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Sons of the Emperor


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Strange, I could swear Ive heard of this concept before....


Anyways, from a fluff perspective, this would never happen. No group of the Inquisition, no matter how radical, would throw in with a group of supposed "time-locked" pre-heresy Emperor's Children. They would be destroyed immediately, no questions asked. The idea that they would become a Chamber Militant wouldnt work either - the creation of a chamber militant for a supposedly secret sect of the Inquisition would just bring more attention to said sect.


But you have the last call - its your army after all, and the fluff is nicely written, but it just does not fit in with well-established 40k fluff.

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Almost this exact same idea has come up here before. It was eventualy concluded that it wouldn't happen. To improve it I would read the ultimate DIY chapter creation thread stickied at the top of this forum and try and keep within the do's and don't's listed there. The emps children were corrupted before Istvaan and even if they were't, eldar can't time travel.
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It is odd, but out of all the traitor legions it is always the Emperor's Children that are used for the 'Still Loyal Traitor Legion'. This is odd, as Captain Garro would make the Death Guard the most likely candidate. +Shrugs+


They are of course your models and army, but as you have posted here asking for feedback, then here we go...


There are a lot of DIY chapter ideas about, and to me the ideal is to create something original. Like with every genre, 40K, and specifically chapter creation has it's own cliches or ruts that storytellers can fall into, knowingly or un-knowingly.


A list of these cliches was drarn up from long experience of the Liber board in this link here, and was compiled along with a bunch of other hopefully helpful hints to warn people of the kind of things that have been done to death. The things that while you obviously can still use them, you would need to put a really original spin on them to stop people glazing over when you tell them it.


Hopefully, forewarned of these pitfalls you can refocus your creative energies onto a more productive area.


The 'Lost in the Warp', 'loyalist traitors' and 'An inquisitor said they were pure' do appear in the list, and strangely enough this triple whammy comes up more often than you would statistically expect, but the idea of hiding them under the identity of a dead chapter is a nice touch. :tu:


Now there are people on the board who have armies just like this, and to credit the person I am thinking about, he was probably the very first to do so. If you want to stick with your idea, then be my guest. Just be aware that if / when you do not get a glowing reception, it is nothing personal.


If you do decide to go with an alternate idea, then we will be more than happy to give you feedback on it. ^_^

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Actually I put this idea up here quite some time ago. It went over about as well then as it is now. I didn't go with the renaming idea that you did and contrary to the popular view here, loyalist Emperor's Children are still crusading to redeem their name. I've nearly 3000 points of painted Emperor's Children who have had some skirmishes with some Imperial forces, have developed an intense hatred for the Death Guard, have proven immensely successful against the Necrons, and have yet to face any forces of their traitorous brothers (no one in this area plays Chaos EC). Obviously I'm in complete agreement with the idea that this could be made to work.
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I think if you wish to do this chapter, like st.germaine does, you can. No-one here is going to stop you, but it will always be hit with a big bag of fluff books if you post it here. You've added some nice touches to a bad idea. It also well written.


I would like to ask why you want to do a chapter like this, when you could do a DIY chapter which is similar to the EC but not them?



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I Chose to play Emperor's Children because I liked eveything about the Pre-Heresy version Color shceme tactics fluff etc. etc.


Some good reasons. I think you could use the same colour scheme and tactics. Many chapters have the same scheme as each other, and tactics can also be copied.


Fluff is really the only one which cant be copied directly, but you can get some of the key elements down.



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