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Weekend Tournament Report.


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Hey all, just got back from a 2000 point, 2 day, 5 game Tournament at the Rogues Den in Delaware.


I had a great time, there were about 24 players in attendance. Which was a good turn out I think considering the time of year and so close to the Shore.


Anyways here is the list I took,

HQ: WGBL with Frost Weapon, and Bolt Pistol

HQ: WGNL with Frost Weapon, Bolt Pistol, on a Bike

HQ: Ven Dread with Twn-Linked LC and Extra-Armor


Troops: 6GH with Bolters, 1 PG led by WGPL with Termie armor, StormBolter, and Power Weapon

8GH 1MG, 2 Plasma pistols, 2 Powerfists, 3 with Bolters, with WGPL with combi-melta and Lightning Claw in a Droppod

9GH 1MG, 2 Plasma pistols, 1 Powerweapon, 1 Powerfist, 4 Bolters, with WGPL with combi-flamer, and Power weapon in a Droppod

9GH 1MG, 2 Plasma pistols, 2 Powerfists, 4 Bolters, with a WGPL with Powerweapon, and Bolter, in a Rhino with smoke, and Extra armor

8 BloodClaws 2 with powerfists, 1 flamer, in a Rhino with smoke and Extra armor

4 Wolfscouts with meltabombs, 2 with powerweapons

3 BC bikers 2 with powerfists, one with MG led by a WGPL with a Wolftooth necklace, Thunderhammer, and a Boltpistol

Landspeeder with a MM and Hvy Flmr


Game One: I faced off one of the Warmongers from NYC, a very nice fella and fun opponent named Jeremy, he fielded a Vanilla Marine force using the Cleanse and Purify Chapter Trait.


His list from what I can remember contained: 2 minimum Las/plas squads, Tankhunters I think.

A large Jump Pack squad with a Chappy

4 Large tactical squads with an assortment of Special weapons, 2 of which were 2 plasma gun squads

a Vindicator, and a Dev Squad


The Mission was Take and Hold (middle level version)


I took the first turn rushing my rhino transports forward towards the objective and disembarking behind them for cover, daring him to come forward.

In his turn he did likewise with his Rhino Transports, then the battle was on.

This was a great game with alot of manuevering, short range fire-fights and bloody close combats and to me, was what every 40k game should be like.


Some of the highlights included, him blasting one of my rhinos right of the board then shooting 5, yes 5 plasma-guns through the gap killing 8 grey hunters, in my turn I plugged the gap, dropping a droppod between 2 other destroyed rhinos without deviation.


His precious Jumppack squad failed a charge through difficult terrain and got shot to pieces at close range by 2 grey hunter packs.


In the end I had three scoring units on the objective and won by about 600 vps a solid victory for the Wolves.


To be continued.

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Game 2: was against a young man called Kid Helmet (didn't dare ask why), nice young fella who fielded a 1000 sons force which included a Deamon Prince, 3 or 4 thousand sons squads, a big chunky Terminator squad, a predator, a defiler, and a bunch of champion sorcerer types attached to the squads.


The mission was secure and control (middle level version) we had four control counters which were evenly spaced across the board. Again I took the first turn and took a solid position concentrating on taking the left side of my board, only sending a small token of a Grey Hunter squad to the counter on my right.


He bit the bait hard heading for my "soft side" with his troops, he shot at me with his heavy support at my strong side. My scouts quickly dealt with his Predator which he unwisely left stationary in his first turn to fire all its lascannons, and a lucky shot from my Multi-melta destroyed his defiler.


My droppods came in securing my center while my bikes raced over and charged his Deamon Prince, My WGBL with the support of the squad made short work of him.


In later turns I began my sweep to the right, In the end I controlled 3 of the four counters and had won the game by about 1400 vps a massacre for the Wolves!!


To be Continued....

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Game 3: the next young man I played against was called "Plasma Mike" a very good opponent.

He fielded a Vanilla Marine force again with cleanse and purify which consisted of: Chaplain with a jump pack,

A unit of 5 Terminators with Lightning Claws and furious assault, two 6 man Las, Plas squads, a Large Tactical squad with Vet Sgt. with a powerfist and 2 plasma guns, a Devastator squad of about 8 men with FOUR Plasma Cannons, I think there were a couple of other small units but I can't remember now.


This game was Recon the third level version with escalation and all. he had first turn, and with luck it was night time for turn one so his shooting was all ineffective.


In the second turn my rhinos came on along with my scouts, and in turns 3 and 4 my Droppods came in. All in all this was all good.


One thing that was done wrong was he held his terminators off the board, and rolled for them with his land raider which was not thier dedicated transport. I didn't catch this till after the game however, and I believe it was a huge factor in this battle.


Anyways, some Highlights: My scouts came on in the 2nd turn and assaulted his Dev squad with the Plasma cannons on his right flank. This squad was supported by his two small tac squads with Las/Plas. My intent was just to keep them occupied till I could cross the board with my rhinos.


Imagine my suprise and his frustration when my 4 Wolf Scouts accounted for the death of 17 Marines!!!! and survived to the end of the game. They managed to chase the Devs along with one of the tac squads off the board and ended the game still in combat with the surviving 3 members of the second tactical squad!


His Land Raider came on the board and unloaded thier (illegally mounted) cargo, destroying my Blood Claws. I deep struck One of my droppods right in front of his Land Raider between 2 pieces of impassable terrain effectively pinning it in and blocking it off from his terminators.


Too far from me to charge without passing through lots of difficult terrain he opted to retreat his Terminators away from my Grey Hunters which are armed to the teeth to deal with just these types of threats.


Another very good game aside from the escalation problem.

At games end I had one scoring unit in his deployment zone, and another one that was not completely in (in fact it wasn't in by about a 1/4 inch on ONE model).

He had no units in my deployment zone and the spread was my lead by about 140 vps. A draw for the Wolves.


and thus ends day one with me in First place (mostly due to my maxed soft scores)

to be continued...

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Day 2, Game 4: Will, was my 4th opponent with yet another vanilla marine force with traits, this time "trust your battle brothers", and the trait that allows you to take assault squads as elites with furious charge.


His army consisted of a large, kitted out command squad with furious charge, led by the chapter master with lightning claws (master crafted), Iron Halo, and arificer armor,

he also had the 3 wound librarian with this squad.

2 assault squads, one of which had furious charge.

2 large tactical squads one with las/plas, the other with ML/plas

2 six man squads in Razorbacks with twin-linked Lascannons

a dreadnought

a predator


The mission was the (third level) seek and destroy played on a real cool ruined city board (lots of 4+ area terrain)


This was another great battle with alot of manuevering to get good positions.

In the end I was able to out manuever his squads and block of key areas with my drop pods and rhinos, isolating and seperating his army to take it on in small chunks.


In the end, I was only ahead by about 150 points by kills but I had more scoring units remaining pushing my score into the high 300s range giving me a solid victory.


Some of the highlights in this battle were: My drop pod, and Speeder deepstriking on either side of his command squad supported by my GH rhino pack in support right up the front. I shot the entire squad out from under him then rushed in my bikers for the charge to clean up and wipe out his Chapter Master and his Librarian.


Another great part of the battle was my other Drop pod landing on top of a building and bailing out right behind one of his tactical squads, and I commenced in unloading a serious hail of fire power. Including a combi-flamer blast, a melta-gun shot, 2 plasma-pistols, 10 bolter shots, and 2 shots from the machine spirit of the Drop Pod. When the smoke cleared, I managed to kill one of his marines while I lost TWO of my own to over heating plasma pistols!!!

I thought, well this was a mistake. In his next turn he assaulted my pack with some jump packers while his Tactical squad shot at my foot sloging Grey Hunters which were approaching from across the street.


After I win combat against his assault marines, and continue to hold through to his next turn with only 3 of my grey hunters remaining, he decides he better support his assault squad with the Tactical squad I initially shot at.


These 3 Grey Hunter pack finished off the assault marines then managed to whittle down that full 10 man squad to 3 men before falling honorably on the field of battle.



Game Six: This last game was against Vinnie another Warmonger from NYC and another fine gentleman. His army was an Eldar Army, the one with the Seer Council. It consisted of a few farseers and warlocks forming the council, 2 minimun size guardian squads with weapons platforms, one minimum size storm guardian squad, one unit of fire dragons again minimum size, 2 units of 10 Kroot, one unit of 20 kroot with wings, 2 Vipers with some AP2 gun and a shuriken cannon

and THREE Falcons with an assortment of AP2 multi-shot weaponry, holo fields and spirit stones.


the mission Cleanse (level 2)


What can I say, everything I was doing right all weekend went right out the window this game.

A combination of tactical errors (mostly due to my own inexperience with facing Eldar, and not knowing thier capabilities) and real bad dice gave Vinnie not only my one loss for the weekend but a Victorious Slaughter at that.


A great game though,

Some Highlights? I brought my bikers through difficult terrain only to find they were about an eighth of an inch short of an assault. So after they recieved a huge volley of fire from the 20 strong Kroot squad they only took 1 casualty which was enough to cause a break check, on the Ld 9 of the Wolf Guard. Of course they failed and were chased off the board by a bunch of bird men.


My Wolfguard Battle Leader on the bike charged them killing four of thier number, taking only two wounds in return....

Yes you guessed it, Snake Eyes, dead battle leader.

My Venerable dread survives for the first four turns of the game firing his Twin-linked Las Cannons at Falcons on turns 2,3, and 4 respectively hitting all three times only to roll...

Yes ones every time for armor penetration.

I deep strike one drop pod and my speeder in front of a falcon 2 melta-guns, 2 plasma pistols, and a multi-melta all manage to fire to do absolutely nothing...

(well I did manage to make it unable to shoot for the next turn, whippeeeeee)

I think you get the picture, I'm not one to blame dice for losing a game as I certianly made some mistakes, and my army was not equipped to deal with 3 falcons. But the bad dice certianly didn't help me any.


Anyways, end result was Vinnie took first place and I dropped to 3rd over-all.

I managed to max on my soft scores (Comp, Painting and Sports)

And won the Players choice for Best Army/Painted


The Grand Prize for this Tournament was the brand new WoodElf Army (the big one with the army book included)

And I won a box of Grey Slayers for my troubles


I am very happy with these results especially considering how much the clubs in the area are saying that Space Wolves just aren't a good Competition army (I think I proved a point)

I also think I showed those wannabe Space Wolf armies (the ones with cleanse and purify, and trust in your battle brothers) a thing or two about how its supposed to be done.


I hope you all enjoyed this brief report, till next time....

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A very nice report, littlebitz! :devil: Sounds like a great weekend.


I am very happy with these results especially considering how much the clubs in the area are saying that Space Wolves just aren't a good Competition army (I think I proved a point)

I also think I showed those wannabe Space Wolf armies (the ones with cleanse and purify, and trust in your battle brothers) a thing or two about how its supposed to be done.

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