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Lesser known chapters


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hi, i've been playing 40k for a while and i've decided to start a chapter using the new(ish) traits system. But everytime i try and think of a chapter history it always ends up about the same... the age old, "the chapter was almost wiped out and clawed its way back to be super-powerful." So what i've decided to do (or try to do) is bring a barely known chapter back into the 41st millenium.

The kinds i've been thinking of is; Death spectres (basically all i know about them is they're albino), Angels Porphyr, White Panthers (already know colour scheme, but no history), and other chapters with similar anonymity.

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The Death Spectres' colour scheme can be seen in How to Paint Space Marines. Basically, it's black armour with white helmet, squad badge, and chest eagle. The left shoulder pad has a white field with a white skull over crossed black scythes as the Chapter badge.


On that note, both How to Paint Space Marines and Insignium Astartes are good sources for minor Chapters. The former is better, although the latter gives more background.


+EDIT+ Welcome to the B&C! :cuss

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Well, you've certainly come to the right place for a wealth of advice on how to break out of your "rut."


One interesting method might be to pick a character or organization from a book or movie, and use elements for your DIY chapter. For example, look at the FBI. A chapter based on similar principles might seek knowledge (like the Blood Ravens) or might insist on verifying threats before commiting their forces. You can go on and on...


Good Luck B)

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I did a Death Spectre test model today, just want to make sure this is what you meant (no chapter icon yet, will do those when i figure out an easy way to do it)



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That's it, except for the left shoulder pad, which should be white. The rim remains black, but the main part is white, with the Chapter badge.


One thing I saw was shifting the white to a more bone-like color. Undercoat with a light brown and bring it up to a white. It looks really good. There's nothing wrong with going for the pure white, though.


One thing that the book doesn't mention is the Chapter's method of displaying company affiliation. You could use pretty much any pattern, although I'd stay away from the helmet color since the Death Spectres have white helmets.


As far as traits go, you could pretty much go with anything that suits your style of play since there is no real fluff given.

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yeah, i realised i screwed up the shoulder pad just after posting :blush:, now all i gotta do is paint white over black, or take off the shoulder pad and put a new one on... looking through some recent WDs i found a double-page with a bunch of different chapters on it, and realised that one was the spectres (2nd page, bottom, third from the right) and it is more of a bleached bone mixed with white, a lil bit brighter than deathwing colours IMHO.


I guess i'll do "see, but dont be seen" for my trait, sort of makes them more "spectre-like", materialising onto the battlefeild, doing their business, then fading back out.

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