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My DIY Chapter


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Chapter Master: Michael Von Wenzel

Chief Librarian: Animus Orbitus


Colours Of The Chapter: Red Armour, and Company Colour.


Chapter Name: =I= Unknown =I=


Traits Displayed By The Chapter: Trust Your Battle Brothers, Cleanse And Purify, Aspire To Glory, and Death Before Dishonour.


HomeWorld: =I= Uknown. =I=


Please Help Me Create This Chapter bettery by giving them more fluff.


Also, Asking Questions On The Chapter Helps As Well As Advice. :P



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Well to help you we need more info.




How old is your chapter, whats their attitude? beliefs? who is their nemesis?, why were they created? are you having a theme?


These are some of the things you need to give us so we can help knit it together with you. We can help you with a chapter but not create it for you otherwise it would not be your own and you will never be happy :P

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The Chapter is Newly Founded.


Their Atitude is : They Believe in Courage, Honesty, Honour, and Justice. They Respect Strength, and the Virtues of a Noble Warrior, and by that same system of beliefs, they utterly despise any weakness, and will kill a coward or a liar. They tend to REALLY dislike most inquisitors, and as such, they will try to avoid dealing with inquisitors in most cases, unless the Inquisitor proves that they are Trustworthy.


They have a Tendancy to Favor using Librarians as Leaders in Battle, similar to the Blood Ravens in their Tactics of Finding out info about their opponent.


As they are newly founded, They do not normally employ Terminator Armor, Or Dreadnoughts.


They have Very Friendly Relationships with the Blood Ravens and Imperial Fists, Blood Angels, Space Wolves, UltraMarines, and many other chapters. They Generally dislike Dark Angels, Crimson Fists, Salamanders, and are neutral towards many other chapters.


Similar to the Salamanders, they commonly have their Marines with the Populations of their recruiting worlds, and their Marines often assist the people there in their worlds, and Engage in many Social activites, for many reasons, including bonds with the people.


As they are newly founded, they do not currently have Banners designed yet. Their Chapter Symbol is Based on the Chapter Master's Initials, stylized in the form of a Bat :



M = Chapter Symbol.


Although their Chapter's Primarch is unknown, there are speculations that they are descended from either: Guillliman, Dorn, or Sanguinius .


The Master Chaplain of the Chapter's Name is unknown currently.



How is that?

Feel Free to ask whatever else about them.


They were created to deal mainly with Aliens and Chaos.



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Okay lets try and help ya' expand ^_^


Their Atitude is : They Believe in Courage, Honesty, Honour, and Justice. They Respect Strength, and the Virtues of a Noble Warrior, and by that same system of beliefs, they utterly despise any weakness, and will kill a coward or a liar. They tend to REALLY dislike most inquisitors, and as such, they will try to avoid dealing with inquisitors in most cases, unless the Inquisitor proves that they are Trustworthy.
Sounds like a standard marine chapter ;) . You could perhaps play on not liking the inquisition even if they prove themselves.


They have a Tendancy to Favor using Librarians as Leaders in Battle, similar to the Blood Ravens in their Tactics of Finding out info about their opponent.


Ok so perhaps a lot of psychics


They have Very Friendly Relationships with the Blood Ravens and Imperial Fists, Blood Angels, Space Wolves, UltraMarines, and many other chapters. They Generally dislike Dark Angels, Crimson Fists, Salamanders, and are neutral towards many other chapters.
Why do they dislike the last three chapters? and why do they get on with the others? Perhaps they were involved in similar campaigns or were aided however its unusual for sallies to be disliked but that it up to the chapters tastes :P


Similar to the Salamanders, they commonly have their Marines with the Populations of their recruiting worlds, and their Marines often assist the people there in their worlds, and Engage in many Social activites, for many reasons, including bonds with the people.


Okay so they mix freely with their populace. Do you have a name for your homeworld? What kind of culture/stage of development are they at? Are they like cavemen, or in the iron age, industrial, feudal?


Some nice ideas now just to expand a little and filter the good stuff from the mixed stuff ^_^

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Okay lets try and help ya' expand ^_^




Sounds like a standard marine chapter ^_^ . You could perhaps play on not liking the inquisition even if they prove themselves.


That idea is scrapped, as they are a New Chapter, so that might not make sense, although they still distrust the Inquisitors.



Ok so perhaps a lot of psychics

In Battle, they Take Librarians As Leaders.



Why do they dislike the last three chapters? and why do they get on with the others? Perhaps they were involved in similar campaigns or were aided however its unusual for sallies to be disliked but that it up to the chapters tastes :P


They Like the Imperial Fists , and although they like the Black Templars, they Dislike the Crimson Fists, from dealings with their people.


They Dislike The Dark Angels, since they also had dealings with them, where they rather disliked some of the commanders there.


Same for the Salamanders.


Sort of like Vendetta's between the Commanders, in alot of those cases.


Okay so they mix freely with their populace. Do you have a name for your homeworld? What kind of culture/stage of development are they at? Are they like cavemen, or in the iron age, industrial, feudal?



Various, though Middle Ages and Feral Worlds are where they prefer to recruit.

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I would perhaps leave out the stuff about hating other chapters as they are a bit random. Unless you can think of deeper meanings then I wouldn't add that into the fluff.


So do they have a homeworld or are they fleet based. Also are you going to have a theme through your army?


I also suggest checking this site to get a grasp on what you need


Liber DIY help

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Also, their Gene Seed is Most Likely from Rogal Dorn, or Robute Guilliman.


I chose those since: They are Awesome Primarchs, and also:


Guilliman: His Chapters have Pure GeneSeed.

Dorn: Animus Orbitus is from Imperial Fists Chapter. I made up his name and character, but that is where he is from. I dont really dislike the Acid and Hybernation issue though, so thats why Guilliman is probably more likely.


Could it be possible for them to spit Acid and Sleep, in any way, since it said Imperial Fists Dont Do That Anymore?



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Characters I Made, Though Some Of Them Still Need To Get Names:


Chapter Master: Michael Von Wenzel

Chief Librarian: Animus Orbitus

Chief Chaplain: Unknown

2nd Company Librarian: Unknown

2nd Company Chaplain: Unknown

2nd Company Captain: Unknown.


Any suggestions on Good Places For Making Names?


Also, Each Name Is supposed to have Special Meaning To The Name.




An Example: Animus Orbitus= Soul Reaver.



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