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My Chapter

Inquisitor Victan

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Pretty good ^_^ I have a couple comments about it however. First thing, the way you've structured some of your sentences makes it a little confusing to read. Break up some of your longer sentences just to make it flow a little better.


Secondly, At the start of your history, you say that as they were founded, there was a tyranid attack, and the chapter was quickly put to work. From what I gather, it takes quite some time for a new chapter (or a severely devastated chapter) to recruit troops to get up enough man power for such a battle as is depicted in your story. You might want to change it so that maybe 25-50 years after their founding, they were in this battle. That's just what I've gathered from fluff I've read tho, so that may not be completely accurate.


Good background, good story ;)



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Very interesting background, I enjoyed it a lot. As maggot said just tighten up some of the language used. Also, I was very intrigued on the Inquisitors. I would love to see that part of the background extended a bit.


For example, were theInquisitors ordo Xenos, ordo Herticus or Ordo Malleus? By saying they hunted down heretics and aliens is a tad confusing for me.


But nevertheless a very cool and original background. ^_^

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