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Index Astartes: Emperor's Dragons


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I wrote the IA for my DIY chapter some time ago, but as i'm french speaking, i couldn't translate it well to post it here, but thanks to Stratokhan who wonderfully translated it for me, here it is !


The translation is better than anything i could have done myself !


I'll update the article when Stratokhan will have finished to translate the last part !


Feel free to tell me what you think about it !


Thanks for your future comments and thanks to stratokhan!



The paint scheme is almost the same as victoria's feudal japan style marines, i liked it so much i couldn't resist !


I already posted some WIP shots of my Captain, and i'll post more pics as my work with the army goes on !




The Emperor's Dragons of the Adeptus Astartes :





The Emperor's Dragons Space Marine Chapter was created during the 26th and latest Founding, around 740M41 by the Imperial Calendar. The geneseed used to create them was that of the White Scars Primogenitor Chapter. The Emperor's Dragons draw their name from their unfailing devotion to the Emperor, as well as from a mythical beast from both their own homeworld and ancient Terra. Their homeworld, the planet Senshi, is located in the Galactic South, between the Imperial world of Tallarn and the Orkish Empires. The Chapter was created in the view of reinforcing the Sector's defences against the incessant greenskin invasions, and once established on Senshi they proceeded to launch several xenocidal campaigns against the Orkoid threat. In 912M41, several Ork clans joined each other under the command of Big Boss Dregbad Skargutz, a long standing enemy of the Emperor's Dragons. The combined greenskin forces launched a brilliantly orchestrated assault upon the planet Senshi, and despite the most desperate efforts of the Emperor's Dragons, Senshi was completely ravaged during the attack. Of its population, 85% perished instantly, and the planet's ecosystem was obliterated, rendering life upon its surface unsustainable. Since this tragedy, the Chapter has been forced to use its powerful fleet as a base.




Before its destruction, Senshi was a fertile and densely populated world, harbouring a population perfect for the Chapter's purposes. The inhabitants of Senshi have always possessed an affinity for the art of war. Born of a highly disciplined culture extolling a sense of honour and sacrifice, these inhabitants are the ideal source of warriors for the Emperor's Dragons. The name Senshi means ' death in combat', and the name was bequeathed upon the planet by its inhabitants, for whom death in combat is a great honour. Perhaps the planet's name was also a foreshadowing of the cataclysm that was to come.


When Dregbad Skargutz launched his attack, his fleet had already been sighted several weeks before their arrival in-system, and the Emperor's Dragons battlefleet had been deployed far from the planet's defense sphere, so as to intercept the Ork spacefleet and avoid any risk of a planetary invasion. As the engagement commenced, the Emperor's Dragons, while numerically inferior, gained the upper hand due to their vastly superior vessels and the tactical genius of the Space Marine Chapter Master, Oda Yamato. While the battle seemed to have been all but won by the Space Marine fleet, a new threat emerged. A spacehulk of gigantic proportions emerged from warp space at less than an hour's orbital distance from Senshi. The rearguard elements of the Emperor's Dragon fleet left in planetary orbit were taken wholly by surprise. However, they almost immediately started to engage the massive hulk, but without any telling results. Amidst the wreckage that formed the main body of the spacehulk were two Space Marine cruisers dating from before the Horus Heresy. These two vessels had been decomissioned just days before the virus bombing of Istvaan III, and due to a strange turn of events, were still armed with virus torpedoes of the same capabilities as those used to extermination bomb Istvaan III. Dregbad Skargutz had managed to appropriate for himself one of the most devastating planetary assault weapons in the galaxy for his own use, and seemed ready to use it.


The Spacehulk began to bombard the planet, employing the deadly virus torpedoes of the space marine wrecks as well as the more conventional weapons of those other vessels, of which the infernal conglomeration was comprised. When Master Yamato and his fleet received news of the bombardment, the whole space marine fleet drew back at full power to return to Senshi's orbit. Meanwhile, Captain Nagaka, the Master of the Third Company and commander of the rearguard elements of the fleet, organised the Thunderhawk Gunships at his disposal. His plan consisted of landing the Thunderhawks planetside in order to pick up contingents of Space Marines, with the intention of boarding the Spacehulk and disabling its weapons systems. While the extraction and boarding procedures went smoothly, once the Marines entered the depths of the Spacehulk they encountered stiff resistance, with the Hulk's bays and corridors infested by Space Ork warriors. Very few of the valiant Marines managed to acheive their objectives. As the battle inside the Spacehulk raged on, Senshi's evacuation had commenced, with its merchant and civilian vessels acting as a ragtag rescue fleet.


Once Master Yamato's main battlegroup had acheived planetary orbit, he proceeded to position the fleet in a way that would block any retreat the unwieldly Spacehulk might undertake. Yamato then ordered the boarding parties to place their demolition charges wherever they could and to then evacuate the Hulk as rapidly as possible. The entire Emperor's Dragons fleet then opened fire upon the massive vessel, but such was its size that it continued its devastating planetary bombardment. As the destruction of Senshi's surface continued unabated, Master Yamato saw no other alternative but to board the commander center himself. Ordering his two battle barges, the Tsunami and the Kamikaze, to assume position directly above the Spacehulk, the Master of the Emperor's Dragons teleported himself and the remaining elements of the Third and Fourth companies at his disposal, deep into the Hulk's main structure. Also present were Captains Nagaka and Okido of the Third and Fourth Companies, and Yamato's own personal bodyguard of First Company veterans. Their objective was to reach the command deck, destroy it and kill Dregbad Skargutz, thus disabling the Spacehulk. After an hour of brutal combat, Yamato and his forces seemed to be within reach of the command deck, but due to unknown reasons, the Spacehulk engaged its drives and began to descend towards the planet. The Space Marines evacuated the Hulk before impact, but tragically Captain Okido and his remaining Fourth Company elements were trapped in the engine room by the Orks and unable to reach their extraction point, they perished to a man in the crash. The Hulk's impact was cataclysmic in scope, and the massive tectonic upheaval caused by such a gigantic object destroyed anything within thousands of miles. A dark poison cloud of ashes and debris blackened the sky, and the scattering of the virus and toxin strains created powerful storms of death for miles in every direction. Senshi was a dead world, and totally uninhabitable. The Orkish fleet, having been outpaced by the Space Marines, had only just arrived in orbit around the planet, but the sight of their Hulk's destruction was too much for the cowardly Ork fleet and they fled the system just as quickly as they had arrived. The Emperor's Dragons exacted a heavy toll on the fleeing ships.


The Emperor's Dragons had just lost their homeworld, as well as one of their most respected officers, and a large part of the Chapter's forces had been killed in the battle for Senshi. However, the time for mourning had not yet come, as the rescue fleet that had managed to extract refugees from the planet's surface began to regroup around the Space Marine fleet. The Emperor's Dragons escorted the entirety of the refugees to the nearby world of Camustus, a lightly populated Imperial world. The people of Senshi established themselves on Camustus' almost uninhabited northern continent. However, after much deliberation, the Emperor's Dragons chose not to begin procedures to base themselves planetside. They chose to organise themselves into a fleet based Chapter instead. A third battle barge was specially constructed not for active combat but in order to house the entirety of the Chapter's warriors and resources. It would be the Emperor's Dragons new fortress monastery and strategic command centre. The vessel was christened by its Chapter 'Shogun'. The Emperor's Dragons however continue to draw recruits from Senshi's refugees, who now live on Camustus. As for Dregbad Skargutz, his fate remains unknown, yet all evidence points towards the conclusion that he survived the destruction of his flagship and therefore is still being actively searched for by the Chapter.



Combat Doctrines


The Emperor's Dragons have favoured infantry over armour since their inception. Furthermore, the destruction of their Fortress Monastery on Senshi destroyed their Chapter's Forge and Machine Shops, leaving the Emperor's Dragons with almost no remaining vehicles. The Chapter relies principally upon the martial prowess of its assault squads, who form the backbone of its force. These assault squads are composed of redoutable warriors, highly disciplined in the ways of war and tempered by the warrior traditions of their homeworld's culture, a perfect complement to the physical capabilities and training of a Space Marine. The warriors of the Emperor's Dragons are tied by ancient custom to the usage of their homeworld's traditional weapon, an archaic weapon known as the katana, whose origins are said to predate the Great Crusade, and whose appearance in comparatively few worlds in the Imperium is explained by certain technosavants as a result of a cultural exodus from Terra, predating even the Age of Strife. Regardless of its origins, this sword is an extremely effective weapon in the hands of an experienced warrior. The officers of the Chapter are all armed with a powered version of this weapon and are profoundly devoted to the understanding of its use. The Chapter, while following the precepts of the Codex Astartes, is also devoted to the study of a work known as the Bushido, scribed by the first Chapter Master of the Chapter. In the tounge of the people of Senshi, Bushido signifies 'The Way of the Warrior', and there are no finer disciples than the Space Marines of the Emperor's Dragons, who zealously follow the moral precepts and military military doctrines contained within this most sacred of their tomes.





The Chapter rigorously adheres to the Codex Astartes in terms of Company organisation. The only difference between the Chapter and other more orthodox chapters is the fact that officers bearing a katana are allowed to modify their insignia in order to have the Chapter insignia presented on the same arm that wields their deadly sword. Apart from this modification of insignia, the Chapter's officers are easily identified by their ornate helms. Lacking a true fortress monastery since the destruction of Senshi, the Emperor's Dragons are fleet based, with the largest of their three battle barges, the Shogun, having been extensively modified to house the entirety of the Chapter's manpower, is also the Emperor's Dragons tactical command centre. While the Shogun harbors the Chapter's 900 or so battle brothers, the other two battle barges, the Tsunami and the Kamikaze are and always have been equipped to lead the rest of the fleet in combat.





Although the Emperor's Dragons are a White Scars Successor Chapter, they do not venerate Jagatai Khan, but simply consider him, with great respect, as their genetic "father". Their true master and object of devotion is the God Emperor himself, and it is in the Emperor's name that they give battle and sacrifice their lives. Along with the Codex Astartes, the Emperor's Dragons follow the guidance of their very own warrior code, the Bushido. Few things are known about the Bushido as none outside of the Chapter have been allowed to read it. However, it can be gleaned from observation that the principal messages put forth by this tome are those of honor, extreme loyalty towards superior officers, as well as a complete disregard of danger and death. These tenets are at times taken to the extreme by the Emperor's Dragons, and have pushed their warriors to engage in battles with no hope for victory. However, these excesses of zeal are compensated by the skill at arms of the Chapter's warriors, who have time and time again extracted themselves of situations taht were seemingly hopeless.





The Emperor's Dragons geneseed is taken from that of the White Scars. No degradation of the geneseed has ever been observed and the Chapter's apothecaries regularly submit their geneseed tithes to the Adepts for purity checks. Deeply rooted in tradition, the Emperor's Dragons continue to rectruit from those survivors of Senshi that now live upon Camustus. Furthermore, their interference in planetary affairs is inexistent as they prefer for the population to go about their business without any outside involvement.





"For the Emperor and Senshi!"

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hmmmmm.... why yes... I like it! B)


Very will written Blood Snake! As the board's resident annoying samurai fanboi ( ;) ), I must say that to my surprise, I like it.


Only two things strike me - If I'm not mistaken, just the use of the virusbombs alone should already be enough to turn the planet into a deathworld. Maybe remove the virus bombs from the story and just stick to the massive crashing spacehulk? That was quite dramatic in itself!


The other thing is the emphesis on assault squads. In a samurai inspired chapter, the emphesis should actually be more on basic marines being hard as nails both in combat as well as shooting. But your emphesis on assault squads is not too much, so forget about my ramblings, It's good enough as it is :P .



Like the fluff, like the story, like the style. Two thumbs up B) . Now I'm just itching to see what 'ornate helmets' you're gonna make!

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Pretty good I think but the following is a little odd:

As for Dregbad Skargutz, his fate remains unknown, yet all evidence points towards the conclusion that he survived the destruction of his flagship and therefore is still being actively searched for by the Chapter.
"All evidence" suggests that they have a lot of it, an I find it hard to believe that they've been able to gather much information from a crashed space hulk on a virus bombed planet... :cuss

Maybe you could change it to something more like "some evidence"?



Only two things strike me - If I'm not mistaken, just the use of the virusbombs alone should already be enough to turn the planet into a deathworld. Maybe remove the virus bombs from the story and just stick to the massive crashing spacehulk? That was quite dramatic in itself!
Well, ten thousand year old virus bombs may have lost some of their potency ^_^
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Well, ten thousand year old virus bombs may have lost some of their potency ^_^



Hey, don't forget, this is 40k! 10000 years old bolters shoot just as well as 2 year old ones :cuss . Especially after getting found in the warp...


Knowing the 40k universe... one would almost be inclined to think those 10000 years old virusbombs would actually work even better than hew ones... hmmm *walks away pondering and mumbling to himself*

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Hey, it's been posted! That's some nicely translated stuff! =)


As I was translating it, I couldn't help but notice that it was pretty good fluff. So nice job Bloodsnake. It kept me interested, which is why I managed to finish translating it. If it had been badly written I wouldn't have managed to finish.


Ok, now I need to translate the remaining parts..


All evidence" suggests that they have a lot of it


Actually, 'all' does not refer to numerical quantities at all. All the people in a room can be 2 people or 100 people, for example.


And furthermore.. Recovered black box style electronics, (although on a hulk this might be a stretch) onboard logs of smaller craft launches, Emperor's Dragons vidlogs with footage of smaller escape craft detaching from the hulk, unconfirmed visual sightings on planets, rumours, warp signatures leaving orbit from the Battle for Senshi, premonitions from the Emperor's Tarot.. A lot of evidence can be put together from unlikely sources and with unlikely methods, especially if the person you're searching for has just destroyed your homeworld.

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Thanks for all the criticisms !



And furthermore.. Recovered black box style electronics, (although on a hulk this might be a stretch) onboard logs of smaller craft launches, Emperor's Dragons vidlogs with footage of smaller escape craft detaching from the hulk, unconfirmed visual sightings on planets, rumours, warp signatures leaving orbit from the Battle for Senshi, premonitions from the Emperor's Tarot.. A lot of evidence can be put together from unlikely sources and with unlikely methods, especially if the person you're searching for has just destroyed your homeworld.



Yep, that's exactly what I was thinking about !


And for the traits, it goes like this :


Minor Divergence - Zealous

Advantage : Blessed Be The Warriors

Minor Drawback : Death Before Dishonour


I think it fits well to the Bushi/Samura

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Actually, 'all' does not refer to numerical quantities at all. All the people in a room can be 2 people or 100 people, for example.
It doesn't actually mean "a lot" but it sounds like it. If I say that "all of my marines are painted" it doesn't sound like I only have two right? It might not be lying but it's a bit misleading.

Anyway, ok maybe there are ways to gather the necessary information. Black boxes from an ork space hulk though? :P

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hey, no one's complimented you on your translation yet!


damn fine job!


as to the fluff




my only comment would be i'd think you'd go the route of bolt pistols/chainswords interchangable with bolters for a samurai army feel over the lots of assault squads feel..but assault squads work too as your chapter lacks vehicles for the most part.


just a thought, but you could include 'take the fight to them' to enable bolt pistol/chainsword tac squads with your assault marine trait and you'd only be at a 'notable divergence' .. not too bad and i'd think more characterful too..either that or go with the true grit/counterstrike trait..something to give your tac marines some bushido like skill is all i'm thinking about for ya :P


nice work all in all though!

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