies to Orks and Eldar...


Hmm. Too bad all my Termies got used as Sons of Malice, or I'd do a tester Sons of Dagda termie...






Hey, this probably isnt the place to ask this, but I need some help finding a 40K webcomic. Was about these friends that played 40K and Warhammer. Alot of weird stuff happened like one guy signed a contract for his own warp portal and the price was the soul of one of his room mates. Anyone know what Im talking about and has a link? O.o
As for the bagpipes as frags idea, don't. For all everyone complains about the sound, they only sound like a bag of cats being beaten with a large stick when played poorly. A decent player makes a decent sound, like any other instrument.



Whatever man, that was my idea and I am a Piper! The pipes instilled fear into the enemy like no other instrument in the history of man. There is a reason the Germans called the Highlanders "The Ladies from Hell" in WWI. The pipes are a very pleasing sound, as long as they are on your side. When they are being used against you, it is not so nice a sound, because it is the sound of impending death. So don't lecture me about bagpipes ( B) ), as I was a military bagpiper. The Holy Relic was my idea also, but the frags are equally as cool, because it gives you an excuse to have sets of Pipes all over the army!



As for the bagpipes as frags idea, don't. For all everyone complains about the sound, they only sound like a bag of cats being beaten with a large stick when played poorly. A decent player makes a decent sound, like any other instrument.



Whatever man, that was my idea and I am a Piper! The pipes instilled fear into the enemy like no other instrument in the history of man. There is a reason the Germans called the Highlanders "The Ladies from Hell" in WWI.


Actually the phrase 'Ladies from Hell' dates back way before WW1 although it was during those 4 years that the name took hold. In fact Scottish regiments have a wonderful history - Royal Scots aka Pontius Pilate's Bodyguard, Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders - the Thin Red Line (not that blooody awful film). There's a beautiful history to plagiarise for Marines without touching kilt's and pipes :wub:


There's even a beautifl quote from Hitler -"give me German Generals and the Scottish Regiments, and I will rule the world!" How often do you get to quote Hitler in a good way?

  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...










I like your take on the kilt, your green stuff skills are great!


The pleats in the back are the hardest thing to do, and painting tartan is a pain in the ass, There is a good write up on painting tartan in one of the verlindun books. Its aimed at the military model groups but its got a great step by step guide to painitng tartan.


Your Chapter history looks great. For myself I decided to go with each Captians personal tartan on the shoulder pad with the company number until I foudn out how hard it was to get tartan to look uniform, if you did a decal you could get it looking pretty good. In fact a large decal in scale may be the best way to do the kilt as well.

Whoa, nice work! :ph34r: The sporrans and the beret are great, as it the drawing. And your bagpipes are much better than mine... :blush:


Painting the tartans is, indeed, difficult. I went with the simplest version of the McGregor tartan I could find for the exact reason.


Are you doing a whole force of kilted Marines? I'd love to see what someone else comes up with.






Thats funny, I was going to say I liked your bagpipes better, more 40k looking in my opinion. I've stoped playing and haven't worked on any of my guys in a long time. The plan was to make having the kilt in battle a stand out sort of thing, champions, veterans sgts things like that, and eventually use it as a wargear item. I was basing my guys on space wolves, so lots of wargear to mimic.


The next effort was an emperors champio with a claymore, I found that the swords from the empire great swordsmen, (fantasy) worked well as a botom, and then a steel straight sword for the top. Ends up being very long, but still in scale to itself and the mini.

  • 3 weeks later...
Have a sporran hanging around the dread's waist, then have small peices of tartan hanging decorativley on the armour of it. If you want to just do something for fun, but doesn't compromise the army's look, you could make a small pipe and have it sticking out of the dreadnaught's visor thing, like the guy inside is smoking it :lol:
My marine army is the Drunken Irish Brigade. (Photos to come) they are all kilted and I have bagpipers in all my units. As I started to read this thread I noticed that many of the traits I was looking at for my army you also took like the CCW option and furious charge. My drop pods are also beer cans.
  • 2 months later...

I have the POWER..



.. of threadomancy. Yes.


I'm also getting a big bits bag in the mail sometime next week. Coincidentally, I just re-read the entire post. Naturally, this leads one to beleive that there should be a point in here somewhere that makes this relevant.



.. Go look at the first picture posted in this, then get all anxious to see what I do with it.

I really like the scottish theme, and the kilts, claymore and piper look really good.



Off Topic

Sure, sounds like an excellent idea to me! But no Campbells! Filthy Campbells! Everyone else is fine.


I'm a Campbell, so please if you have a grudge or some other reason for hating them, please don't publicly announce, as it may offend someone

I really like the scottish theme, and the kilts, claymore and piper look really good.



Off Topic

Sure, sounds like an excellent idea to me! But no Campbells! Filthy Campbells! Everyone else is fine.


I'm a Campbell, so please if you have a grudge or some other reason for hating them, please don't publicly announce, as it may offend someone



Thank you! I should really do so more work on these guys... they're so close to completion. I apologize if I offended you, I was attempting to make light of the...history...between the Campbells and the MacGregors (not that it was all bad. If I recall correctly, "The Campbells Are Coming" was written by about a raid a group of Campbells and MacGregors undertook together). :blink: I don't personally have any grudge or issue.




@NemFX I'm not sure which picture you're referring to, but I'm quivering with anticipation nonetheless.







Yes, the freak with the sword was me.


Ya know, I started this topic well over a year ago and it just amazes me that it's still going and there's people still interested in it. If I wasnt such a broke bastard I should realy work on more minis for the Sons. Ofcorse as it is I barely work on my Blood Angels anyway.




Ya know, Im kinda suprized no one from GW has noticed this yet. Hmm..

GW is too buzy counting all the money I gave them. Seriously, they are quite backwards. I haven't encountered anything new or decent for space marines since the land raider crusader, and that was like 5 years ago.


Anyways, that crap aside, I've thought this army was awesome since I first saw it. I just want to make a tribute marine because I dig it enough to sacrifice a possible Ultramarine for a showpiece.


BTW.. More fluff would be appreciated. Seriously. Love it.

Just thought as everyone is spouting off about scottish blood in them, i would add this into the mix:


I am 1/2 almost 3/4 Scottish, i have a very esteemed bloodline from both my parents, my dads side the MacDougalls are decended from the Norweign Royal family, and also fought Robert many times and almost succeded in killing him before he became "the bruce" until he ran from an ambush the MacDougalls laid for him.


And my mums side are Campbell, but from the higher cheiftians of the Campbells, the Lords of Argyll, so i would watch your tounge :D


Plus i can wear 13 clan kilts (the most any one person can wear) from all of the biggest clans as they all pretty much fell under control of the Lords of Argyll and parts of the Campbell "protectorate".


Im loving the whole clan idea for the chapter, looks as though its coming on very well. :wink:


p.s: winter has come early here in England and im bloody freezing lol. :( ^_^


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