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Index Astartes: Guardians of Sarim

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The Guardians of Sarim

Chapter name: The Guardians of Sarim

Geneseed: The Salamanders


Current Chapter Master: Chapter Master Alim

Homeworld: Sarim Prime



The Guardians of Sarim were created to defend the Sarim system from Xenos invasion, Sarim was a system with a high concentration of forge worlds and was of great importance to the Imperium. The Salamanders geneseed was used in the creation of the chapter and Captain Rhocus of the 6th company was chosen to teach, supervise and lead the chapter. Nearly 2 centuries after the chapters creation their first real opportunity to prove themselves came along. In the Ork empire of Charadon a potentially dangerous warlord had come to power who threatened to unite 3 of the major Ork clans, the Blood Axes, the Snakebite clan and the Death Skull clan. The warlord Grabblood had already overrun some over the more remote human worlds. It was decided that The Guardians of Sarim would be sent to put a stop to Grabblood

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I really like it. Just enough character to seperate them from the Salamanders, but enough simularity to tie your chapter to them. The tyranid hating thing seems to be real big right now and I imagine you'll hear about it, but I definately liked your IA.



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So, um, why? What rationalization do you have for - anything?


Why does the chapter mistrust outsiders, what's the significance of the tyrranic contact, where did they get the emphasis on rapid deployment heavy armament as opposed to armor?


What's the chapter's motivation? What are their beliefs/biases; what are the circumstances of their creation? How in blue blazes do you rationalize the solar system? Bottom line - how are any of the aspects you have set up remotely connected to each other?

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In the Ork empire of Charadon a potentially dangerous warlord had come to power
They're is only one warlord in Charadon, the arch arsonist of Charadon.


who threatened to unite 3 of the major Ork clans, the Blood Axes, the Snakebite clan and the Death Skull clan


It would be impossible to unite three entire ork klans.


They assaulted the base in their rhinos and Landspeeders and Attack Bikes, braking through the walls with trained efficiency.
they prefer the speed of the Landspeeder or Attack bike to take put tanks. They do employ rhinos in high amounts so they can close with the enemy quickly


Not very fluffy for a salamanders successor.


The whole of Sarim is dotted with large and important forge worlds
It would be rare to have one forge world per system, let alone that many.


Veterans of the chapter wear blue monkish robes


Thats already quite characteristic of the DA. Again not very fluffy for a salies sucessor, especially with all those flame weapons about.

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They assaulted the base in their rhinos and Landspeeders and Attack Bikes, braking through the walls with trained efficiency.



they prefer the speed of the Landspeeder or Attack bike to take put tanks. They do employ rhinos in high amounts so they can close with the enemy quickly


Not very fluffy for a salamanders successor.


Well, thats mainly due to the high grav world their from. So if the successors were from a normal grav world then Speeders, Bikes + Assualt Marines could be used. He doesnt want to make an army which is basically the Salamanders besides a colour scheme. I'm not totally sure about the blue dresses though, might look a bit out of place.



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But they were also trained by the sallies and live on a world a lot like nocturne


On that point, land speeders/bikes/assualt marines find it hard to operate on high grav worlds and become very unstable. Also, Sallies dont use them so if they we're trained by the sallies, than they wouldnt become accustomed to them



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OMG a sucsseror chapter to salamanders there is non reported!!!!


Soz had to be said I think the fluff fits

I'm not sure what you meant there. NO, there aren't any reported successors. However it is very likely that there are some, they're just not known.


There aren't any reported SECOND FOUNDING successors. Nothing was said about other founding however the sallies do induct slowly and their geneseed is not a very productive one.


My sallies successor started out just like this.Now I even have names for all their fleet all the sarges and vets. Currently trying to complete a full company with charactors and allies from each ordos.

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Apart from the Sallies bit how was the rest of the IA or did you just read the subtitle and decide to add that titbit of info?

Hold on, he has tried and for a first attempt on a new chapter it isnt that bad, I personnal like the fact that he didnt choose that the chapter came from the ultramarines since nearly every other chapter comes from there.


It needs alittle work and filling out in some places but its ok, keep at it

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I personnal like the fact that he didnt choose that the chapter came from the ultramarines since nearly every other chapter comes from there.


Well, it should be 2 in every 3 chapters come from Ultramarine genestock, as Ultramarine is the most stable geneseed and is complete.



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