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DepthCharge's first action in a while


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My friends and I got off our Inquisitor Tuesday habit recently and decided to have ourselves a massive 6-way fight (well, semi-massive). 500 points each, total free-for-all.


We were playing on a table that was probably 4 feet by 5 feet, and we each started with a single squad on the board. The deal was that we could have our following units either a.) deepstrike in or b.) come on our section of the board reserves.


So basically, it was just a 'for fun' random kinda game.


There was my arch-nemisis, Boogiemann, playing his Tau force.

A Khorne-heavy chaos army (Tigerhawk, here on the boards).

Genestealers, and lots of them (played by Watcher in the Dark)


Dark Eldar

and my Iron Wolves.


Now, you can tell that the old wolf is out of practice, because he made a few simple mistakes. I'll make it a point to point them out so you can laugh later :lol:


Anyways, I have a famous streak of bad luck. Real bad. I rolled a '1' for deployment, AND for rolling to see who went first (needless to say, I didn't). That didn't bode well.


First turn basically sees everyone look at the guy next to him, and go straight for the throat. The squad of Genestealers were after my one squad of Grey Hunters (I HATE 4+ save Genestealers). The Dark Eldar warrior squad went after the Necron Warriors, and the Tau let rip on the poor Khorn Berserkers (The Tau had O'shova).


Anyway, to summarize from the Space Wolf point of view.


I continue fleeing from the Genestealers. I was trying to reach a piece of high ground (cover) so that I'd be able to strike the Genestealers before they ripped me to shreds (the Init.10 of cover barely beats Genestealer Initiative :evil:). Eventually, I think to myself that it's time for a glorious stand against the oncoming 'nids. I turn the squad around and rapid-fire into them, not even bothering to move. In retrospect, I would have been able to move at least SOME guys up onto the difficult terrain and still be able to fire at full effect. The funny part would have been that 2-3 guys wouldn't have made it up, and would have been swarmed all Starship Troopers style (don't EVER be the straggler).


Anyways, I down a whopping 2 Genestealers out of 10 with my 8 Grey Hunters. Uh oh...


At this point, the Genestealers jump all over me, and the Nid player makes SEVEN rending claw attacks. Guh.


Then, I have to take 7 saves on my remaining PF Grey Hunter (btw, we were ignoring morale entirely for this small-scale game).


At this point, a bit of dialogue occured.


Watcher in the Dark: Dude, if you make all these saves, I will get down on my knees and-

DC: *slightly miffed about having an entire squad evaporate before even getting a chance to hit back* -let me kick you in the nuts?

Watcher in the Dark: Yes.

*DC rolls, and makes 5 out of 7 armor saves*

DC: I would have kicked you hard.


So anyways, at that point, NONE of my reserves (a 10-man 2-pf squad of Blood Claws and a Venerable Dreadnaught (Krogoth's first game as an almost fully painted model) w/ PC show up for like, 2 turns.


So I sit back and watch the fireworks. O'Shova charges a Khornate Dread and tears it apart before it gets to hit or kill anything. The Berserkers (what few are left) hit the Tau lines and start wreaking havoc, but are losing due to the sheer volume of bodies that are pressing in on them. The Dark Eldar and the Necrons slug it out. The Dark Eldar guy looses some guys, as does the Necron player. Dark Eldar also gets a second squad into the central building on the board and has them start moving up floors. From there, they pour some fire onto some Genestealers, who promptly start chasing them up the building. What few genestealers are left are also gang-pressed to death.


Krogoth and the Blood claws show up. I deepstrike the Blood Claws and actually kill O'shova with Bolt pistol fire (he was down to his final wound, and I hate Tau). Krogoth rolls up and launches some flamer and plasma cannon fire into the buildling, killing like 5 warriors and the genestealer that was in assault with them (critical point, we allowed players to fire into each other's combats so long as they didn't have men of their own in said combat).


Dark Eldar keep firing on the ugly, ugly Genestealers which were rampaging around. Necrons duke it out with the Talos. Talos kills lord and moves onto some warriors (Talos was down to one wound).


The Blood claws charge what's left of the Tau and the Khorne player, and dispatch them relatively quickly and only losing a few guys. So that's two players out.


The Talos finishes off the Necrons.


Then, stuff gets ugly. The Genestealers assault my Dreadnaught. That's bad. Real bad. Though he fought as hard as he could, things weren't looking good for Krogoth. He kept getting stunned and almost destroyed (forced a couple re-rolls), and just wasn't killing anything in return of the beating he was taking. The 'Nid broodlord showed up and even helped the Genestealer squad wail on Krogoth.


But he remained standing as help came from an unlikely source.


The Dark Eldar started firing on the close combat! Since Krogoth was functionally immune to ALL of the Dark Eldar ranged weapons (the only real threat the Dark Eldar has was the Talos, and that only had 1 wound left) those which hit him simply bounced off, while those that hit the Genestealers helped peel them off Krogoth's adamantine hide.


We called the game, but the prediction was that it would have either been me or the Dark Eldar player who would have won (probably the Dark Eldar player, since he had a LARGE amount of warriors and the Talos left, and all I had was a beat-up Krogoth and a squad of Blood Claws).


Regardless though, it was pretty fun. I can't help but imagine the Dark Eldar acting as those deep-sea cleaner fish, ripping the parasitic Genestealers off Krogoth. It would have been funnier if it were Fire Warriors shooting at him though. That really would have been effective bug repellant.

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Oh, I forgot to add.


Apparently, I can improve my luck by threatening to 'kick my dice in the nuts', at least for armor saves. They're not decoy good, but they do seem better than normal, don't ask me why :devil:

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Gah, blast you DC!


We GOT to get a game going some time, I been going nuts wanting to play, but getting my roomie to pull out his DE is a pain. I need to do some small Patrol type games with my new Terminators so I can get back into using them properly.

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Oh, I forgot to add.


Apparently, I can improve my luck by threatening to 'kick my dice in the nuts', at least for armor saves. They're not decoy good, but they do seem better than normal, don't ask me why ^_^




Eh... Sometimes, when they're not complying, it's nice to have a good threat now and then. I've adopted a new practice of, when my three favorite dice start to act up (The only two white die I own and a black die that has gold spots that somehow got in my die pile after one game), I pop 'em in my mouth for a few seconds, chewing on them a bit. Afterwards, as if nauseated by the concept of being put into my crevascious maw again, they roll nothing lower than a 5 or 6 for a good turn and a half.

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*busts out laughing*




*fifteen minutes later* weve got a dice eater! run for your lives!



*sighs* DC your making me want to organise something again... you ol jerk!

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Hmm, I will have to remember your methods of making the dice behave. Chewing and kicking. I'm going to try that next game. :tu:


Anyway, good game DC. Sounds like even though you had a slow start you made it back in the end. Just out of curiosity, what did the battle field look like?

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That's awesome! I loved the BatRep. I'll have to talk my friends into doing a mega-battle sometime. My friend who's helping me was until today a GW employee, and has 7 or 8 armies (He's been doing this close to 20 years) and his neighbor plays and one of his roomates apparently has taken an interest in playing. If I can get my other friend Scott to come over we ought to be able to get a decent 5 way going. BTW, I like the idea of being able to fire into CC's which your men aren't involved in, but I have one question. How did you resolve who hit who? Plus I'll have to remember the various methods of "persuading" dice presented here. But I'm still kinda wary of actually trying to eat dice. I'll stick most anything in my mouth (I'm a mechanic and sometimes the easiest way to find out what a leaking fluid is is to taste it.) but I'm still a little wary of gamers dice. No offense intended.


*Memories of the D&D table at the last con I was at where the smallest player was a 300 lb 14 year old*



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The table was pretty simple, about 5 pieces of terrain towards the edges and a building in the middle. There were two pieces of terrain near me, but the Genestealers for the most part had an open field to run me down.


We resolved who was hit by simply 4+'ing the dice. On a 4+, it hit, say the Genestealers, and when that was failed, it hit Krogoth (and richocheted off). If there were three players, 1-2 would be one guy, 3-4 would be another, and so on.


The only way that doesn't work well is if say, it's a dozen Genestealers vs. 3 Khornate guys. In theory, the Genestealers should be hit more often. Haven't figured that one out yet :cuss

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Maybe make it 3+ to hit the stealers?

Ace battle rep, by the way. I'd love to have a battle like this, but I have only one regular opponent, whom I game with on a basis of about once every two months (if I'm lucky).

It's good to see you getting involved with the destruction of toy soldiers again, anyway...

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